Image courtesy of Canada Free PressNortheast Intelligence Network – by Douglas J. Hagmann

“Fasten your seatbacks and tray tables in their full upright and locked position. We’ll be on the ground shortly.” That is the final warning aboard the aircraft known as America, which will be using runway 39A to taxi to the terminal of tyranny. Most of the passengers aboard the luxury aircraft have no clue to what awaits them, as the captain and crew have lulled the majority into a false trance of tranquility. The few aboard the aircraft who were aware of their final destination tried to warn the other unsuspecting passengers, who have been immersed in their personal electronic devices, sleeping or watching the airline version of the corporate media, the mouthpieces for their fascist facilitators.   Continue reading “Silencing dissent by SWATing messengers of truth”

Thanks but no thanks: Sarah Palin used this picture of her with a bear she shot to send a message to Piers MorganDaily Mail – by JESSICA JERREAT

Sarah Palin found a novel way to turn down an interview request from Piers Morgan on Friday, posting a picture on Facebook of a bear she had shot dead and a note saying she was busy.

The former Alaska governor thanked chat show host Morgan for inviting her on his ‘shambolic show’ but added she was ‘kind of busy right now’.

The Facebook message, which had been liked by nearly 3,000 of Palin’s supporters within two hours of it being posted, is part of an online spat between the pair after Morgan poked fun at her intellect.   Continue reading “Sarah Palin taunts Piers Morgan with picture of bear she shot dead and posted on Facebook”

Dead BodyMilitia News – by Chris Carrington

I am not talking about the mass of corpses lying in the street, though that will be a concern. I am talking about the death of a family member or one of your survival group.

The World Health Organization has an article about general body disposal in an emergency. It discusses the emergency teams that will comb neighborhoods, the specialists who will deal with the bodies and yet more specialists that will deal with the mental trauma that is caused by viewing such things.   Continue reading “How To Deal With Body Disposal During A Societal Collapse”

Market Ticker

Well well lookie what the cat dragged in.

That’s a link to the unsubsidized data dump — all 78,437 records — for each county and State under the Obamacare exchange program.  I can verify that for at least my state and county the table is correct, since you can now look it up on without creating an account first (which I am not about to do.)   Continue reading “How Badly Will ObamaCare Screw You? Answers Here!”

The Independent – by ADAM SHERWIN

Just who is looking over your shoulder when you browse the Internet? [Today], web users will be given a new tool to shine a light on the commercial organisations which track your every movement online.

Lightbeam, a download produced by Mozilla, the US free software community behind the popular Firefox browser, claims to be a “watershed” moment in the battle for web transparency.   Continue reading “Mozilla’s Lightbeam tool will expose who is looking over your shoulder on the web”

Max Velocity Tactical

I’ve had a few inquiries about gear requirements for the Patrol Class. It seems like a good opportunity to allay some fears. Here is the LINK to my original post about the Patrol Class.

I will be sending out a detailed info packet to attendees closer to the time, as I do currently with the CRCD class. There is a basic list on the Class Schedule post HERE. Given that you have to have attended CRCD to attend Patrol you will know what I am talking about.   Continue reading “Patrol Class Gear Questions”

50 Senators Warn Obama: We Will Not Ratify UN Arms TreatyThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

Fifty senators are standing together to protect the right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by the Second Amendment.

In a letter addressed to President Barack Obama, the senators enumerated six reasons the president should refuse to present the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) to the Senate for ratification. Among the objections raised by the senatorial signatories is the ambiguity of the treaty, as well as the grant to “foreign sources of authority” the power to “impose judgment or control on the U.S.”   Continue reading “50 Senators Warn Obama: We Will Not Ratify UN Arms Treaty”

What Do Sandy Hook Investigators Have to Hide?The New American – by Rebecca Terrell

More than 10 months after Adam Lanza massacred 26 students and faculty and committed suicide at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut, questions still abound in the midst of conspiracy theories and prolonged speculation. The October 21 edition of The Hartford Courant, which has been following the story closely since the mass murder last December 14, ran an editorial complaining about State Attorney Stephen Sedensky’s delay in releasing the full investigative report, originally expected by the end of June. In the meantime, says the Courant, details continue to leak, feeding “the sick conspiracy mill and prolong[ing] the pain.”   Continue reading “What Do Sandy Hook Investigators Have to Hide?”

Max Velocity Tactical

Let’s establish the ground rules or basic assumptions for this post:

1) You are a Liberty minded supporter of Freedom. You will never bend the knee to Tyranny. You would rather live free and die hard than EVER submit. They can hurt you, capture you, and kill you but they can never bend you to their will.    Continue reading “Fight Through! Fight Through!” North Carolina

 William E. Borah was a turn-of-the-century Idaho lawyer and Republican who compared McKinley’s annexation of the Philippines to Jefferson’s Louisiana Purchase – he did not overestimate the imperialist appetite of the American people.  An ardent supporter of Roosevelt the First in 1902, he seemed to lose his large appetite for imperialism when a Democrat occupied the White House.   Continue reading “Betrayal of the American Republic”

Stock Gun Photo - iStock_000018625930XSmallGuns Save Lives – by Dan Cannon

This is a story of a mass shooting that might have been if not for the efforts of a concealed carrier. However, don’t expect to see this story on the national news since there were no fatalities.

Several guests, in their 20′s and 30′s were attending a party at a Glendale, AZ home when one of the guests, identified only as a 27 year old male, got into an altercation with several people at the home.   Continue reading “Arizona Concealed Carrier Stops Possible Mass Shooting by Shooting Man Armed With a Rifle”

Max Velocity Tactical

Sent in by a reader, an interesting video for the USMC showing various weapon penetration effects.

It’s a good video, but I noticed a couple of oddities:

When you watch it, it would appear that the AK, firing 7.62 x 39mm rounds, is very effective at all angles against the structure. When you get on to the M240, which fires the 7.62 x 51 rounds (i.e. .308) it almost appears less effective, with not all rounds passing through the cinder block at a 45 degree angle. Personally, I’m not convinced by that part i.e that the AK is shown as more effective than an M240.   Continue reading “VIDEO: Weapon Penetration Effects”

Charleston Voice

Are these senior officers being ‘shown the door’ deliberately? These occurrences are very unsettling. We’ll just have to wait for the scuttlebutt I guess. Let’s just pray no dishonor is coming to them from the Communist-in-Chief (DINO).

Submitted this date by an E-Mail subscriber:   Continue reading “The Stumbled and fallen…..Why are many of our high US military officers departing military service for obscure reasons?”

dscn06571Freedom Outpost – by Pamela Geller

Bill de Blasio, the Democrat nominee for mayor of New York City, leads his Republican rival, Joseph J. Lhota, by more than 40 points, so he is virtually certain to be the next mayor. Now, 12 years after Sept. 11, when New Yorkers were literally throwing themselves out of a building attacked by jihadists, a terror-supporting Marxist is a shoo-in for Gracie Mansion.

It seems as if New York is a victim of Giuliani’s great success in preventing the continual pursuit of the jihad against the most desirable target of the Muslim world, New York City. Giuliani’s policies were followed, in a rare example of good sense, by his successor, Michael Bloomberg, in his unwavering support of Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly. De Blasio is living off the successes of Republican terror policies.   Continue reading “Bill de Blasio Spells Disaster for New York”

epaworries12.jpgFox News

Two Republican lawmakers on the House Science Committee are accusing the Environmental Protection Agency of pushing through a rule that could potentially expand the agency’s regulatory authority over streams, wetlands and other bodies under the Clean Water Act.

Reps. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, and Chris Stewart, R-Utah, on Friday sent a letter to EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy expressing concern over the proposed draft rule, which they say would give the agency “unprecedented control over private property across the nation.”   Continue reading “GOP accuses EPA of ‘unprecedented’ power grab with proposed water rule”

Max Velocity Tactical

I received the following request.

“I am wondering if you have any thoughts about defensive tactics if one is being hunted down by men with trained tracking dogs.”

I’m not a subject matter expert on tracking or tracking dogs, but I’ve done a bit of E & E training as the pursued so I have a few thoughts for you, perhaps a little different from the conventional.   Continue reading “When They Are Hunting You”

Canada Free Press – by Judi McLeod

The spirit of courageous FBI-informant Larry Grathwohl--who spent a lifetime challenging unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers—haunts him still.

It was Grathwohl who awakened America to the inherent dangers of Barack Obama in the run up to the 2008 presidential election when he described a meeting he attended where Bill Ayers and Weather Underground members talked openly about how they would have to murder an estimated 25 million people following the revolution they were then attempting to foment.   Continue reading “The spirit of the late Larry Grathwohl still haunts Bill Ayers”

Jon Rappoport

Another brick laid in the path to decimation.

While the Democrats and the Republicans, the White House and the Congress cross swords over the funding of government;

While the White House orders the shutdown of visible national parks and war memorials;   Continue reading “Government shutdown: the takedown of America”