Article_landing_pistolxx_12877Bearing Arms – by Bob Owens

Well now, this isn’t going to go over well at the criminal’s next union meeting:

An assailant died this week when his cohort’s gun discharged while the cohort pistol-whipped a man on Detroit’s west side, George Hunter reports in the Detroit News. Continue reading “Detroit Thug Offs Partner When Gun Fires As He Pistol-Whips Victim”

Photo - Washington Examiner – by Paul Bedard

In his highly anticipated new book and movie “America,” conservative author Dinesh D’Souza is warning that Hillary Clinton won’t be a clone of her moderate husband, but will instead take the baton from President Obama to continue radicalizing the country and “undo the nation’s founding ideals.”

“America — Imagine a World Without Her,” published by Regnery and set for release Monday, charges that as students of radical organizer Saul Alinsky, Obama and Clinton could have enough time to “unmake and then remake America” into a nation the founding fathers wouldn’t recognize.   Continue reading “Dinesh D’Souza’s ‘America’ warns Hillary Clinton will ‘finish off’ the country”

Black ViolenceMilitia News – by Colin Flaherty

Black Beach Week used to get all the glory: Every Memorial Day weekend, 300,000 black people gathered in Miami Beach to get their freak on. And also create a tsunami of violence, robbery, shootings, carjackings, vandalism, mayhem, noise and trash.

But this year, many party-goers complained that Black Beach Week — only reporters call it “Urban Beach Week” — just wasn’t as much fun any more: Too many cops, tactical vehicles, helicopters, lights, towers, cameras, suspicion. Not enough chaos.   Continue reading “Widespread Memorial Day Black Violence Ignored by National Media”

Littlefield Military AuctionYahoo Autos – by Marco R. della Cava

Jacques Mequet Littlefied did not live an exceptionally long life, dying of cancer in 2009 at age 59. But the independently wealthy San Francisco Bay Area collector did live a wonderfully eclectic life, amassing over some four decades one of the world’s biggest collections of rolling armor. Yup, tanks. And a few other related things, including SCUD missiles, amphibious personnel carriers and anti-tank guns.

It is safe to say that not outside of an actual war is one likely to find anything quite like The Littlefield Collection, 280 largely restored relics from a range of armed conflicts. While 80 of Littlefield’s prized items are destined for The Collings Foundation in Stow, Mass., a museum dedicated to the preservation of such fare, 200 lots go under Auctions America’s hammer July 11-12 at Littlefield’s former home-cum-museum in Portola Valley, Calif., just south of San Francisco.    Continue reading “Rare sale of 200 WWII-era military vehicles offers tanks for the memories”

oilNatural News

Oil pulling is a process of swishing an edible oil around the mouth for between 10 and 20 minutes, ideally upon awakening, for detoxification purposes. Its origins lie in the Ayurveda, the ancient healing system of India, and countless people from all backgrounds swear by it. In fact, if one believes the online reports written by those with first-hand experience of oil pulling, there doesn’t seem to be any condition that it can’t at least improve.    Continue reading “Studies show that oil pulling can kill harmful bacteria in the mouth”

crime-sceneMemory Hole

Updated 5/29/14, 12:02AM ET: SB Police dispatch audio indicates “two suspects in custody with gunshot wounds.”

Frequently initial eyewitness accounts of violent crime scenes prove especially helpful for independent researchers to piece together what actually may have transpired. For example, in the aftermath of the major political assassinations of the late 1960s, the Oklahoma City Murrah Federal Building bombing, or more recent mass shootings such as Tucson, Aurora, and Sandy Hook, subsequent official accounts of potential culprits can vary significantly from those of first-hand witnesses.    Continue reading “Eyewitnesses: Two Shooters Involved in UCSB Massacre”

downloadJoin Pastor Brooks this week as we continue to examine

“The Events Of The Tribulation” – Coming Near You –

Revelation 6.12-17 / The Opening of The Sixth Seal

The Effects of God’s Wrath Upon The Universe

The Effects of God’s Wrath Upon The People

The Reason For The Catastrophes And The Panic Of Men   Continue reading “Join us for the Liberty Bible Hour”

SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

In the wake of the most recent mass killing tragedy in California, politicians and anti-gun advocates have come out of the woodwork in an effort to use these events as an opportunity to further their agenda.

As evidence of this look no further than the recent statements by Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal on Face the Nation.   Continue reading “Joe the Plumber: “As Harsh as This Sounds – Your Dead Kids Don’t Trump My Constitutional Rights””

The Patriot Post

A severely disturbed young man in Isla Vista, California, murdered six and wounded seven this weekend. He sought “retribution” for perceived social slights, mainly from women. Half of his victims were stabbed, others were shot and two of the wounded he hit with his car. Yet news reports refer to him only as a “gunman” in order to serve a political agenda. He used a knife, a car, a legally purchased handgun and he had only 10-round magazines (41 of them). Predictably, it took no time at all for shameless gun grabbers to call for action – against guns, not knives.   Continue reading “Knifeman Murders Six”

Violence In The Face Of Tyranny Is Often NecessaryMilitia News – by Brandon Smith

It was the winter of 1939, only a few months earlier the Soviet Union and Hitler’s Third Reich had signed a partially secret accord known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact; essentially a non-aggression treaty which divided Europe down the middle between the fascists and the communists. Hitler would take the West, and Stalin would take the East. Stalin’s war machine had already steamrolled into Latvia. Lithuania, and Estonia. The soviets used unprecedented social and political purges, rigged elections, and genocide, while the rest of the world was distracted by the Nazi blitzkrieg in Poland. In the midst of this mechanized power grab was the relatively tiny nation of Finland, which had been apportioned to the communists.    Continue reading “Violence In The Face Of Tyranny Is Often Necessary”

USA Freedom Act Gutted Before House Passage; Heads to SenateThe New American – by Thomas R. Eddlem

The USA Freedom Act — written in its original form by Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) and designed to ban the omnipresent collection of private U.S. citizens’ data by the NSA without a judicial warrant — was passed in gutted form May 22. The act is likely to be further watered down as it heads to the Senate, as senators have generally been less skeptical of warrantless surveillance of Americans than have members of the House.   Continue reading “USA Freedom Act Gutted Before House Passage; Heads to Senate”

Obama's Constitutional Balance of Powers.Militia News – by Chris Banescu

President “I am not a dictator” Obama, the same man who once bemoaned that the U.S. Constitution is deeply flawed and America’s Founding Fathers had “an enormous blind spot” when they wrote it, is again complaining that our Constitutional Republic does not satisfy his dictatorial aspirations. Apparently, the inconvenience of having each state represented equally in the Senate is inconveniencing his ability to shove his leftist personal agenda down the throat of Congress and the American people.   Continue reading “Obama Unhappy with America’s Constitutional Balance of Powers”