Obama IRS ScandalThe New Boston Tea Party

Out of control, a nuclear experiment gone awry, radiation seeping out of the containment vessel becomes a cause for concern for the Obama propaganda team. Currently, damage control is the priority. But soon we expect a rescue mission. If not successful, the next step will be a clean up on aisle five. Right now the public relations battle is being lost. It is apparent that the administration ignores laws it sees as unjust, but enforces those that serves its cause. For instances, trying the Fort Hood Islamist killings as work place violence and on the other hand failure to prosecute the New Black Panther Party thugs for harassment; and secondly, the attempt to water-down our 2nd amendment right to bear arms.    Continue reading “Beyond the Law – Obama’s Goon Squad”

schoolNatural News – by Lance Devon

Individual liberty is being burned at the stake, as governments set fire to people natural rights. This time it has everything to do with homeschooling.

It all started in Germany. Uwe and Hannelore Romeike were raising their five children in the German state of Baden-Wurttemberg, when they decided to remove their children from the public education system.   Continue reading “Parents have no ‘right’ to homeschool their kids, says Justice Department”

The National Patriot – by Craig Andersen

The wheels are coming off the Canadian made campaign bus.

Right about now, behind the scenes, Obama has to be sweating like Kelly Pickler on Jeapordy.

The revolving door of lies is spinning like a lathe and none of what is hitting the fan is sticking to the walls enough to cover the handwriting.   Continue reading “Obama Will Not Make It Through 2nd Term”

Patriots Against the NWO – by Pete Smith

The Recipe:

1 box Borax                           $4.00

1 4 lb. box Baking Soda        $3.44

1 box Washing Soda             $3.66

3 bars Fels-Naptha Soap       $1.00 a bar

1 box of Purex Crystals         $4.00

5 1/2 cups Oxyclean (Any brand will do I used two of the dollar tree Oxy power tubs) from $2-$5   Continue reading “Homemade Dry Laundry Detergent Recipe”

Rendering of future Coast Guard headquarters, with green roof designed to capture and reuse water.CNN – by Mike M. Ahlers

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Washington notables broke ground on the future home of the Department of Homeland Security on Wednesday, symbolically starting construction on the biggest federal building project in the Washington area since the Pentagon 68 years ago.

The project will bring together more than 15,000 employees now scattered in 35 offices in the region, placing them on a 176-acre campus strewn with historic buildings in a long-neglected corner of Washington, five miles from the Capitol building.   Continue reading “Ground broken on $3.4 billion Homeland Security complex”

Buzzle – by Ujwal Deshmukh

Often people suffer from problems like pain in muscles, fungal infections, hair damage, digestion problems, feeling of tiredness, etc. To get rid of these problems, many different remedies like performing exercises, applying lotions etc. are tried. Let’s read about pure essential oils that are an effective solution to all these above mentioned problems.

Pure essential oils are concentrated liquids extracted from various parts of a tree like the leaves, bark, roots and stem by a process called distillation. Flowers also are a source of obtaining such oils. An example of this would be the cannabis flower essential oil, that is obtained from the cannabis flower. This oil is also known as the Hemp essential oil. The rinds of a ripened citrus fruit when cold-pressed yield citrus oil.   Continue reading “How to Make Essential Oils”

Agenda 21 is evilSave America Foundation – by Julie Beal

I have got a very important story to tell, so listen closely. Fed a diet of ‘alternative reactions to the mainstream news’, you probably won’t know about any of this, because it’s not had much of a public airing. The final push of Agenda 21 is to unite us all, mainstream and alternative alike – an end to the current system, and the institution of the ‘fair sounding’ new world order: green and caring.   Continue reading “Agenda 21 Redistributes WEALTH through STEALTH!”

Charles Carroll Society – by The Bard of the American Redoubt

What good can be taken away from Benghazi Libya attack, Gosnell and IRS targeting the President’s enemies? There are Patriots everywhere. These Patriots, silent existing in government offices are the only reason we know any of this.

High ranking military people were pissed that for the first time in my memory the military was ordered to leave men behind. And we did. Shame. On. Us. It does not matter if the ambassador was a sodomite and was gang-raped before he was killed, murdered and then gang-raped again. You do not murder Americans without losing your life.   Continue reading “Stuff Happens and so do Leaks”

Max Velocity Tactical

It seems a while since I last posted. I ended up taking a week off work (aka ‘real job’) and I’ve been up at the training site all week. I’m heading back out there tomorrow to do the final set-up for this weekends training.

I was just reading Mosby’s latest POST and grinning to myself. No doubt similar has been said about me: I was reflecting on the sheer amount of hard work I have been doing this week for the benefit of some good training. I have invested in some electronic pop-up targets, for a better training experience, and I was out today clearing trees and digging target holes for the jungle walk.   Continue reading “Digging Holes and Cutting Trees”

Scavenging for Survival After SHTFUS Crow

Looting, scavenging, call it what you will. When the SHTF, you might need to do a little scavenging. Scavenging after SHTF carries significant stigma, invoking your most dreaded nightmares. During man-made or natural disasters (including war), scavenging is a common occurrence.  Practicing subscribers to usCrow and other various prepper or survival websites are more prepared than others. However, even the most faithful survivalist will need to scavenge.   Continue reading “Scavenging for Survival After SHTF”

The Captain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith

At PoliceOne.com, one genius SWAT team member makes this remarkable argument.

Tactical teams seeking their terrorist prey in the greater Boston area did so in great numbers — numbers that would make military commanders in Afghanistan envious. Video footage showed the American law enforcement warrior looking for a fight.   Continue reading “The Hazards Of A Militarized Police Force”

ammunitionFox News -by Kristina Shevory

Steve Warholic spends nearly his entire workday at a Nevada ammunition store scouring the Internet, and the owner puts in even more time online. Both think they need to spend more time on the web.

They’re trying to find bullets for their customers at Stockpile Defense and the store’s sister school, where 50,000 people are trained every year in firearms handling. Shelves that once held the most popular calibers, like .22 and .45, are bare. There are waiting lists as long as two months and students are requested to bring their own ammunition. Pre-orders are no longer allowed.   Continue reading “Bullet blitz: Demand from public, government leaves ammo shelves empty”

Missouri Legislature Sends Gun Grab Nullification Bill to GovernorThe New America – by  Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

Less than one week after being passed by the state Senate, lawmakers in the Missouri state House of Representatives approved a bill protecting the right of citizens of the Show Me State to keep and bear arms. By a vote of 116-38 on May 8, the House signed off on HB 436 — the Second Amendment Preservation Act.The measure now awaits Governor Jay Nixon’s signature or veto.   Continue reading “Missouri Legislature Sends Gun Grab Nullification Bill to Governor”

This is not about alarmism …but about common sense. Only God knows what’s in our future and we only know what He’s revealed to us in His word. What we learn about our surroundings will help us to become better prepared, for whatever comes our way.

Facing the facts, and not ignoring them, is being a REALIST, which is a much better term than being a prepper or survivalist. The video below is designed to make people think. The events occurring now are warning signs of things to come in the days a head.

We know this much, for God’s word tells us this. (Luke 21. 5-38) Whatever happens, may or may not happen this year, or even at all, in our lifetime. But the question remains. What would you do, if and when it does?   Continue reading “Being a Realist”