111413_2244_WarHeroCons1.jpgFreedom Outpost – by Joshua Cook

I first broke the news that Lt. Col. Bill Connor was considering running against Sen. Lindsey Graham. This week Bill Connor officially announced his candidacy at a Veteran’s Day event for the Myrtle Beach Tea Party.

According to Connor’s official Facebook page, he is a resident of Orangeburg, S.C. He is a decorated Army Reserve LT. Colonel (Airborne Ranger), and is an expert in counterinsurgency combat.   Continue reading “Decorated Airborne Ranger Bill Connor Jumps in Race for Lindsey Graham’s Senate Seat”

Communist Chinese Troops on U.S. Soil for “Exchange” MissionThe New American – by Alex Newman

Following a recent uproar surrounding the Obama administration’s hosting of Russian airborne terror troops for joint drills with U.S. military forces in Colorado, outrage is growing about the latest scandal involving foreign forces on American soil. This week, reportedly for the first time ever, soldiers for the mass-murdering Communist Party regime ruling mainland China have been working on “disaster management” with American troops on U.S. soil — supposedly for “humanitarian” purposes. Western analysts and commentators expressed alarm over the developments, but the ruthless dictatorship in Beijing touted the scheme widely across its propaganda organs.      Continue reading “Communist Chinese Troops on U.S. Soil for “Exchange” Mission”

DHS Creates New Fusion Centers, Taking Control of Local PoliceThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, Jr.

As the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) doles out billions of dollars to convince local police departments to surrender control to the federal agency, a recent report indicates that intelligence gathered at precincts-cum-surveillance-centers will be shared among all levels of law enforcement.

An article published by Fierce Homeland Security on November 4 reports:   Continue reading “DHS Creates New Fusion Centers, Taking Control of Local Police”

TREASON - Valerie JarrettMilitia News – by Kris Zane

According to the Conservative Report and as reported on by Rush Limbaugh, when Obama disappeared for eight hours during the September 11, 2012 attack on the Benghazi consulate, Valerie Jarrett took charge and may actually have given the stand down order.

We know that an email was sent at 6:07 p.m. Washington time to the White House Situation Room stating that the al-Qaeda-linked group Ansar al-Sharia was taking credit for the attack.   Continue reading “TREASON: Valerie Jarrett’s Stand Down Order.”

History of Political CorrectnessMilitia News

The origins of “political correctness” or “cultural Marxism” can be found in the early parts of the 20th century from the Frankfurt School, which was the headquarters for the Communists scheming in Germany. Max Horkheimer, T.W. Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Leo Lowenthal, and Erich Fromm were all there.

The role of the Frankfurt School is creating the victim groups that constitutes the politically correct coalition.   Continue reading “The History of Political Correctness”

Fox News – by Brian Kilmeade

Every era has its heroes—a handful of names that stand out as the masterminds and superhuman workhorses, names that immediately invoke iconic images and harrowing tales.

The history of the American Revolution has an especially rich roll-call of heroes: George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Betsy Ross, Paul Revere, Nathan Hale.    Continue reading “Six secret heroes of the American Revolution whose names you should finally know”

https://i0.wp.com/www.civilwarmarkers.com/images/Misc/Bryan/GHC02%201.JPG?resize=269%2C187Free North Carolina

Like the vastly outnumbered Texans’ at the Alamo, and similar to Col. William Lamb’s vastly outnumbered and outgunned North Carolinians at Fort Fisher the following month, Fort McAllister’s garrison was fighting an enemy seventeen times their own strength.  As is common today, Southern defenders are often termed as merely “Confederates” rather than identified as mostly local men defending their homes, farms, families and State.  At Fort McAllister were the First Regiment, Georgia Reserve Companies D and E under Captains George N. Hendry and Angus Morrison, respectively; the Emmet Rifles under Capt. George A. Nicoll; and Capt. Nicholas Clinch’s Light Battery of artillery.  All were defending their country to the last extremity.   Continue reading “Georgia’s Alamo”

Tufts Magazine – by COLIN WOODARD

Last December, when Adam Lanza stormed into the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, with a rifle and killed twenty children and six adult staff members, the United States found itself immersed in debates about gun control. Another flash point occurred this July, when George Zimmerman, who saw himself as a guardian of his community, was exonerated in the killing of an unarmed black teenager, Trayvon Martin, in Florida. That time, talk turned to stand-your-ground laws and the proper use of deadly force. The gun debate was refreshed in September by the shooting deaths of twelve people at the Washington Navy Yard, apparently at the hands of an IT contractor who was mentally ill.   Continue reading “Up in Arms”

Obama Military PurgeMilitia News – by Xavier

Throughout history, whenever a dictator came to power, the first thing such infamous leaders did was to purge the military. Since Barack Hussein Obama became President, at least 197 officers, mostly at the rank of colonel or higher (including 9 senior generals), have been relieved of duty for a variety of reasons, or for no stated reason at all. The real question is. . . who is more likely to fire on the American public? Those loyal to the Constitution, the people, or those loyal to a rogue leader? And this is the very same man who wants to disarm you in the name of ‘public safety’.   Continue reading “The Military Purge Continues”

Criminalizing AmericaMilitia News – by Cara Sullivan

The growing role of big government in our lives presents a continual attack on the cherished and hallmark American values of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In no area is this expansion more troubling than the criminal justice system. Actions defined as crimes have proliferated to the point that the average American now inadvertently commits an estimated three felonies a day. This explosion of criminal statutes has little to do with protecting our communities; it is simply another symptom of the expansive reach of big government.   Continue reading “Criminalizing America”

Nullify The NSAMilitia News

Prior to the Revolution, the British claimed the authority to issue Writs of Assistance allowing officials to enter private homes and businesses to search for evidence of smuggling. These general warrants never expired and were considered a valid substitute for specific search warrants.

With British tyranny fresh on their minds many states’ Ratifiers insisted on a Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution, and among those fundamental rights, the founders included a provision protecting the people from the arbitrary search and seizure.   Continue reading “Nullify NSA: The Resistance Begins Now.”

astaxanthinNatural News – by Jonathan Benson

It might not seem like much, gently gracing the cellular structures of certain marine life and perking them up with that familiar pink hue seen in wild-caught seafood. But astaxanthin is one of the most powerful “superfoods” in existence, helping to mitigate oxidative stress, enhance immune response, quell damaging inflammation and even inhibit the growth and spread of cancer cells.

A 2010 study published in the journal Nutrition & Metabolism reveals these and other benefits associated with astaxanthin, which earlier studies have proven acts as a type of natural sunscreen in protecting the skin and body against ultraviolet A (UVA)-induced oxidative stress. But there is so much more that this amazing carotenoid can accomplish as far as your health is concerned.   Continue reading “Dietary astaxanthin decreases oxidative stress, enhances immune response in humans”

Web Commentary – by Sher Zieve 

Obama’s popularity has finally begun to tumble. Even some of his Marxist minions who had previously followed his orders and believed his lies without question are now, if even ever so slightly, beginning to query his judgment and motives. Since 2009, I have been writing and saying on-air that it was and is Barack Hussein Obama’s intent to replace any and all Shiite Muslim leadership with that of the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood (Note: Obama’s “family” members are leaders in the Kenyan branch of the Muslim Brotherhood). That is precisely what he is doing, now, and has been affecting since the beginning of his reign as Dictator-in-Chief of the “New American [Obama] Colonies.”   Continue reading “End Game of Obama Dictatorship: Tyranny Rising–Part III”

SHTF Plan -by Mac Slavo

We could give you a laundry list of reasons for why we think this country is going down the drain… But Drinking with Bob pretty much sums it up in this two minute video.

Look around… it’s a friggin’ disaster.   Continue reading “Barack Obama Isn’t Destroying This Country By Accident…”

chicago-flash-mobSHTF Plan.com – by Mac Slavo

As local police departments cut personnel due to excessive spending and budgetary restrictions, cities all across America are rapidly degenerating into gang infested war zones.

In the city of Chicago, which has been one of the hardest hit during the opening stages of a greater depression sweeping the country, law enforcement officials compared the situation on the ground to the kind of tribal warfare one might see in places like Iraq. With law and order breaking down, residents of the city have been caught in the middle.    Continue reading “Next-Generation Flash Mobs: The Breakdown of Law & Order”

Chinese_SWATThe Captains Journal – by Herschel Smith

First, from Communist China.  The Reuters caption reads: “A policeman (2nd L) of the Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) controls a mock rioter during a SWAT police performance drill at a training base in Xi’an, Shaanxi province October 30, 2013.”

Next, from Communist America (via Instapundit):

David Eckert, a resident of Deming, NM, was pulled over by police officers after failing to come to a complete stop at a stop sign. For whatever reason, the officers decided Eckert was hiding something, or perhaps they were unsatisfied that a routine stop hadn’t blown up into something bigger.    Continue reading “This Is What Totalitarianism Looks Like”