Code Talking MILITIA COMSEC Viginere CipherUS Crow – by Ron Hardin

Throughout the Nation today the Militias are forming. They are ceasing to be rag tag strangely dressed guys and gals sitting around discussing what they will do when TSHTF. Today’s Militia are becoming tactically proficient, hard charging, maneuver units with a mission. The more people you put under arms the more communications are needed. Secure Communications that is.   Continue reading “Code Talking using the Vigenere Cipher Method”

Senior Militia MembersUS Crow – by Ron Hardin

Many things effect our ability to do certain things. However nothing stops us from doing what is right. When we see our nation making wrong turns we feel that sense of dread creep up in our hearts. Well today is one of those days.

This nation is rocking along on a flat tire on it’s way to another unwanted war. No! I am not talking about the insane movements our Commander in Thief is making in Europe, Middle East, and Asia. I am talking about the rise of anger among our people over the insidious taking of our liberties. Those who have had the duty to serve in other places in combat know we don’t want to see that here in our backyard, but the alternatives are not any better.   Continue reading “Come on Down! Senior Militia Members”

NAFTA LogoThe Economic Collapse – by Michael Snyder

Back in the early 1990s, the North American Free Trade Agreement was one of the hottest political issues in the country.  When he was running for president in 1992, Bill Clinton promised that NAFTA would result in an increase in the number of high quality jobs for Americans that it would reduce illegal immigration.  Ross Perot warned that just the opposite would happen.  He warned that if NAFTA was implemented there would be a “giant sucking sound” as thousands of businesses and millions of jobs left this country.  Most Americans chose to believe Bill Clinton.  Well, it is 20 years later and it turns out that Perot was right and Clinton was dead wrong.  But now history is repeating itself, and most Americans don’t even realize that it is happening.  As you will read about at the end of this article, Barack Obama has been negotiating a secret trade treaty that is being called “NAFTA on steroids”, and if Congress adopts it we could lose millions more good paying jobs.   Continue reading “NAFTA Is 20 Years Old – Here Are 20 Facts That Show How It Is Destroying The Economy”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

The leader of the New Black Panthers is instigating more violence in Ferguson, following the shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown and the Federal Bureau of Investigations says it is concerned.

Fox St. Louis reports:

The FBI is concerned members of the New Black Panther Party are in Ferguson and advocating violence against police. Continue reading “Obama’s DOJ Silent as New Black Panthers Leader Incites Violence in Ferguson”

'Keeping the peace' in Ferguson, MOExaminer – by Kurt Hofmann

In the wake of the police killing of unarmed, 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri (a suburb of St. Louis), outraged protestors suspect that Brown’s capital “crime” was “walking while black.” Meanwhile, the tactics used to suppress the protests have been more appropriate for an occupying army than for “peace officers” with the mission to “protect and serve” their communities. From establishing a “no-fly zone” over Ferguson, to journalists tear gassed and arrested, to deploying snipers and armored fighting vehicles, U.S. troops in Afghanistan could hardly ask for looser rules of engagement than the “public servants” of Ferguson are enjoying.   Continue reading “‘Government monopoly on force,’ as demanded by CSGV, on display in Ferguson, MO”

The Captain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith

Politicus USA:

The Three Percenter Club’s imagination is as vivid as the Oathkeepers, and claims its make-believe army is made up of members who have been given “the capabilities and resources necessary to execute Military Strategies to defend against foreign and domestic enemies;” like child refugees and the United States government. Apparently, the Three Percenter club devised its name from “the 3% of colonist (sic) who refused orders by the British Crown to surrender their firearms in the American Revolution.” Continue reading “The Three Percenter’s Make-Believe Army”

Zero Gov – by Bill Buppert

The days of Mayberry RFD are long over and done with. The police serve and protect the rulers and no one else.

Frequent visitors to my site know that cops are a favorite topic here. No political bad actor can possibly deny the freedom of one human being absent the police enforcement mechanism to do so. Police have been and remain the primary existential threat to human liberty; all on display in the latest clown posse shenanigans in Missouri. The huge statist police occupation of America is Exhibit A of how important that maxim seems to be to the powers that be. The latest mischief by the law enforcers in Ferguson, MO point to some systematic and oft-repeated concerns about police brutality, quickness to violence and secure blanket immunity to ensure that bad cops (is there any other?) evade punishment for crimes that would put the taxpaying proles in the hoosegow.   Continue reading “An Intrusion of Coproaches: Sheriff Andy is Shown the Door”

Last Resistance – by Onan Coca

Guest host on MSNBC’s the Ed Show, Michael Eric Dyson, took time to tell his audience that President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder would be perfect for the Supreme Court.

Blech.   Continue reading “MSNBC Host Eric Dyson says Obama and Holder would be “Great Choices” for the Supreme Court”

Liberty or LawsMilitia News – by Gary Hunt

Who will fire the first shot? Who can fire the first shot? Contemplation of these questions causes me to recall a situation, many years ago, when I was first confronted with the thought of aiming, squeezing, and taking the life of another human being. It is not difficult to recall that memory, as it is one that will stay with me the rest of my life; that thought and that first time that I did aim, squeeze and fire.   Continue reading “Liberty or Laws? Jealously Guard Our Liberties”

Militia in DefenseMilitia News – by Gary Hunt

Prior to the Constitution, under the Articles of Confederation, each State (nation) had a right to defend its borders. The Articles created a collective pursuit of defense of borders against the British.

With the ratification of the Constitution, there was a greater consolidation of the collective into a Union. It also imposed upon that Union an obligation to protect each State against invasion, first, within the Powers of the Congress:   Continue reading “The American Militia in Defense of the State”

View image on TwitterTech Dirt – by Mike Masnick

We’ve been debating internally whether or not to cover the mess that is currently going on in Ferguson, Missouri. There has been plenty of attention paid to the protests and the failures by police there — and we frequently cover problems with police, as well as the militarization of police, which was absolutely on display in Ferguson (if you’ve been under a rock, police killed an unarmed teenager there last week, leading to protests over the past few days — and the police have been handling the situation… poorly, to say the least). Continue reading “SWAT Team Shows Up In Ferguson, Detains Reporters Live Tweeting Their Actions”

Canada Free Press – by Judi McLeod

In the massive loss of freedoms and individual rights of the population during President Barack Obama’s almost complete Fundamental Transformation of America, who would notice that leaders of the U.S. military are now working against We the People?

It isn’t the rank and file working against the people but some of their top Commanders.   Continue reading “Military Leaders Turning Against We the People?”

WEB Commentary – by Sher Zieve

I knew this day was coming and have even written about it in past years’ columns. It was a fait accompli when Barack Hussein Obama entered what was once our White House and only a matter of time until he implemented this Orwellian portion of his program. We are already being called racists if we object to having our country invaded by foreign entities; many of whom are diseased, many gang-banger murderers including the infamous MS-13 Latin gang and Islamist terrorists. So, soon the inevitable devolution into the following will be a reality: If you object to your own death at the hands of the illegals’ diseases, you are a racist…and probably white. Continue reading “It’s Racist to Not Die for Obama”

The Savage Long Range Hunter in .338 with a Lucid L5 scope.Guns America – by Devin Standard

I just checked on-line. A Savage Model 111 Long Range Hunter Rifle chambered in .300 Win Mag with a 26″ Barrel and equipped with an AccuTrigger, an AccuStock, and an adjustable comb, sells for $863. A Lucid L5 6x-24 50MM Rifle Scope can be found for $327. Yours Truly is no super sniper, military or law enforcement high-speed, low-drag, kind of guy, but I can consistently hit targets out to one mile with this set-up. This means you can too! And if you are a really disciplined shooter, your results should be phenomenal. This changes everything.   Continue reading “Shoot one mile for just over one grand”

Ebola Vaccine - Public DomainThe American Dream – by Michael Snyder

As the Ebola death toll rises and as images of bodies being abandoned in the streets of Liberiaare broadcast around the globe, there has been a growing outcry for the scientific community to “do something” about this deadly virus.  And as luck would have it, there is an “experimental Ebola vaccine” that is ready to be tested on humans next month.  If Ebola starts to spread outside of Africa, and especially if it starts spreading inside the United States, people will be absolutely clamoring to get this vaccine.  But will it be safe?  And there will certainly be millions of people that do not want to take this vaccine under any circumstances.  If the outbreak gets bad enough, will it be made mandatory at some point?  If they do make it mandatory for all Americans to take an Ebola vaccine, what will you do?    Continue reading “What Will You Do If They Make It Mandatory For All Americans To Take An Ebola Vaccine?”

Yahoo News – by Emily Schmall

FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) — One of the largest ranches in the U.S. and an icon for Texas horse and cattlemen has been listed for $725 million, marking the end of a decades-long courtroom battle among the heirs of cattle baron W.T. Waggoner, who established the estate in 1923.

The estate includes the 510,000-acre ranch spread over six North Texas counties, with two main compounds, hundreds of homes, about 20 cowboy camps, hundreds of quarter-horses, thousands of heads of cattle, 1,200 oil wells and 30,000 acres of cultivated land, according to Dallas-based broker Bernie Uechtritz, who is handling the sale along with broker Sam Middleton of Lubbock.   Continue reading “Waggoner Ranch, among US’ largest, listed for sale”

Castle Door FortificationUS Crow – by Ron Hardin

We recently read a great article here on beefing up our castles, and making preps for unsolicited Intrusions by LEO’s, and other scalawags. I want to push this up a notch further along.

When Daniel Boone built his cabin over in western North Carolina, and Kentucky he had a distinct advantage over our homes today. He sunk two hefty tree trunks into 4 foot holes and loaded rock and sand to hold them in place. Then he added water, and grease, and using a level set them in place for keeps. Your door is not so secure as his was though.   Continue reading “Safe Talker’s Castle Doors”