
NEW YORK – The Department of Homeland Security under President Obama is demonstrating troubling signs the agency is shifting the balance of power away from local and state municipalities toward a centralized federal authority, charges a recently released book.

In “Impeachable Offenses: The Case to Remove Barack Obama from Office,” New York Times bestselling authors Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott document the DHS has likely violated the Posse Comitatus Act.   Continue reading “Obama’s DHS Seizing Local Power”

SHTF School – by SELCO

People who are in survival and prepping „movement“ all around the world and around the web are doing lot of stuff in order to prepare for SHTF.

Numerous blogs and forums are there, and they all trying to figure when s. gonna hit the fan and how it is going to be. My time in war was like worst case scenario but hopefully only few people will have it that bad even when there is total collapse and no law (at least you are not gonna have snipers and shelling if your government behaves).   Continue reading “Keep them fed and entertained”

Post image for CIA’s secret global business of narcotics smuggling and weapons tradePakistan Today – by Shumaila Raja

If one goes by the American measurement, the saying goes that they do not start a venture unless they are sure about its cost not going from their own kitty. The Afghan venture does not seemingly pay them as does Iraq’s but permitting poppy cultivation to the Afghan warlords and bigwigs favouring the US intervention was the bid to justify finances of their stay in that country.   Continue reading “CIA’s Secret Drug trade goes on unchecked in Afghanistan”

National Journal – by  Patrick Reis and Matt Vasilogambros

Gun-control legislation failed loudly following the Newtown school shooting, but that has not stopped President Obama from leaving Congress behind to launch a broad gun-control campaign of his own.

Between the December 2012 massacre and the Navy Yard mass shooting Monday, Obama has taken 25 separate gun-control initiatives, all of which came from executive actions that did not require congressional authorization.   Continue reading “Gun control failed in congress. It’s happening anyway”

Guido VolanteSave America Foundation – by Guido Volante

Folks, Communists may gloat over our decline but they were defeated…or were they?

Nikita isn’t the only one who predicted our fall from grace. The list is impressive and includes proponents of socialism as well as its strongest antagonists, including several of our founders. Franklin, Jefferson and others were so concerned that a government dependent on the electorate’s vigilance could fall victim to the frailties of previous Republics that they sought to exclude alternate forms of government from encroaching by constitutional design. Their peers and contemporaries who preferred a strong central government resisted their entreaties and threatened to scuttle the entire experiment. Continue reading “I remember watching Khrushchev on TV”

Veterans Today – by Preston James PhD


Its Purpose is to destroy America and Fold its remains into a NWO Globalist One-World Government System.

But it’s not over yet and things are not going so well for the Banksters. They are about 13 years behind schedule.   Continue reading “Killing America”

Dr. Kimberly Quinlan Lindsey has been with the Centers for Disease Control for 12 years.CNN

Atlanta (CNN) — An official with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been arrested and charged with two counts of child molestation and one count of bestiality, police said.

Police arrested Dr. Kimberly Quinlan Lindsey, 44, in DeKalb County, Georgia, on Sunday.

Authorities also charged Lindsey’s live-in boyfriend, Thomas Joseph Westerman, 42, with two counts of child molestation.   Continue reading “CDC official accused of child molestation, bestiality”

china-flagWND – by Bob Unruh

A California city has decided that for at least one day, the flag of communist China will get equal time with the “Star-Spangled Banner” flying “o’er the land of the free.”

Despite the objections of residents and human rights groups, the city council of San Leandro, Calif., decided in a 4-3 vote to fly the flag over its city hall Oct. 1 to honor “the formation of the sovereign state in 1949 by communist leader Mao Zedong,” the San Jose Mercury News reported.   Continue reading “China’s flag to wave ‘o’er land of the free’”

Photo - United States Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., answers a question during a news conference in Goose Creek, S.C., on Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2013. The senator said while South Carolinians and the rest of the nation are weary of war, the situation in Syria demands an American response because events there are linked to the developments in the rest of the Middle East. (AP Photo/Bruce Smith)Washington Examiner – by BYRON YORK

Sen. Lindsey Graham is one of the strongest advocates of an American military strike against the Assad regime in Syria. He was unhappy when President Obama decided to seek congressional authorization for an attack, and then unhappy when his fellow lawmakers voiced disapproval of the president’s plan. Graham believes the diplomatic path chosen by the administration will lead to a debacle.

Given all that, Graham now says he will work with a bipartisan group of senators to craft a resolution authorizing the president to use military force — not against the Syrian regime but against Iran. In an appearance on Fox News’ Huckabee program over the weekend, Graham argued that such a resolution is essential, because American inaction in Syria will encourage Iran to go forward with its nuclear weapon program, eventually leading toward a Mideast conflagration if the U.S. doesn’t intervene.   Continue reading “Sen. Lindsey Graham to seek authorization for U.S. attack on Iran”

KrisAnne Hall

The New York Times published on September 3, 2013 and article written by Robert Levy, chairman of the Cato Institute, on the “Limitations of Nullification”. I have had the honor of having personal discussions with Mr. Levy on several issues and even had the opportunity to debate him on the issue of nullification in a forum in South Florida. It will be no surprise to Mr. Levy that I disagree with his opinion. Opinions aside, I would like to have the opportunity to present the facts.   Continue reading “Cato Institute Declares States Are Not Sovereign”

Rep. Grayson Hails "Stealth Socialism" in AmericaThe New American – by Jack Kenny

Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) has been hailed as a “progressive hero” by Democracy for America, the political action committee founded by former Vermont Governor Howard Dean. Yet he has something in common with some of the Tea Party heroes on the Republican Right. Grayson (shown) and his conservative colleagues agree socialism is on the rise in America. The difference is Grayson welcomes it.   Continue reading “Rep. Grayson Hails “Stealth Socialism” in America”

Canada Free Press – by Judi McLeod

Coming soon to a supermarket near you, jars of tofu and packaged bean sprouts plastered with pictures of Michelle and Barack Obama.

With zero credentials as a schooled Nutritionist, Michelle Obama wants to drive cartoon characters promoting children’s’ food straight out of the public marketplace.In Michelle Obama’s resurrected Let’s Move Campaign, a private session, organized by both the first lady’s office—and the president’s policy advisers—now positions Michelle Obama as the facilitator of debate urging food industry executives to increase their advertising of healthful products for kids. (Los Angeles Times).   Continue reading “Move over food cartoon characters, here come the Obamas”

Warning Signs – by Alan Caruba

Here’s an excerpt from Steven Goddard’s excellent blog, Real Science:

Navy Issues Security Clearances To Delusional Paranoiacs With Multiple Gun Arrests

The DC shooter had two gun arrests, including one where he fired a bullet into his neighbor’s apartment and didn’t even bother to check on her. He suffered from delusional paranoia, heard voices, and had a security clearance and a concealed carry license. And the Navy let him slip through security yesterday carrying a rifle.   Continue reading “A Gun in Your Hand is Still the Best Protection”

WEB Commentary – by Sher Zieve

Obama’s popularity has finally begun to tumble. Even some of his Marxist minions who had previously followed his orders and believed his lies without question are now, if even ever so slightly, beginning to query his judgment and motives. Since 2009, I have been writing and saying on-air that it was and is Barack Hussein Obama’s intent to replace any and all Shiite Muslim leadership with that of the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood (Note: Obama’s “family” members are leaders in the Kenyan branch of the Muslim Brotherhood). That is precisely what he is doing, now, and has been affecting since the beginning of his reign as Dictator-in-Chief of the “New American [Obama] Colonies.”   Continue reading “End Game of Obama Dictatorship: Tyranny Rising–Part III”

What’s Next After the Firearms Freedom Act Ruling?Tenth Amendment Center

After the recent Firearms Freedom Act ruling, there will be no firearms freedom in America, at least if the the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has anything to say about it.  It agreed with a lower court’s decision that if a gun is made in state, sold in state, that the federal power to regulate interstate commerce applies.

Sadly, this is consistent with previous court rulings even though it’s not consistent with the original, legal meaning of “interstate commerce” under the constitution.   Continue reading “What’s Next After the Firearms Freedom Act Ruling?”

Chaos Reigns After Obama Gave Libya to Jihadists; Syria May Be NextThe New American – by Alex Newman

As the Obama administration brazenly waives federal arms-control rules to supply jihadist Syrian rebels in the establishment-backed war against the Assad regime, Libya remains in turmoil after it was handed over to Islamists and self-styled al-Qaeda leaders by NATO forces, especially those of the U.S. government. Indeed, aU.S. ambassador and other Americans are dead,sensitive American military equipment was recently stolen,multiple tribal conflicts are ragingarms from the war are boosting Islamists across the regionoil production has all but come to a halt, and chaos still reigns alongside sharia law in Libya under the Muslim Brotherhood-dominated central government.   Continue reading “Chaos Reigns After Obama Gave Libya to Jihadists; Syria May Be Next”

Forbes – by Michael Peck

If you want to take over a nation, then first take over its airwaves. Broadcast your messages and interdict the enemy’s ability to broadcast theirs. When the U.S. attacked Iraq in 1991, or NATO bombed Serbia in 1999, among the first targets destroyed were TV and radio stations. When there is a military coup in Africa, the first buildings the rebels usually grab are the radio and TV studios.

So it is illuminating that the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), the organization that oversees America’s elite special forces, is quietly searching for equipment that will effectively give it control over every FM and AM radio station in an area. Continue reading “How The U.S. Military Plans To Hijack The Airwaves”

Max Velocity Tactical

On my CRCD class, I don’t have time to do a full class on TC3 (Tactical Combat Casualty Care). However, what I do is give a few pointers as to how causalities will fit into the game in a real SHTF contact situation. I’m going to try and replicate some of those pointers here:   Continue reading “SHTF Combat Casualty – Considerations & Realities”

Gun Owners of America

Last spring, as networks like MSNBC launched five months of saturation coverage intended to force gun control on the American people, we said, over and over and over and over again, that there was (tragically) “another Adam Lanza” sitting out there, glued to his TV screen, and planning his own five months of fame.”

As it became clear that Congress was not going to pass gun control in April, MSNBC commentators said, almost wistfully, that it would take another mass shooting to reinvigorate their cause.   Continue reading “Another Gun Free Zone Invites, Predictably, Another Tragedy”