FRC_shooting2WND – Garth Kant

WASHINGTON — “Our culture is changing drastically,” Lt. General Jerry Boykin (Ret.) told WND, and it was clear he did not mean it was Obama’s “change you can believe in.”

“There’s a paradigm shift in America where, if you are an outspoken, open, Christian, you are now being labeled as not only a hate-monger, but also as a potential threat to U.S. security, as is evidenced by any number of documents that have come out in the last number of years, one of which came out of the Department of Homeland Security,” the war hero explained.   Continue reading “Anti-Hate Group Inspiring Bloodshed”

Getts.jpgFox News

Parents at a high school near Dallas say the authors of a book on U.S. history misfired when they defined the Second Amendment — and now one of the book’s co-authors says the book is being revised.

The work book used at Guyer High School in the city of Denton, “The United States History: Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination,” includes the “summary” definition of the Second Amendment to include the right to “keep and bear arms in a state militia.”   Continue reading “Second Amendment definition in Texas school work book triggers uproar”

Freedom Outpost – by Darwin Rockantansky

Responsibility: The state or fact of being responsible, answerable, or accountable for something within one’s power, control, or management.

To most of us the concept of responsibility is a very simple concept; one that we learned from our parents. Every child is born with a natural instinct to avoid parental retribution for deeds unacceptable for whatever reason. However, loving and caring parents take the time to teach the concept of responsibility; i.e taking “credit” for one’s actions and accepting the consequences for ill-advised actions.   Continue reading “It’s Time that We The People Take Responsibility for the State of the Nation”

Bushcraft and Survival Skills

While we all want to do our best to prepare for a coming crisis, and many of us realize the city is perhaps the worst place to live, very few people are really prepared to pack up the old Winnebago and head for the hills. Most Americans, whether they’re aware or not, are going to stay in the cities.

This is not a hasty decision for most people. Most of us depend on the city for our livelihood, and we can be better prepared by continuing to live in the city, earn a good income, and make preparations for exiting the city at the appropriate time or by staying in the city and living off existing supplies.   Continue reading “Urban Survival: Surviving in the City”

Canada Free Press – by Judi McLeod

With no room for opposing views or questions, Seattle University is planning to host a talk, complete with a book signing and reception for Angela Davis, on October 17.  The event is sponsored by the Center for the Study of Justice in Society.

There is no justice for Catholics in any of Angela Davis’ books.  Like all Communists, it’s Angela’s way or the highway.    Continue reading “Catholic University to Welcome Communist Leader”

Northeast Intelligence Network – by Douglas J Hagmann

I stubbornly refused to believe it at first, although I’ve seen it firsthand on a couple of occasions during my career as a professional investigator spanning nearly three decades. “Someone’s trying to make me look and sound like a nut, or actually drive me crazy,” was the common thread of the complaints I heard on those rare occasions. Well, they doing a great job of it, I would think to myself, as I patiently listened to their plight but ultimately declined to become involved with their cases. “We work only for corporations, not individuals.” Continue reading “Hearing voices in your head? It might not be your imagination after all”

The Week

Here is my second iteration of the National Security Agency’s organization chart, which is now as up to date as possible, and includes a significant number of additions. I have also tried to organize the names of NSA databases and tools by function, and you can see the flow of where data comes from, what is, and can be, done with it once it resides inside the NSA’s brain. I am not a visual artist, and I am certain that one of you can make this chart sing and shine in a way that I cannot.   Continue reading “The NSA’s secret org chart”

Last Resistance – by Philip Hodges

A Houston, Texas man may face charges for shooting a couple of carjackers and killing one. It happened one evening last week when the man came to his local Redbox to rent a video. When he was out of his car, two men robbed him of his keys and cellphone at gunpoint before getting into the victim’s car in an attempt to leave. (If only the Redbox had posted their “Carjacking-Free Zone” sign. Then, this incident probably would have never been conceived in the first place.)   Continue reading “Houston Man May Face Charges for Shooting Carjackers”

How FarThe Defensive Training Group

As you experiment setting up your pack and then go into the field, you will find that many times your “what if” tendencies (see above graphic) will guide you to over-pack your ruck with many items you don’t really need, with the final result being the pack isn’t properly balanced once it’s loaded.  It will end up being an anchor instead of your ticket to continued ability to operate or survive.

The following information is provided for your benefit.   Continue reading “Ruck Sack Packing – A Primer”

special-forces3SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

If you were under the impression that the brewing conflict with Syria is over or that it would be a simple one sided affair with the United States launching “brief and limited” strikes on Syrian military assets, then consider the following report from a Russian military review.   Continue reading “Sabotage: Special Forces To Target U.S. Economy, Infrastructure, Railways, Power Plants, Waterworks, and Refineries In the Event of Mid East Conflict”

IsraelNatural News – by Ethan A. Huff

Israel’s Ministry of Health has made a bold ruling against artificial water fluoridation, reversing more than 15 years of forced poisoning via public water supplies in the Middle Eastern country. A recent announcement by Israel’s Supreme Court has declared that a 1974 law permitting — and a later 1998 law requiring — all public water supplies in Israel to be fluoridated are both outdated and invalid, and that all current fluoridation programs in the country will have to end by April 9, 2014, in order to comply with new public safety requirements.   Continue reading “Israel commits to ending water fluoridation by 2014, citing major health concerns”

The New Boston Tea Party

Succession is in the wind; activists from the tiny state of Maryland have seen liberalism, seen moochism, seen lying liberals for much too long. And they plan on doing something about it, secede from the State as a whole. Of course this won’t happen but it does manifest the frustration with progressive policies that have diluted the American way.   Continue reading “Western Maryland has had it”

Hagmann and Hagmann – by Mitch Santell

Last night I was walking the dog and it was a lovely evening. The crickets sounded like they do on most California evenings. The longer I walked the longer my mind drifted to the past. First, I started thinking about the kind of world my grandchildren would live in after I pass on. Second, I thought about my parents and how they were crazy in love with each other for 48 years until my Father passed away in 2004. Third, I started thinking about something called “The Saturday Night Massacre.” Do you remember it? Have you ever heard of it? If you know your history and you are like me, you wish it would happen again. Take a look at this video and then continue to read “The Strange Case of Barrack Hussein Obama Part 2….”.   Continue reading “The Strange Case of Barrack Hussein Obama Part 2”

Canada Free Press – by Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh

While Americans demand vociferously the defunding of ObamaCare in hopes of getting rid of the most destructive and freedom-robbing piece of legislation passed in modern times, Congressmen pretend to make valiant efforts to do so via various proposals that only low information and extremely naïve voters can believe to be true.   Continue reading “Defund ObamaCare? Not Happening”

Janet Napolitano TraitorMilitia News – by John Whitehead

News headlines to the contrary, there is actually more taking place right now than just the Obama administration’s conveniently distracting push for military action against Syria.

We’re still having our privacy rights ravaged by the surveillance state. The latest revelations confirm long-standing fears that there is nothing private from the government, which has used a variety of covert, unconstitutional tactics to gain access to Americans’ personal data, online purchases and banking, medical records, and online communications. The government’s methods include the use of supercomputers to hack through privacy settings, collaborations with corporations to create “back doors” for NSA access into encrypted files, and the use of strong-arm tactics against those technology and internet companies who refuse to cooperate.   Continue reading “Farewell Janet Napolitano, We Won’t Miss You.”

Local SheriffMilitia News – by Richard R. Allen

The short answer to the question in the title of this missive is yes. Let us look at how I arrived at this.

We start with a quote from the Federalist Papers specifically No. 78: “No legislative act, therefore, contrary to the Constitution, can be valid. To deny this, would be to affirm, that the deputy is greater than his principal; that the servant is above his master; that the representatives of the people are superior to the people themselves; that men acting by virtue of powers, may do not only what their powers do not authorize, but what they forbid.”   Continue reading “Can Local Sheriffs Refuse To Enforce Gun Control Laws?”

Defensive Considerations for SurvivalUS Crow – by David Black

Safety Warning: Read up on your confined spaces safety prior to trying any of this. You can die so easily in confined spaces.

Let me just say first off… I am not an engineer… Civil or Combat. How you go about constructing a DFP (Defensive Fighting Position) is not going to be discussed. Cave ins are a huge risk. Mining is a very risky job. I would not recommend anyone undertake construction unless it is vital to your survival to do so.   Continue reading “Defensive Considerations for Survival” North Carolina

Five.  That’s all the vote-switchers that anti-gunners had to muster in the Missouri Senate to kill a nullification bill BY ONE VOTE.  Gun Owners of America had pushed the bill back in the spring when it was overwhelmingly passed by the House and Senate.  Sadly, it was vetoed by Governor Jay Nixon shortly thereafter — and the veto override fell just one vote short this week.

Governor Jay Nixon (D) vetoed HB 436 this spring, after the Missouri House and Senate had overwhelmingly passed it.  Among other things, the nullification bill would have made it illegal in Missouri to enforce unconstitutional laws that take away people’s Second Amendment rights.   Continue reading “Five traitors is all it took.”

Gunslinger’s Journal

May I reiterate a point I made a bit ago?

Maybe it’s the drone white paper. Killing Americans willy-nilly because some “highly informed” political official deems them dangerous, or it’s too “burdensome” for government to get, you know, judicial or Congressional review…

Progressives will always end up mass murdering their fellow citizens.   Continue reading “They WILL Kill You”