freedcNortheast Intelligence Network- by Douglas J. Hagmann

Presented here is a five-minute video of one man’s spirit and determination to stand up to governmental tyranny. This video should accompany the behind the scene report by guest contributor Catherine Crabill, who was present just after this display of true American spirit was displayed by this young man.   Continue reading “Confronting tyranny”

Post image for AFRICOM builds up military bases in Italy for small-scale “secret wars” in AfricaPhantom Report – Source: UPI

The U.S. deployment of 200 Marines to a naval base in Sicily for possible operations in Libya, a short hop across the Mediterranean, underlines how the Americans have been building a network of bases in Italy as launch pads for military interventions in Africa and the Mideast.

The signs are that 20 years after the American military’s first, and costly, encounter with Muslim militants in Mogadishu, Somalia, U.S. operations in Africa are growing as the Islamist threat expands.     Continue reading “AFRICOM builds up military bases in Italy for small-scale “secret wars” in Africa”

Barack Obama The TyrantMilitia News – by Dan Smith

What do you call a political leader that refuses to heed the will of the people, refuses to obey the law, and openly punishes the nation’s citizens when he doesn’t get his way? The only word I can think of is “TYRANT”

Indifferent to a 37% approval rating in the latest polls Obama continues to punish, in any way he can, the American people for not allowing him to force a political and economic model on this country that is overwhelmingly unpopular.   Continue reading “Obama Finally Has Become The Tyrant He Always Wanted To Be”

food-stamps-unemployed-census-bureau-kansas-utah1The Rundown Live – by Kristan T. Harris

Could the SNAP EBT (Food Stamp) disaster that occurred across 17 states last weekend have been a planned drill rather than system failure? This letter sent out by the USDA makes your brain turn.

A USDA letter has surfaced that has been sent to states across the nation. States are being told to “stop the supplemental nutrition assistance program for the month of November, pending further notice.”  Which could mean that  if Congress doesn’t reach a deal to get federal government back up and running somebody at the Whitehouse decided you will not get your benefits. Worse yet, they have not sent anyone a letter letting people across the nation know their benefits are going to be postponed.   Continue reading “USDA Letter Leaked: Food Stamps Could Be Cut Off as Soon as November”

Max Velocity Tactical

There have been a  few inquiries about how to set up a battle belt. I took a couple of photos of my battle belt after this weekend’s training. It’s an evolving thing but this is the current configuration.

This is a variation of a full battle belt that is ideally used for dismounted light infantry operations. It sits your gear nicely on your waist and the harness (suspenders) is important to take up some of that weight and ensure that you don’t have to do up the belt itself uncomfortably tight to stop it falling down over your hips. This kind of battle belt should sit below your hips. You can still wear a PC with it for the ballistic protection, and a ruck or patrol pack will sit nicely on your back, resting on the rear pouches.   Continue reading “MVT Battle Belt”

obama-marx-128992Freedom Outpost – by Leon Puissegur

Barack Obama has to be eligible for the greatest “Liar of all Time” award! He lied about Benghazi, and even had people lie for him about Benghazi. All the while, he knew what happened, but Obama could not tell the truth, just a huge lie! Obama lied about Fast and Furious. He lied about the IRS. He lied about no one having to lose their doctors. He lied about no one having to lose their insurance. He lied about not knowing about the World War 2 memorial. He lied about not knowing about the death benefits for the Veterans. Obama has lied more than any other President on record.   Continue reading “Is the Government Shutdown a Display of Obama’s Marxist Ideology in Order to have a Communist Style Revolution?”

1-15--guillotineAce of Spades HQ

I was thinking about this earlier today, or last night. Before the “Economic Traitor” bomb got dropped.

During the French Revolution, the leftist (they were leftists) totalitarian government attempted to inflate away its problems by just printing up a crapton of paper money. This was a very early example of paper money. Technically, it wasn’t money per se, but rather each bill represented a share of the government’s eventual “profits,” if you can call them that, from the sale of property they had confiscated from the Catholic Church and from aristocrats declared traitors.   Continue reading “Obama’s Empircal Rationalist Patriots Settle on New Talking Point: People Who Disagree With Our Profligate Spending are “Economic Traitors””

Armed Rangers sent to shutdown Businesses – Feds order Arrests & 24/7 Patrols in National Parks 111013rangerPirate Morgan’s Innermost Thoughts

The federal government, who shut the national parks after claiming they didn’t have the money to keep them open, is now sending in Park Rangers to patrol the parks 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Sadly, the Rangers are not being sent in so visitors can enjoy these parks, there being sent in to arrest anyone who tries to enter them.

Earlier this week we reported on the Vietnam Vets who were arrested for visiting a war memorial in New York City; now we’ve learned that 21 tourists were just arrested for hiking in the Grand Canyon National Park.    Continue reading “National Parks Overthrown by Tyranical Obama, What’s Next? Is This What The Ammo Is For?”

The Captain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith

These observations by Andrew Tuohy have been floating across the gun web for a couple of days.  I have to quote at length, although the entire post is worth reading, as are the comments.

Last year, I was sitting at home when my doorbell rang. Two polite and professional ATF agents informed me that the number of firearms I had purchased from 2007 to 2010 did not match my income. I was disappointed to learn that this fact did not come with some sort of prize or award, but suddenly wondered how they knew what I had purchased. Continue reading “Does De Facto Gun Registration Exist In The U.S.?”

Soros-connected Vote-counting Firm Expands in U.S.The New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

A Spanish vote-tabulation firm with ties to billionaire globalist George Soros is purchasing software to give it greater power over the voting in U.S. elections.

In a press release under a Barcelona and Tampa, Florida dateline, Scytl announced:

Scytl’s end-to-end election modernization solution covers the full election cycle (Pre-election, Election Day and Post-election), providing electoral bodies the most secure, transparent, auditable and accessible solution in the marketplace and allows Scytl to offer personalized election modernization roadmaps to their customers combining both traditional and online voting solutions as needed.   Continue reading “Soros-connected Vote-counting Firm Expands in U.S.”

Image courtesy of Canada Free PressNortheast Intelligence Network – by Douglas J. Hagmann

The future of our Constitutional Republic is at stake and many Americans are angry. At least those who have been awakened to the world where they are pawns in a rigged game, and those who are not lining their pockets at the federal trough, are angry. They are also trying to make sense of where we are today and how we got here. Even some of the “hope and change” supporters are angry at the continuity of agenda despite the change in American leadership. Then there are those who slumber in a world of denial, self-delusion and deception. Two distinctly different people in two remarkably different worlds, yet denizens of the same planet.    Continue reading “The planned destruction of America”

Web Commentary – by Sher Zieve

Acting more and more like a cheap version of Josef Stalin or even Hugo Chavez and, increasingly, drunk on his personally perceived absolute power over US citizens, Obama is now openly attacking we Americans and all of our institutions. His partial shutdown of the US government (aka “ObamaGov”) has allowed him to affect all manner of dark mischief against us and he is laughing even more voraciously at us, while he pretends to put on his ’serious face’. As one angry Park Ranger put it: “It’s a cheap way to deal with the situation. We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting!”   Continue reading “Obama: “It’s time for Americans to embrace my Dictatorship and their own slavery…or else””

The Weekly Standard – by Daniel Harper

Last night, the organization formerly known as President Obama’s reelection campaign, Organizing for Action, held an Obamacare event in Greenville, South Carolina. The event was called “Obamacare and You!”

“Let’s discuss what this Affordable Care Act means for you and your community. This session will help you understand the benefits and will equip you to spread the word about the benefits of Obamacare in your community. Come out and get the facts!!,” the event advertisement said.   Continue reading “Only 2 People Attend ‘Obamacare and You!’ Event in South Carolina”

Troutman_Liberty_or_Death__stickerWestern Rifle Shooters

Article I: I am an American, fighting in the armed forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense.

Article II: I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command I will never surrender the members of my command while they still have the means to resist.

Article III: If I am captured, I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy.   Continue reading “For The Record”

Max Velocity Tactical

Following all the recent bogging about fitness and rucking, here is a video of the ‘Paras 10 Challenge’. This is an event that is open to civilians where they tab (ruck) or run  the route of the 10-miler around Catterick Garrison.

The actual 10-miler is the first event of test week on Pre-Parachute Selection (Pegasus Company) and is completed as a squad with a 35lb. ruck, rifle plus water in 1 hour 50 minutes.   Continue reading “VIDEO: Paras 10 Challenge”

Image: On Anniversary of Che Killing, CIA's Felix Rodriguez RemembersNewsmax – by Andrea Billups and Kathleen Walter

Former CIA operative Felix Rodriguez, who participated in the historic manhunt to capture Ernesto “Che” Guevara, says the Marxist revolutionary was little more than a criminal and devoted killer who deserves to be demystified.

“I believe that eventually people will see what he really was. He was an assassin,” said Rodriguez, who spoke to Newsmax about Guevara in advance of the 46th anniversary of his death on Oct. 9, 1967, at age 39. “He was an individual with very little regard for life. He enjoyed killing people.”   Continue reading “On Anniversary of Che Killing, CIA’s Felix Rodriguez Remembers”

Center for Immigration Studies – by Jon Feere

For years advocates of amnesty and high levels of immigration have described the illegal alien population as one made up of “otherwise law-abiding” people who have committed no violation other than the simple act of crossing a border illegally or overstaying a visa.1Journalists routinely invoke this language when writing about amnesty, conspicuously avoiding any discussion of the various crimes the average working illegal alien commits. Many politicians have also embraced the myth of the otherwise law-abiding illegal alien in an effort to promote amnesty, arguing that illegal aliens are no threat to the United States.2   Continue reading “The Myth of the “Otherwise Law-Abiding” Illegal Alien”

Canada Free Press – by Judy McLeod

When Marxists are rummaging in the bottom of their bag of tricks to drive the masses to panic, it’s only commonsense that you do the exact opposite.

It’s a frustration that’s so easy to read in consideration of yesterday’s Immigration Rally held at the closed National Mall, where lawmakers arrived in golf carts to hear a Nancy Pelosi speech. Halloween costumes were the only thing missing.It must be frustrating for a president waiting five long years for folk to panic when they are clearly standing their ground on not giving him his way.   Continue reading “Obama’s panic button still not working”