gunNatural News – by Mike Adams

A civil war looks likely to break out in America, and it will pit gun rights advocates (people who love liberty) against gun control zealots (people who hate freedom and love tyranny). The battle lines are being drawn right now as gun manufacturers are leaving anti-Constitution states like Connecticut and Colorado and relocating to pro-Constitution states like Texas and Arizona.   Continue reading “Civil war battle lines being drawn as Magpul, Colt, Beretta and other gun manufacturers relocate to pro-Constitution states”

DronesThe Tenth Amendment Center – by Andrew Napolitano

Does the government work for us, or do we work for the government? How can the president claim the lawful power to kill whomever he wishes and at the same time ask Congress to incapacitate our ability to defend ourselves against those who might seek to kill us?

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul struck a raw nerve in the weak underbelly of the Obama administration last month with his 13-hour filibuster. Paul was furious — as every American should be — that the president refused to admit that he does not possess the lawful authority to kill Americans with drones. The senator used the confirmation hearings of now CIA Director John Brennan as a forum in which to articulate the principled constitutional argument that whenever the government wants the life, liberty or property of anyone, it can only obtain that via due process.   Continue reading “Drones, Guns and the President”

Last Resistance – by Bradley Dean

“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.”
– Harry Truman, in a speech opposing communism   Continue reading “Impeach Eric Holder, repeat offender”

TL in Exile – by TL Davis

There is nothing left to wait for. The Feds have made their moves already and where federal legislation may not work, they have gone into the states, Missouri for example. They are coming every day in every state in different ways.

The revolution from individual freedom and personal responsibility has taken place. The ideals of liberty are gone. The concept of collectivism has permeated everything that was America and destroyed it.   Continue reading “The Counter Revolution”

Bob Owens

Yeah, so all the unicorns and rainbows I was trying to salvage yesterday withunwarranted optimism over the possibilities of what could be done with the Senate gun control bill?

Flush it:   Continue reading “Schumer-Toomey-Manchin gun bill allows the creation of federal gun registry”

News Max – by Bill Hoffman

The Gun Owners of America is planning a campaign to boot Sen. Pat Toomey out of office, charging the Pennsylvania lawmaker betrayed his conservative base by supporting expanded background checks.

“We have exactly 3½ years to do this and we’re going to take it very seriously. We’re going to try to hold him accountable,’’ Larry Pratt, executive director of the advocacy group, told Newsmax TV’s “The Steve Malzberg Show.’’   Continue reading “Gun Owners of America Director: Boot Toomey Out of Office”

Litchfield County Times – by STEPHEN SINGER

NEW BRITAIN, Conn. (AP) — A Connecticut gun-maker announced on Wednesday it intends to leave the state, just six days after passage of restrictive gun control legislation, while two other manufacturers said they are considering relocation offers from other states.

Manufacturers also plan to lobby the state’s congressional delegation next week “to make sure they hear from our side,” said Mark Malkowski, president of Stag Arms in New Britain.   Continue reading “Bristol Maker of Military-Style Rifles Leaving Connecticut After Gun Law Passage”

Quarry Nildram – by Anthony G Williams

The sniper is the most efficient of soldiers. The current military emphasis on firepower, combined with the use of deterrent suppressive fire, has seen the number of small arms rounds fired per casualty inflicted rise from several hundred at the start of this century to tens if not hundreds of thousands in modern high-intensity conflicts. Through all this, snipers have maintained a rate of approximately 1.3 rounds per casualty.   Continue reading “Cartridges for Silenced Sniper Rifle”

The Captain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith

The Toomey (R) – Manchin (D) deal is said to involve gives and takeaways to gun owner rights.  But David Addington at Heritage has written a smart analysis of at least one peril that America faces with the plan.

The STM bill fuzzes up the law prohibiting a federal gun registry. First, the legislation says that nothing in the legislation shall be construed to allow establishment of a federal firearms registry. In addition, it says that the Attorney General may not consolidate or centralize records of firearms acquisition and disposition maintained by licensed importers, manufacturers, and dealers, and by buyers and sellers at gun shows (and makes it a crime for him to do so).   Continue reading “The Coming Federal Gun Registry”

manuel martinezFreedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

Manuel Martinez, born in Cuba, escaped the brutal Communist regime in Cuba in 1954. On Friday, he saw the face of Communists in America in Salem, Oregon as he addressed, without teleprompter or notes, gun grabbing bureaucrats, including Committee Leader Floyd Prozansky. Pointing a finger as Prozanksy, he declared, “You don’t know what freedom is because you never lost it!”

Mr. Martinez’s passionate testimony included how citizens under Castro were first disarmed by legislation similar to that being pushed along by Floyd Prozanski. This left many Cuban Citizens defenseless, who were later summarily slaughtered.   Continue reading “Communist Survivor Calls Out Gun Grabbing Democrats As Communists”

org-resistGuerrillamerica – by John Mosby

Resistance movements generally begin with the desire of individuals or small groups of individuals to remove intolerable conditions imposed by an unpopular regime. Opposition towards the regime and hatred of existing conditions that conflict with the individual’s or the group’s values, interests, and way of life spread from the individual (or group of individuals comprising the group) to family, close friends, and neighbors. This can result in an entire community cohering in an obsessive hatred for an established regime.   Continue reading “The Formation and Organization of Resistance Movements”

dronehuntingGuerrillamerica – by John Mosby

“Technology is a product of human ingenuity. If one man can imagine something, I guarantee you that another man, somewhere, can imagine a way to f**k it up.”  –SSG John Mosby, U.S. Army Special Forces, northern Afghanistan, 2002

Perhaps the single most critical tactical advantage that conventional security forces hold over resistance guerrilla elements is the air threat. The ability to project force through close-air support (CAS) via ground-attack fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft, as well as the growing application of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)/”drones,” is a dangerous threat to irregular forces. The unavailability of traditional anti-aircraft weapons such as surface-to-air missiles (SAM) and anti-aircraft artillery, in any useful number, serves as a demoralizing impediment for potential future American guerrillas.   Continue reading “Defending the Aerial Threat with Small Arms”

Bob Owens

The bloody-shirt waving fascist in the White House is going to make the United States more dangerous with the unconstitutional gun control he’s pushing on Capitol Hill.

Don’t take my word for it.   Continue reading “Cops: Obama’s gun control fetish will make America more dangerous”

DSCN6764Warrior Talk News – by JD Lester

Previously I wrote on the techniques for individual movement that we might be required to use during rural patrolling. I will expand on some of the factors that affect IMT as well as some other points of consideration in this article.

Volume and Effectiveness of Enemy Fire – IMT is not always used due to volume and effectiveness of enemy fire. It can be used both reactive and also proactive, I covered the reactive use in the last article so this time we will concern ourselves with the proactive use of the techniques.    Continue reading “Individual Movement Techniques for Rural Patrolling”

Zero Gov – by Joshua Van Buskirk

Resistance is not a new part of the human experience. Resisters have challenged the meddlers of the world for as long as anyone has asserted authority where it ought not be asserted. Those that challenge the meddler known as the state have several unique qualities that enable them to resist and, in many cases, win against overwhelming odds. The principles that make resisters successful are critical thinking, forcing the enemy to fight on the resister’s terms, exposing the vulnerability of the state, and economic sustainability.   Continue reading “Profiles in Resistance: The Calculus of Defiance”

Bob Owens

Why isn’t former astronaut Mark Kelly, husband of former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, facing criminal charges for gun crimes?

In March, he attempted to purchase a firearm in Arizona with a Texas-issued ID. He was denied. Thirteen days later he came back into the same Tucson, Arizona store with an Arizona ID to purchase a pair of weapons.   Continue reading “Why isn’t former astronaut Mark Kelly in jail for gun crimes?”

The drool-worthy PTR Classic Wood.Bob Owens

While I’ve never had the extra coin laying around to pick up a .308 battle rifle, I’ve always had my eye on the G3-based rifles from PTR Industries (PTR stands for Precision Tactical Rifles). Now that I know the company has integrity, they just moved up my buy list:   Continue reading “Later, fascists: .308 precision rifle manufacturer PTR leaves Connecticut”

A U.S. soldier on the range with an M-16 assault rifle.World Tribune

ABU DHABI — Kuwait has reported the theft of a massive amount of U.S. weapons.

The Interior Ministry said thieves broke into a warehouse and stole a huge amount of firearms and ammunition. The ministry said 20,000 U.S.-origin M-16 assault rifles and 15,000 rounds for 9mm pistols were stolen.   Continue reading “20,000 U.S. M-16s stolen from unguarded warehouse in Kuwait”