Modern Survival  Online – by RH

The other day I watched “The Coming American Civil War” video by The Patriot Nurse. Like most of the articles and videos presented on Rourke’s website, I thoroughly enjoyed it, but it was a wakeup call for me. It got me to thinking about what I would or could be able to do in such a disastrous and potentially deadly situation. So, I started a self evaluation and jotted down my thoughts as presented below.   Continue reading “When the days of civil war and destruction arrive”

SAFE Act courtRegister Star – by Gail Heinsohn For Hudson-Catskill Newspapers

District Attorney Paul Czajka dropped a state SAFE Act charge Thursday in county district court against Hopewell Junction resident Gregory Dean Jr., who was the first person charged in the county under the controversal law since it was enacted last month.

Czajka told Town Justice Jessica Byrne that he would not prosecute the SAFE act violation.   Continue reading “D.A. drops first SAFE Act charge in county”

Zero Gov – by Steve Korenek

The International Micro-Managers of the world (whoever they are) know one thing and know it well. Gun Control is people control; and social engineering of diabolical proportions. The Rothschild money master once mused that the early British Empire on which the sun never set was indeed controlled by him through his cunning tactics of monetary manipulation.

Why change a tactic if it works everytime? Either do all of your planning in secret (Jekyll Island comes to mind) or if it must be done in the eye of the public, make certain to weave a large web of confusion and disarray under the guise of ordered thought.    Continue reading “Pulling Out the Big Guns Against Gun Control!”

OPSEC for PreppersUS Crow

The shit just hit the fan and you’re king shit with all the guns, ammo, food and water a man could need. Well, guess what danger ranger… failure to abide by these guidelines will quickly make you a target. In this guide I will outline relatively simple SOP (standard operating procedures) for survival groups who’ve advanced their level of preparation.   Continue reading “OPSEC for Preppers and Survival Groups”


In September, the U.S. government will fire into orbit a two-stage rocket from a Virginia launchpad. Officially, the mission is a scientific one, designed to improve America’s ability to send small satellites into space quickly and cheaply. But the launch will also have a second purpose: to help the elite forces of U.S. Special Operations Command hunt down people considered to be dangerous to the United States and its interests.  Continue reading “With New Mini-Satellites, Special Ops Takes Its Manhunts Into Space”

Obama demonic look 1Save America Foundation – by Simon Black, The Sovereign Man

Years ago as a young intelligence officer, I served a stint in Saudi Arabia running a team of counter-terrorism analysts and agents.

We used to have regular “threat working groups,” a fancy way of saying we would get together at the US Embassy for meetings with the embassy staff, local NSA operators, and CIA operatives working in the country under official cover.   Continue reading “Obama and his Drone policies are Sociopathic”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

On May 21, the Department of Homeland Security circulated a bulletin among federal and state law enforcement agencies warning that guns created on three-dimensional (3D) printers are probably beyond the reach of regulators.

The memo, uncovered by Fox News, said attempts to control the flow of such guns will be “useless” once “their manufacture becomes more widespread.”   Continue reading “3D Printed Guns Targeted by Homeland Security”

Chron – by MICHAEL BRICK and JIM VERTUNO, Associated Pres

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Texas schools could train teachers as armed marshals to exchange gunfire with potential attackers under a bill approved by state lawmakers and sent to Gov. Rick Perry on Wednesday, while a key lawmaker said attempts to allow concealed handgun license holders to carry their weapons into college classrooms is likely dead.   Continue reading “Lawmakers OK training Texas teachers as marshals”

Independent Journal – by Michael Miller

I wonder if Obama’s beleaguered attorney general wishes he would have followed Hillary Clinton and other departing members of the administration out the door earlier this year? Now, he may have no choice.

Attorney General Eric Holder may have lied in testimony given to Congress given earlier this month. Even if it was not under oath, the offense would be a felony subject to a maximum of five years in prison. The exchange actually happened with Hank Johnson (he of “imagine a world without balloons” and other greatest gaffe hits). This is what the memory-challenged AG had to say:   Continue reading “End Of The Line For Holder?”

The New Boston Tea Party

From the Declaration of Independence: The Right of Revolution. Politically, the most important right is the right of self-government, which the whole Declaration elaborates upon, in theory and practice. Violation of government by consent calls forth the right, if not the duty, of “the people” (not any angry individual or mob) to “alter or to abolish” a government destructive of rights and to “institute new government” that will bring about “their safety and happiness.” Throughout the Declaration we see attention to both life’s necessities (“safety” or the right to life) and highest aspirations (“happiness”).   Continue reading “The Right to Revolution”

obama youth brigadeThe Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

This will make you puke.

Reading, writing and arithmetic are out – Communist indoctrination is in!
The radical left is indoctrinating FIRST GRADERS in communist doctrine disguised as educational tools for first graders. The indoctrination is part of the Common Core curriculum for elementary students.   Continue reading “It Begins… Communist Indoctrination Included in Common Core Literature for First Graders”

Many major western cities are dangerously unstable and the slightest spark can set off rioting; it is only our present massive police resources that keeps these tendencies in check.Code Green Prep – by David Spero

We have written several times about how major population groupings (ie cities) will collapse ‘shortly’ after the essential elements of life cease to smoothly flow in to them as needed.  When there’s no water, no sewage, no food, no gas and no electricity, things will unavoidably get very nasty.

In an earlier post we suggested that cities will decay into violent anarchistic morasses within a week or two.  In that article we were deliberately trying to look at a ‘best case scenario’ (don’t laugh – the collapse of cities taking a week or two is, alas, a best case scenario!).  Our projection was based on the ‘best case’ hope that people would remain passive for a few days and it would only be when people realized no help was coming and they were starting to starve that things would turn truly nasty.   Continue reading “Cities Will Collapse Even Sooner Than We Fear”

How to Make Ammunition for PreppingUS Crow

If you’re survival minded like us you need to know how to make ammunition. If you’ve been keeping up with the news you’d know ammo is a hard thing to come by. Not only is ammunition hard to come by, but it will be exponentially harder to acquire post-disaster. With this in mind, maybe it’s time to learn the art of ammunition reloading. First and foremost you should understand the advantages and disadvantages of reloading your ammo. Don’t be a victim to erratic availability and price gouging, stay self-reliant.   Continue reading “How to Make Ammunition for Prepping”

How to Make Ballistic Plates for Body ArmorUS Crow – by CMF Contributor Barnes

Body Armor and Ballistic Plates should be standard PPE (In accordance to MOPP Standards) for your team. The presence of hostile elements in all disasters (man-made or natural) is an eternal truth. Having access to these plates will make the difference between life and death. Ideally, you want standalone ballistic plates that can be used in conjunction with a plate carrier instead of a bulletproof vest. The most basic and user-friendly way to achieve this is with heavy steel plates that have been improved.   Continue reading “How to Make Ballistic Plates for Body Armor”

Bob Owens

On its face it seems like such a laughable question, doesn’t it? Surely, no Republic would ever a elect a tyrant willing to shed the blood of it’s citizens for power.

And yet we know that this Administration has admitted to killing for Americans with drone strikes, and that has taken part in gun-smuggling schemes to arm Mexican drug cartels which predictably has resulted in the deaths of American citizens.   Continue reading “Would the Obama Administration kill for power?”

IMG_1139Warrior Talk News -by Gabe Suarez

First I want to define the difference between a Carry method from a Ready method.  A Ready can be expanded to a Ready To Shoot Position.  These are used immediately before and during the fight and share one common attribute – that they either already have the muzzle on target, or allow the quick movement of the muzzle to a target once it has been identified.

These are what the bulk of the tactical shooting community are familiar with since they comprise the starting point for all the drills commonly done in a rifle class.  But they require a focus and intensity that is short lived.  For example, one cannot maintain a modern Contact ready, nor a traditional Low Ready for a five hour hike up a mountain.   Continue reading “Rifle Carry Modes”

PractM_TP.jpgEvery Citizen a Soldier

Training and developing skills

I. “Shooting” at home

Dry fire is the single most cost and time efficient way to improve your shooting.  It is often overlooked, as it is not as “cool” as actually shooting.  But people dedicated to serious weaponcraft are apt to spend as much time dry firing their weapon as time at the range. While it is impossibly to completely simulate the feel of firing a real gun, dry fire teaches the muscle memory up to the actual squeezing of the trigger (which is the most important part.)  Dry fire training saves countless dollars in live ammo.   Continue reading “Practical Marksmanship”

American Mercenary

In Ranger school a common joke when coming to a decision point is to remind the person in a leadership position “5th Principle of Patrolling” as if that would make their life easier.   The Principles of Patrolling are not a checklist, you have to do all five at the same time.  However, the principles apply to EVERYONE on the patrol, not just leadership.  Even a rifleman should know the route, should be actively engaged in planning (even if it is just over his personal kit and duties), should know where he falls in the chain of command and be able to accomplish the mission (though I be the lone survivor).  Oh, and you get to do it all in a time crunch most of the time.   Continue reading “5 Principles of Patrolling explained, with select quotes from Patton”