New-media pioneer Matt Drudge called Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., a “fascist” after she suggested only “real reporters” deserved protection under a new media-shield law.

“Comments from Sen. Feinstein yesterday on who’s a reporter were disgusting,” Drudge tweeted, adding that a “17-year old ‘blogger’ is as important as Wolf Blitzer.”   Continue reading “Matt Drudge eviscerates ‘fascist’ Dianne Feinstein”

((B-24 BOMBERSKnuckledraggin – by Wirecutter

I don’t really know who else to go to but Patriots and others of the III percent vibe, my reach isn’t as large as yours, but a fading part of our warrior history is at risk, the town I live in, Ypsilanti, MI is the home to the B-24 Liberator, built by Henry Ford at a local plant, the city, and various other people are pledging time to save a portion of the factory (since vacated by GM) to save where Rosie the Riveter was born and where Freedom flew from here to points beyond after assembling one plane an hour. Can you pass/post the link amongst our friends in the community, we’re running about 3 mil shy of the 8 mil we need to raise to save the building for a museum.   Continue reading “Help save some Freedom history”

New America Now – by Stephen Lendman

Obama’s the latest in a long line of US warrior presidents. He exceeds the worst of all his predecessors. He jeopardizes world peace. They risks global war.

New York Times editors and columnists support his lawlessness. They do it shamelessly. They do it unapologetically. They betray their readers in the process.

Rule of law principles are spurned. Advancing America’s imperium matters most. So does supporting racketeering war profiteers.   Continue reading “New York Times Wants War on Syria”

The Captain’s Journal – by HERSCHEL SMITH 

Eugene Volokh has a post up entitled Illinois Supreme Court: Second Amendment Protects Carrying Outside The Home, where he discusses the recent subject ruling.

From today’s unanimous decision in People v. Aguilar (Ill. Sept. 12, 2013):   Continue reading “Illinois Supreme Court On Carry Outside The Home”

AFP Photo/Anwar AmroRT News

Nearly two-thirds of Americans say President Barack Obama’s handling of foreign policy is either equal to or worse than that of predecessor George W. Bush, a new poll reveals.

The results of a recent Reason-Rupe poll published on Tuesday this week suggest that a majority of Americans — 64 percent — consider the current commander-in-chief’s job performance with regards to international affairs to be no better than Pres. Bush, who kick-started wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq during his eight years in the White House.   Continue reading “Obama’s foreign policy just as bad or worse than Bush’s – poll”

Israeli and American flagsVeterans Today – by Sami Jamil Jadallah

I am sure you will not see this on the front page of the New York Times or the Washington Post and if that happens only to implicate and demonize Iran. The revelation by the Guardian that the US NSA routinely shares “raw Signit” with Israel is more than any decent loyal and patriotic American citizens can accept, take or justify. It is a prima facie case of “treason” committed by our American government in favor of a foreign government and country. Why jail people for “treason” when our government does it for free?   Continue reading “America – Government by Treason”

The participating companies mentioned in this article, must be put on notice for their treasonous intentions. The only economy that would grow from foreign workers would be the corporate coffers from paying lower wages and the foreign workers who would be employed, with the average American being left out in the cold, AGAIN!

We all know it’s near impossible to stop purchasing services and products from all these traitorous entities, but if we could just cut back on those purchases, we could turn the screw on them. Personally, there are only three on the list that I have a limited commerce with. All the others can SUCK WIND! I do without them, and will continue to do so, for as long as it takes.   Continue reading “Cheesecake Factory, Hallmark, Disney, and Others Now Pushing Amnesty”

Polish Government Seizes Private Pension AssetsThe New American – by Alex Newman

Authorities in Poland last week announced the confiscation of bonds held in private pension funds without compensation, implausibly claiming that the move did not amount to a nationalization of the assets. While Polish officials engaged in rhetorical games and semantics to conceal the severity of the “transfer” of privately owned assets to a “state pension vehicle” known as ZUS, the controversial move is still fueling confusion and fierce criticism from analysts and economists. Some experts fear other governments may follow suit.     Continue reading “Polish Government Seizes Private Pension Assets”

Texas Railroad Commission head Barry SmithermanFreedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

Barry Smitherman, head of the powerful Texas Railroad Commission and is seeking to be the state’s next Attorney General, made waves last week with comments about economic collapse, energy policy and the future. However, those things only led up to a much bigger statement: “We have made great progress in becoming an independent nation, an ‘island nation’ if you will, and I think we want to continue down that path so that if the rest of the country falls apart, Texas can operate as a stand-alone entity with energy, food, water and roads as if we were a closed-loop system.”   Continue reading “Texas Official: State Actively Preparing to Become an Independent Nation”

Housing Crash 2013The Economic Collapse – by Michael Snyder

If you have a job that involves building homes, buying homes, selling homes or that is in any way related to the mortgage industry, you might want to start searching for alternate employment.  Seriously.  Interest rates are starting to rise dramatically, and mortgage lenders such as Bank of America, Wells Fargo and JPMorgan Chase are all cutting thousands of mortgage-related jobs.

Last week, mortgage refinance activity plunged to the lowest level that we have seen since June 2009 and total mortgage activity dropped to the lowest level since October 2008.    Continue reading “Prepare For Tough Times If Your Job Has Anything To Do With Real Estate Or Mortgages”

NASA's SWAT team (Source: tactical-life.com)Police State USA

A recent weapons purchase by NASA piqued the interest of some of my readers, prompting questions such as, “What is NASA doing with assault rifles?”  In post 9/11 America, no self-respecting federal agency — from the Environmental Protection Agency to the Department of Education — can exist without its own SWAT team.   A strong trend of militarizing law enforcement has been occurring for some time, and if this is a surprise to you, its time to catch up.  Yes, even NASA has a SWAT team, and you may be surprised with some of their assignments, which include militarized perimeter security and robbing grandmothers of heirloom decorative paperweights.   Continue reading “Why does NASA need a SWAT team? To steal moon dust from retirees!”

Christina West after being brutalized by Tallahassee Police. (Source: Leon County court records)Police State USA

TALLAHASSEE — Shocking video evidence shows how Tallahassee police officers used an unprovoked act of violence against a woman they were arresting for driving under the influence.  In front of their own dashboard camera, without any legitimate provocation, two officers drilled a woman face-first into the road, then knelt on her head, causing startling physical trauma.  Continue reading “Woman brutally face-planted into pavement during arrest; charged with battering police”

Missouri House Overrides Jay Nixon's Veto, votes to Nullify Federal Gun ControlTenth Amendment Center – by Michael Boldin

UPDATE 8:20pm CST: The Senate Override vote, of 22-12, failed by 1. 23 votes were needed to concur with the house and override the veto.   

Jefferson City, Mo (September 11, 2013) – Today, the Missouri State House of Representatives sent more than just a message, they passed would could arguably be the strongest state-level protection of the right to keep and bear arms in modern times. The vote was 109-49   Continue reading “Override: Missouri House Votes to Nullify Federal Gun Control”

Photo - Washington Examiner – by Byron York

On Tuesday, the chief human resources officers of more than 100 large corporations sent a letter to House Speaker John Boehner and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi urging quick passage of a comprehensive immigration reform bill.

The officials represent companies with a vast array of business interests: General Electric, The Walt Disney Company, Marriott International, Hilton Worldwide, Hyatt Hotels Corporation, McDonald’s Corporation, The Wendy’s Company, Coca-Cola, The Cheesecake Factory, Johnson & Johnson, Verizon Communications, Hewlett-Packard, General Mills, and many more. All want to see increases in immigration levels for low-skill as well as high-skill workers, in addition to a path to citizenship for the millions of immigrants currently in the U.S. illegally.   Continue reading “Companies lay off thousands, then demand immigration reform for new labor”

Key Ariz. Republicans: Sen. McCain Has Abandoned Core GOP PrinciplesThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

Although he’s usually busy playing poker on his smartphone or supplying arms and money to known agents of al-Qaeda to help them wage war in the Arab world, Republican Arizona Senator John McCain (shown on right) might want to pay more attention to the battle brewing in his own backyard.   Continue reading “Key Ariz. Republicans: Sen. McCain Has Abandoned Core GOP Principles”

The Captain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith

Lily Tang Williams writing at National Review has a must read column entitled Guns Against Tyranny.  It has become almost amusing to watch as the collectivists hyperventilate over claims that we make about right to guns having nothing to do with hunting, and everything to do with ameliorating tyranny.  But what Ms. Williams has to say is sobering and gives existential and emotional import to what is for us sometimes all about doctrine.   Continue reading “Guns Against Tyranny”

The Washington Post – by Michael Sallah, Debbie Cenziper, Steven Rich

On the day Bennie Coleman lost his house, the day armed U.S. marshals came to his door and ordered him off the property, he slumped in a folding chair across the street and watched the vestiges of his 76 years hauled to the curb.

Movers carted out his easy chair, his clothes, his television. Next came the things that were closest to his heart: his Marine Corps medals and photographs of his dead wife, Martha. The duplex in Northeast Washington that Coleman bought with cash two decades earlier was emptied and shuttered. By sundown, he had nowhere to go.   Continue reading “Left With Nothing”

How to Make ThermiteUS Crow

After reading How to disable MRAP Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected Light Armored Vehicles, written by CMF Contributor Runik. I noticed the absence of TGs (thermite grenades) on the use of MRAPs. This caught my attention, and needed an explanation. According to CMF Contributor Runik, Thermite Grenades were not included because they are not entirely effective against MRAP LAVs. Effective thermite use on an MRAP relies on breaches in MRAP FK6 armor, which are few to say the least. Basically…EFPs are still your best bet on an MRAP.   Continue reading “How to make Thermite Grenades for Vehicle and Equipment Disabling”

Building-Clearing-Tactical-Raid-TechniquesUS Crow

In this guide we will review tactical building clearing techniques that will assist in the training of militia members and the survival minded individual. These techniques can be applied to present day scenarios and post-disaster scenarios when your objective requires your team to enter a building that could possibly house enemy combatants. Your unit will need to understand the differences between dynamic and deliberate building clearing techniques. Additionally you will need to think tactically for a ever increasingly dynamic situation, while training your unit to work together to effectively clear the building. This is an absolute necessity for any survival group and your unit should train diligently to prepare for these scenarios.   Continue reading “Building Clearing – Introduction to Tactical Raid Techniques”