CENTRALAZBANKFDICShenandoah – by John Galt

Uh, this sounds a lot like 2008 or 2009. The Central Arizona Bank in Scottsdale, AZ did not even open THIS MORNING!!!! The bank was seized last night with little warning and instead of seizing the parent company in total (Capitol Bank Holdings, Lansing, MI) this one unit was suddenly seized Tuesday night and shut down. Something does not smell right as it has always been EXTREMELY RARE for a bank to be shut down on a weekday evening other than Fridays.   Continue reading “Holy Smokes FDIC Seizes Failed Bank in AZ on a WEDNESDAY!”

Cape Fear Arsenal, a maker of ammunition, will locate in this building on Starlight Drive that was originally home to Outer Banks.Governor Pat McCrory

Raleigh, NC– Governor Pat McCrory and North Carolina Commerce Secretary Sharon Decker announced today that Cape Fear Arsenal Inc. will locate a new manufacturing facility in Robeson County.  The company plans to create 150 jobs and invest more than $15.2 million over the next three years in Lumberton.   Continue reading “Ammunition Manufacturer to Create 150 Jobs in Robeson County, NC”

Sen. Lindsey Graham at Center of Evidence Tampering Case?American Free Press – by Pat Shannan

A civil case that is being waged in a South Carolina federal district court may expose decades-long Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) evidence tampering and perjury in numerous criminal cases. It could also affect the political career of South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey O. Graham.

Subpoenas filed in federal court in late February allege that two supposed video and audio experts for the FBI, Noel Herold and Bruce Koenig, not only lack the qualifications the FBI claims, but may have been used after their 1996 retirements to falsify evidence, which had been used to convict innocent people and to exonerate the FBI of criminal activity.   Continue reading “Sen. Lindsey Graham at Center of Evidence Tampering Case?”

Missouri Man Offers Free Land to Gun Makers in Restrictive StatesThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

“Move to Missouri!” That’s the message to gun manufacturers and distributors from Larry Pratt, the president of Gun Owners of America and Michael Evans, host of the America’s Voice Now radio show.

John Negri, a West Plains, Missouri, small business owner who listens to Evans’ show, made a remarkably generous announcement last week on the show that could make that happen.   Continue reading “Missouri Man Offers Free Land to Gun Makers in Restrictive States”

Accuracy in Media – by Alan Caruba

Native-born and naturalized Americans who are currently seeking work are already competing with illegal immigrants-a term that the Associated Press says it will no longer use-or standing in line behind them as they sign up for all manner of welfare benefits. The official estimate of the number of illegal aliens-oops, undocumented aliens-in the nation is estimated to be eleven million, but if the “Gang of Eight” amnesty bill becomes law, it will act as a magnet to attract millions more.   Continue reading “Amnesty Bill is a Massive Multi-Million Dollar Fraud”

LA Times – by Richard Winton

Six Kern County sheriff’s deputies and a sergeant, who last week were involved in a violent confrontation with a man who was struck numerous times with batons before he died, have returned to their regular jobs, officials said Tuesday.

David Sal Silva, 33, a father of four, was pronounced dead  Wednesday less than an hour after eyewitnesses reported seeing several deputies repeatedly strike the man in the head with batons as he lay on the pavement.   Continue reading “Kern County deputies involved in fatal beating are back at work”

281729_10151140545970764_1287731512_nThe Tenth Amendment Center – by William J. Watkins, Jr.

Excerpted from an  article which appeared in the Winter 1999 issue of The Independent Review

Working in complete secrecy, Jefferson drafted the Kentucky resolution of 1798 between 21 July and 26 October 1798. His original plan was for W. C. Nicholas to introduce the Resolves in North Carolina, but because of political setbacks there, Nicholas instead gave the Resolves to John Breckinridge for introduction in Kentucky. As an independent-minded frontier state, Kentucky was the perfect forum for Jefferson’s resolution. Across the state, without much prompting, citizens gathered to protest the Alien and Sedition Acts. In Lexington, five thousand people — a crowd three times the town’s population — assembled.   Continue reading “Resolutions of 1798: Guideposts of Limited Government”


The national news media haven’t discovered it, but the issue that is bringing out hundreds of citizens who never before attended political meetings is Common Core (CC). More precisely, it is the attempt of Barack Obama’s Department of Education to force all states and schools to adopt specified national education standards for each grade level that will dictate what all kids learn and don’t learn.   Continue reading “Education Dictates More Like ‘Communism Core’”

New America Now – by Joe Marshall

I have seen the story below on multiple forums and posts. I have spent some time trying to verify the source of the story, but so far I have been unable to find the original source. (Though it may be an excerpt from Selco at the SHTFschool.com)

Even though I cannot verify the facts in this story, it is still very much worth the read.   Continue reading “One Year In Hell…Lessons From A Societal Collapse”

Alt Market – by Brandon Smith

The debate over what actions actually constitute “terrorism,” I believe, will become one of the defining ideological battles of our era. Terrorism is not a word often used by common people to describe aberrant behaviors or dastardly deeds; however, it is used by governments around the world to label and marginalize political enemies. That is to say, it is the government that normally decides who is a “terrorist” and who is a mere “criminal,” the assertion being that one is clearly far worse than the other.   Continue reading “Lions And Tigers And Terrorists, Oh My!”

Shenandoah – by John Galt

There is this running theory in politics and business that if one works within the Kissinger-Rockefeller sphere of influence, that lucky soul has immunity from any event as long as the individual continues to work for the benefit of the greater globalist financial cabal. Apparently the Teflon coating is still quite intact and functional for the former Secretary of the Treasury as the scandals which happened under his watch continue to explode with fresh headlines on the front pages of newspapers and the internet on a daily basis.   Continue reading “The Rat Who Keeps Escaping Every Scandal”

james-madison-south-carolina-with-the-guy-300Tenth Amendment Center

In South Carolina, an effort is currently underway to nullify Obamacare.  The tip of the spear nationally,H3101 introduced by Representative Bill Chumley won’t totally collapse the federal act in one fell swoop. But if passed into state laws there, it will mark the beginning of the end for Obamacare if other states follow South Carolina’s lead.

This bill is so good that the George Soros-funded ThinkProgress.org has been attacking it as “an insidious new form of Obamacare nullification.”   Continue reading “South Carolina: Following James Madison’s Advice to Nullify Obamacare”

BFDFDownrange TV

Colorado Springs, CO, May14, 2013, Basic Freedom Defense Fund (BFDF) A Colorado grassroots group is heading the recall of State Senate President John Morse (D) Colorado Springs, for his “…aggressive attacks and for actively leading legislating against the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights”–Anthony Garcia, BFDF spokesman. (www.bfdf.org)

According to Garcia–”Personnel working for BFDF to help collect signatures for Senator Morse’s recall were the subject of known erroneous radio attack ads for the Morse political machine headed by Ed Hall, Chairman of the Denver Democrats and the filing agent for a recently established Morse anti-recall group called “A Whole Lot of People for John Morse.”   Continue reading “Recall of Anti-Second Amendment Colorado Senate President John Morse Gets Real Traction”

188352_5_Frontpage Mag – by Arnold Ahlert

Monday, President Obama finally addressed the Benghazi controversy, calling scrutiny of the edited talking points a “sideshow” and denying his administration was involved in a cover-up. ”If this was some effort on our part to try to downplay what had happened or tamp it down, that would be a pretty odd thing that three days later we end up putting out all the information,” Obama said. “Who executes some sort of cover-up or effort to tamp things down for three days? So the whole thing defies logic.” Equally willing to defy logic was Obama’s MSNBC whore Chris Matthews, who has been more than eager to carry water for the Obama administration. Indeed, Matthews’ coverage of the unrelenting Benghazi scandal has distinguished itself as being particularly loathsome.  Continue reading “Obama’s MSNBC Whore”

marie-antoinette-wedding-danceFrontpage Mag – by Daniel Greenfield

The United Nations, which is always thinking of helpful ways to make our lives horribly worse, has a new proposal. You’ve probably heard it already.

A new report from the UN’s Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) says Western societies should get over their “disgust” at the idea of eating bugs and join in.   Continue reading “UN Bigwigs Eat Filet Mignon and Foie Gras, Tell Everyone Else to Eat Bugs”

Hillary_Clinton_Watergate_Fired_From_StaffDigital Journal – by Johnny Simpson, April 2, 2008

The former general counsel and chief of staff of the House Judiciary Committee, who supervised Hillary during the Watergate investigation, says her history of lies and unethical behavior goes back farther – and goes much deeper – than anyone realizes.   Continue reading “Hillary Clinton Fired From Watergate Committee for Fraud, Ethics Violations”

The Captain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith

I predicted it.  Now, the L.A. Police have found a sniper rifle in the city.

Thanks to a push from local faith-based organizations and an assist from the Pasadena Police Department, 135 guns were taken off the streets Saturday at the Pasadena Area Gun Buyback and Peace-source Fair.   Continue reading “Sniper Rifle Found In L.A.”