Boston Marathon Bombings: Questions Remain UnansweredThe New American – by Thomas R. Eddlem

The motive behind the April 15 twin bombings at the Boston Marathon, which killed at least three and injured more than 175, remains shrouded in mystery as of Tuesday afternoon. Although law enforcement officials reportedly have a Saudi national in custody as a “person of interest,” it remains unclear whether the bombings are an act of terrorism or simply the actions of a lone insane bomber without political motivation. The bombings apparently included a pressure cooker in a backpack, with some type of ball bearing or other shrapnel in it.   Continue reading “Boston Marathon Bombings: Questions Remain Unanswered”

showgirlFreedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

Back at the beginning of April, Freedom Outpost reported on New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s ads that he was airing across several states, including the South to the tune of $12 million! Well now a millionaire patriot has put out his own video in response to Bloomberg’s which promotes gun safety and the skills needed to handle a firearm properly and effectively.   Continue reading “Millionaire Patriot Calls Bloomberg An “Idiot” Then Puts Out His Own Pro-Gun Ad”

After Gold Crash, Experts Point to Central Bank ManipulationThe New American – by Alex Newman

In the wake of gold prices cratering in recent days, more than a few prominent experts have already started pinning the blame on Western central banks — especially the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank (ECB). According to numerous analysts, the central bankers are desperate to salvage their fiat currencies and eliminate competition as “monetary authorities” continue to create ever-greater quantities of euros and dollars out of thin air.    Continue reading “After Gold Crash, Experts Point to Central Bank Manipulation”

Deseret News – by Jay Lindsay

BOSTON — The bombs that ripped through the crowd at the Boston Marathon, killing three people and wounding more than 170, were fashioned out of pressure cookers and packed with metal shards, nails and ball bearings to inflict maximum carnage, a person briefed on the investigation said Tuesday.

The details on the apparently crude but deadly explosives emerged as investigators appealed to the public for amateur video and photos that might yield clues to who carried out the attack. The chief FBI agent in Boston vowed “we will go to the ends of the Earth” to find those responsible.   Continue reading “Boston bombs said to be made from pressure cookers packed with shards of metal, nails and ball bearings”

obama-600Occupy Corporatism – by Susanne Posel

In 2009, President Obama signed executive order“Amending Executive Order 12425” which designated INTERPOL “as a public international organization entitled to enjoy certain privileges, expectations and immunities.”

Under Section 1 of the “International Organizations Immunities Act” (IOIA) the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) redefines “international organization” as a “public international organization in which the United States participates pursuant to any treaty or under the authority of any Act of Congress authorizing such participation or making an appropriation for such participation, and which shall have been designated by the President through appropriate Executive order as being entitled to enjoy the privileges, exemptions, and immunities.”   Continue reading “Has Obama Designated INTERPOL As His Private International Army?”

(Photo by Alex Trautwig/Getty Images) The Intel Hub – by JG Vibes

As we reported earlier today two explosions occurred at the Boston marathon, after the race had already finished, causing panic and chaos, leaving at least two dead and dozens injured.  Just hours after the bombings, police are now being deployed in major cities all over the planet, and are likely to harass anyone who gets in their way.   Continue reading “Massive Police Presence in Major Cities Worldwide Following Boston Marathon Bombing”

The National Patriot – by Craig Andersen

Well…Apparently I am an “extreme fringe conservative” and I suspect I am not alone. In fact, I KNOW I’m not alone.

I’m in good company.

Our founders and framers started the club so I am far from being a charter Member.

James Madison, “extremist” that HE was penned the Bill of Rights but, what was WRITTEN by Madison, presented to the 1st United States Congress and adopted by the House in 1789 and then ratified by a vote of 2/3 of the states in 1791 was actually endowed us by the Creator.   Continue reading “NY Starts Burning the Constitution TODAY!!”

(Image credit: @JackieBrunoNECN)End the Lie – by Madison Ruppert

Despite the massive lack of information – and a great deal of misinformation – about the Boston Marathon bombings (over a dozen updates at that link), baseless accusations have been made by media talking heads about the people or group behind the attack.

Meanwhile, President Barack Obama has said that the individuals or entity behind the bombings “will feel the full weight of justice.”   Continue reading “Boston Marathon bombing roundup: Obama vows ‘will feel the full weight of justice’ as accusations fly”

American Thinker – by Jonathan F. Keiler

If you want to see how firearm sales can be effectively banned, look no farther than the so-called “free state” of Maryland.  Although Maryland’s newly promulgated “assault gun” ban and licensing requirements will not go into effect until October, it is already nearly impossible to reasonably purchase a pistol or other “regulated” weapon in the state, and those who do face waiting periods of 50-60 days and increasing daily.    Continue reading “Maryland’s Second Amendment Nightmare: Coming Soon to a State Near You?”

Max Velocity Tactical

There have been some recent very useful articles about packing rucks and living in the field from both Mountain Guerrilla HERE and American Mercenary HERE. They spurred me to write a post of my own on the subject, and I have also been asked for my own comments. So here you go:   Continue reading “Gear, Rucks & Living in the Field”

SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

As of this print the price of gold is reaching fresh two year lows, down nearly 25% from its all time high just six months ago. Though uninformed onlookers and financial pundits may see this as the popping of the proverbial gold bubble, the velocity and scale of the take-down in precious metals suggests that there is a massive assault in the works. According to former Assistant Treasury Secretary Paul Craig Roberts, last Friday’s price drop was the result of some 500 tons of gold being dumped onto paper markets, an amount equal to about $25 Billion dollars worth of the metal. Likewise, silver saw a similar dump and price drop. Moreover, the very same thing is taking place this morning, suggesting that some very large and influential market makers are involved.   Continue reading “Flashback: Warning: “Watch The Metals, When They Dip. It Will Be A Good Indication That Things Are About To Happen.””

The Captain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith

I asked my former Marine son Daniel if the Marine Corps taught him to shoot uphill.  He has in fact shot at ranges with elevations before, but mostly there was little formal instruction, even for designated marksmen like he was (other than things like Kentucky Windage type adjustments).  I suppose that Scout Snipers go through some sort of training on shooting up or down elevations, but most Marines do not.  I have also talked with our reader Jean (who commanded troops in N2K), and there was no particular training for Soldiers to teach them how to target Taliban up a hill.   Continue reading “Shooting Uphill”

Help Oath Keepers become a household name for millions of NASCAR fans and help them expand their influence.Examiner – by David Codrea

“Let freedom roar on the track,” Oath Keepers proclaims in a new effort designed to spread public awareness of the group and its mission in a big way. “Help us put an Oath Keepers car on the NASCAR track, driven by Jeffrey Earnhardt!”   Continue reading “Oath Keepers off to races as NASCAR examines sponsorships”

Poster_Common_Core_ComIn_Core.jpgThe People’s Cube – Nomenklatura-climber

Dear Comrades,

Young Socialists across the USSA are noticing that the Department of Education and Indoctrination’s new Communist International Core State Standards Initiative, known as ‘Comintern Core’ or ‘ComIn Core,’ is being implemented across all administrative districts.

As students gather for mandatory education programs, they are learning not only about reading and writing, but also about the value of community and the necessity of Socialism for the survival of mankind.    Continue reading “ComIn Core Being Implemented in All USSA Schools”