imageThe Mental Recession – by Rusty Weiss

What many had assumed would be a meeting regarding New York State Sheriffs’ Association concerns about New York’s strict new gun laws, turned into a verbal scolding from the Governor which included the threat of some people’s jobs if they didn’t toe the line and shut up about the SAFE Act.   Continue reading “Coumo to State Sheriffs: Shut Up About Gun Law or Risk Termination”

Max Velocity Tactical

I had the following question as a comment by ‘APX’ on my previous post ‘Combat Rifle – Solid Basics to keep you Alive’ HERE:

APX Asks: “I have a question maybe you can help me with, occidental military doctrine is based in gaining fire superiority to allow maneuver but…What would you do if your force is unable to obtain fire superiority? How would you improve your chances?I ask this because in a SHTF situation ammo could be scarce and our team’s weapons not the best, maybe people with hunting rifles or shotguns.”   Continue reading “Follow Up: What would you do if your force is unable to obtain fire superiority?”

The New Boston Tea Party



Obama aide Dan Pfeiffer said it’s an “irrelevant fact” where the president physically was during the Benghazi terror attack on September 11, 2012:   Continue reading “This is Tyranny – Make No Mistake About It”

Activist Post – by Aaron Dykes

All would be ‘renters’ without ownership rights under this 1887 collectivist model.

In the founding creed of the Fabian Society, published circa 1887, the prestigious UK socialists behind the founding of the Labour Party set down principles against the private ownership of land and towards the formation of a global (socialist administered) commune.   Continue reading “Fabian Society: Pay for Permission to Use the Earth”

PJ Media

More whistleblowers will emerge shortly in the escalating Benghazi scandal, according to two former U.S. diplomats who spoke with PJ Media Monday afternoon.

These whistleblowers, colleagues of the former diplomats, are currently securing legal counsel because they work in areas not fully protected by the Whistleblower law.   Continue reading “Ex-Diplomats Report New Benghazi Whistleblowers with Info Devastating to Clinton and Obama”

CaliforniaAttorneyGeneralKamalaHarris0Charles Carroll Society

Good old second amendment Tuesdays. The union backed liberal Democratic (Nanny State Party) state Attorney General for California, Kamala Harris release new guidelines on Friday afternoon, right before the weekend.  In case others were not aware, California has 100% liberal union backed democrats in charge of every state-wide office.  They also have a super majority in both the state House and state Senate.  Obviously they have a liberal union backed governor.  Next time the Republicans talk to you about “taking back the white house” ask them “how are you going to take back California?”  They don’t have a clue.    This is one of the bluest states in the union.  And it is the largest state in the Union by population.   Continue reading “California outlaws all new semi-automatic handguns”

SWAT team rammed wrong man’s car, lawsuit alleges photoCaptain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith

In a slight twist of the SWAT team raids the wrong home theme, Austin American-Statesman has this report.

Driving in the early morning hours to his job at a metal shop in Buda, Miguel Montanez at first thought the approaching lights were a school bus or a tow truck.   Continue reading “SWAT Team Rams Wrong Man’s Car”


[This is a long post, on something I’ve been kicking around in my head for quite some time…  so please bear with me.  If nothing else, pull up the chair, pour a glass of wine, and I’ll hopefully give you some useful food for thought.]

“There are no ‘mitigating circumstances’ when it comes to rebellion against a liege lord.” Yoshi Toranaga   Continue reading “The ONE Mitigating Circumstance…”

kokeshajFreedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it.”

–Vladimir Lenin

I have written on the armed march that is supposedly scheduled for July 4, 2013 in Washington, D.C. as well as its organizer Adam Kokesh. In the article on Kokesh, I presented many reasons why one should be wary of him because of his political ties. In the first article I presented why one should not even think of attending his event. However, yesterday, I think it’s quite clear why one should not attend an event that Kokesh is involved in. He was arrested at a marijuana rally in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania as a crowd of people gathered to smoke pot out in the open to protest the laws in place against marijuana. While his Facebook page is claiming he is in Federal custody, no one actually knows where Kokesh is.   Continue reading “Armed March Leader Kokesh Arrested At Marijuana Rally – Real Or Staged?”

Michas-Christina-Palm-Springs-clGulag Bound – by Sher Zieve

Recently, I met a remarkable woman who has accomplished an extraordinary work in her mission toward educating the American people of a clear and present danger to their children and the methods by which said danger can be stopped.  This lady’s accomplishments speak for themselves.

BIO:   Continue reading “Behind Common Core: Forcing Marxism/Nazism on America’s Children”

NC ISAAC IconNC Renegade – by David DeGerolamo

From the Department of Homeland Security:

State and major urban area fusion centers (fusion centers) are owned and operated by state and local entities, and are designated by the governor of their state. In accordance with the Federal Resource Allocation Criteria (RAC) policy, which defines objective criteria and a coordinated approach for prioritizing the allocation of federal resources to fusion centers, the federal government recognizes these designations and has a shared responsibility with state and local governments to support the national network of fusion centers.   Continue reading “North Carolina Fusion Center – A Global Approach To A State Response”

Chicago police officers monitor a group of teens near the intersection of Chicago and Michigan Ave., in the Gold Coast neighborhood on Saturday May 18, 2013.Chicago Tribune – by Jonathan Bullington and Carlos Sadovi

Eleven juveniles and one adult were arrested last night after a large group converged near the Gold Coast and were blocking traffic, police said.

The people were arrested and charges were pending, said Chicago Police News Affairs Sgt. Antoinette Ursitti.   Continue reading “Police arrest 12 after large group converges on Gold Coast”

Micro-stamping Semi-Automatic Firearms CartridgeSHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

In a controversial move that some believe will essentially lead to a de facto ban on semi-automatic handguns, Attorney General Kamala Harris announced that, effective immediately, all new semi-automatic firearms sold in the State of California will require a unique microstamp on every shell ejected when a gun is fired.

Microstamping, or ballistic imprinting, is a technology patented in the 1990′s by engineer and NRA member Todd Lizotte. When a gun is fired, a tiny engraving on the firing pin etches a microscopic identifier onto the cartridge as it is expended by the firearm.   Continue reading “Effective Immediately: All Semi-Automatic Pistols Sold In California to Require “Micro Stamp” Ballistic Identification”

tumblr_m6gcv1vzem1rwtleeo1_500Freedom Outpost – by Leon Puissegur

Now this is one story no reporter anywhere will even consider much less write about it. But we as a nation must and should question why in the world do we elect people whose very ideology does not fit the very Constitution they took an oath to “…preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States”, yet the “Progressive Caucus, Socialist, and very Anti-United States”, hold 9 positions on the House Oversight Committee out of the 17 total positions and the “Ranking” member, Rep. Ellijah Cummings, is also a proud member of the “Socialist Party of America. What is the Democratic Socialist Party of the United States and just what do they believe in? Check out how they explain their position below.   Continue reading “The Socialists/Communists on the Oversight Committee and House of Representatives”

Activist Post – by Alec Sheer

As children, and throughout our duration in grade school, we have all been taught that bribery is not ethical, nor legal.

California, however, a state known for its eccentric lifestyle and political affairs, will be adding to its unique notoriety if its legislature chooses to pass Assembly bill (A.B.) 173.
Continue reading “California Bill to Make Bribery Legal for UC Officials Passes Through Committee”

SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

Were you to look at official government statistics that calculate our rate of price inflation for food, energy, clothing, and other consumer goods, you’d think that prices were as stable today as they were under the gold standard.

According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, the CPI (Consumer Price Index) inflation rate remains well below the Federal Reserve’s 2.5% threshold. Insofar as the government is concerned America’s core inflation rate is just 1.7%, a testament to the economic prowess of our central bank and Chairman Ben Bernanke.   Continue reading “We Have Blown The Largest Bubble In The History Of Mankind”

Hoping for a break in the stormDaily Mail – by DAVID MARTOSKO IN WASHINGTON, JAMES NYE and DANIEL BATES

President Obama humiliated the marine who he asked to hold his umbrella by making him ‘look like a butler’, a respected military general claimed today.

Thomas McInerney, a former United States Air Force Lieutenant General, said that the President showed a ‘lack of respect’ by making the soldier shelter him from a shower.   Continue reading “‘It made him look like a butler’: Retired general blasts President Obama for ordering U.S. Marine to break military rules by holding an umbrella”

Dreams10WND – by JEROME R. CORSI

NEW YORK – Amid disclosures of IRS harassment of conservatives, the maker of the controversial film “Dreams from My Real Father” now suspects he was the victim of tag-team harassment by the IRS and a leftist journalist apparently working in concert to intimidate him and his investors.   Continue reading “Anti-Obama Filmmaker Charges Harassment by IRS”