Global EliteMilitia News – by Eric Blair

Karma is coming for the elite in a big way. As the Powers That Be head toward a devastating defeat in their war plans for Syria, signs are emerging that their rule over humanity is rapidly diminishing.

Over the last decade the global elite have been on a mad dash to consolidate power over the world. It’s always been their plan like some evil villain in a comic book, but after 9/11 the plan went into overdrive and then turbo charged during the financial crisis of 2008.    Continue reading “10 Signs The Global Elite Are Losing Control”

There Will Be A Nuclear ExchangeMilitia News

The profiteers within the military-industrial complex are manipulating everything and controlling most of the media.

This video from Russia Today explains the reasons why Barack Obama is getting ready to launch World War 3, based largely upon the mainstream media’s lies. It also warns of the eventual consequences of those actions by Obama and subsequent actions by other countries in the region: “If this happens, there will be a nuclear exchange in the Middle East.” With China, Russia and Iran threatening retaliation for any US strike upon Syria and a potential nuclear exchange being the result of Obama’s actions, WW3 is the only possible end result.   Continue reading “There Will Be A Nuclear Exchange If This Happens”

Canada Free Press – by Kelly O’Connell

One could call Founder John Jay a forgotten patriot. Yet, Jay led an extremely eventful and influential life, and the US Constitution might not have been drafted without his insistence on a stronger federal government. Further, he advocated relentlessly against slavery. Jay helped frame the argument for war against England, was President of the Continental Congress, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, and held several important foreign ministry posts, and of course, helped compose the immortal Federalist Papers.   Continue reading “Why Founder John Jay’s Christian Statesmanship is Desperately Needed by America”

Max Velocity Tactical

There was a recent article published on WRSA (HERE), a guest article from the Mountain Guerrilla blog. Reading it along with the original article that explains the concept of Leaderless Resistance (LR) (HERE), I am moved to comment.

It is not that the linked article is wrong; it is more a question of relevance and tone. In basic terms, it explains how U.S. Special Forces doctrine for Unconventional Warfare (UW) does not chime with the concept of LR. That is fine; clearly UW doctrine is superior and offers up the concept of a disciplined, led, resistance.   Continue reading “Prodding gently at sacred cows – Pineland & Leaderless Resistance”

Freedom Outpost – by Mike “Mish” Shedlock

Following two consecutive posts on Syria, one reader asked “Can we get back to economics Mish?”

That’s an interesting question given that my discussion never left economics!

S.C. Tea Party Targets Lindsey Graham; Constitutionalist Challenger Steps UpThe New American –  by  Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

Although he probably can’t hear it over the sound of the war drum he’s constantly beating, the bell is tolling louder and louder for Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).

A coalition of Tea Party-affiliated groups from across South Carolina has approved a 29-point condemnation of Graham, calling for his replacement with someone committed to the Constitution.   Continue reading “S.C. Tea Party Targets Lindsey Graham; Constitutionalist Challenger Steps Up”

McClatchy – by Katie Terhune, Idaho Statesman

Two-thirds of Americans cannot name a single Supreme Court justice, former Justice Sandra Day O’Connor told the crowd that packed into a Boise State ballroom to hear her Thursday.

About one-third can name the three branches of government. Fewer than one-fifth of high school seniors can explain how citizen participation benefits democracy.   Continue reading “Retired Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, in Boise, laments ‘alarming degree of public ignorance’”

The New Boston Tea Party

Going Commie, indoctrination begins at an early age, the earlier the better; to convince mature adults takes facts, but to influence a young malleable mind is relatively easy. Children that have not been exposed to the world can be corrupted with little or no effort. A paradigm model utilized by Mao was convincing enough to allure millions upon millions to the cause – the tool for indoctrination was Mao’s Little Red book of quotations; an inspirational political and military document.    Continue reading “Common Core – Red Indoctrination”

multiple myelomaNatural News – by Ethan A. Huff

A breakthrough discovery has been made in the treatment of multiple myeloma, an aggressive type of cancer that forms in the plasma cells of bone marrow. Researchers from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in Richmond recently found that, when combined with molecules from the anti-nausea drug thalidomide, turmeric, the active ingredient of which is commonly known as curcumin, is capable of targeting and killing multiple myeloma cells naturally.   Continue reading “New science proves turmeric does what chemotherapy can’t: Kill multiple myeloma cells”

United States Militia RevolutionMilitia News – by Dr. Robert Owens

The Progressives in both parties may be the establishment now but they have always been and continue to be revolutionaries seeking to turn the American dream into a socialist nightmare.

Since the 1890s the Progressives have worked to change our American Experiment from a federal republic operating on democratic principles that recognized our God-given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness into a democracy where the government grants rights and pursues its own happiness.   Continue reading “A Slow Motion Revolution Gathers Speed”

Northeast Intelligence Network – by Douglas J. Hagmann

Events are now moving rapidly to accomplish the next step in the agenda of the globalists that will lead us into the unimaginable horrors of World War III. With each passing day, each passing hour, the curtain is being lifted a little more to expose the true agenda of the psychopaths and sociopaths who are leading the charge of war in our name, with our money and despite our apparent collective reluctance illustrated by a recent poll about intervention in Syria, our tacit approval for what is about to take place. Syria is about to become the international version of Waco, for it is the same lie that is being used now as it was then: “It’s for the children.” We know all too well how the children of Waco fared. It’s not about the children, and never was. If anything, it’s in spite of the children.   Continue reading “Syria will be the Waco of the Middle East”

Max Velocity Tactical

I was recently asked a question in an email, from a guy who has bought a full set of Patriot Plates and is looking for a decent, modestly priced, plate carrier,. He says:

“So I have purchased a set of Patriot Plates. Front and Back 10 x 12. Sides 6 x 8. I feel fairly sure you have heard of these. They are a less than ideal solution compared to ceramics but they are better than nothing at all. They are mil-spec .25 inch steel rated for a 30-06 at 30 degree deflection. They are damned heavy. So I am doing a PT plan to get up to the AFPT rating of a 17-21 year old infantryman.   Continue reading “Gear Philosophy Update”

high school classroom istock.jpgFox News

A full year before students around the nation submit to the new Common Core standardized tests, the federally-backed program is already causing chaos and confusion at local school board meetings, in the classroom and at the dinner table.

As critics fear Washington is poised to take control of what and how local districts teach kids, school administrators are adopting new curriculum in an effort to ensure their students outperform their peers and parents worry that their children are being used as academic guinea pigs. As the program gets closer to full implementation, a full-blown backlash is developing despite assurances from supporters that it is merely a test aimed at establishing a national standard.    Continue reading “Classroom chaos? Critics blast new Common Core education standards”

ncgunlaw12.jpgFox News

A new law going into effect this week in North Carolina law prohibits law enforcement from destroying unclaimed guns and firearms acquired through gun buyback programs.

The so-called “save the gun” law passed the Republican-controlled Legislature in the spring as the state moved to strengthen gun rights in the wake of the Newtown, Conn., school shooting, the Los Angeles Times reports.   Continue reading “North Carolina law prohibits police from destroying guns”

Calling It TreasonMilitia News – by Jeffrey T. Brown

We stand on the brink of an illegal exercise of military power in a part of the world we have no need to be in, except that we have a president who purposefully keeps us there by suppressing our own development of energy resources and embroiling us in their internecine warfare. We could have walked away from the Middle East already and left them to their own savagery, but the president insists that we remain inextricably tied to their historical need to kill each other so that we can overpay for oil, both monetarily and with American lives. Thus, as technology enables us to break free of dependence upon Middle East oil, our president bends over backwards to ensure that never happens. What sort of leader purposefully compels his country and its people to participate in practices and policies that are detrimental to their safety and survival?   Continue reading “Calling It Treason”

Freedom Outpost – by John Risselada

Sometimes it can be difficult to put thought to paper, especially when you know your piece is going to be posted alongside some of the same authors that inspired you in the first place. What makes it easy in these moments is the fact that there is absolutely nothing occurring in our country that makes any sense. We just keep drifting further and further into the liberal abyss. Of course, people must come to realize that is the very purpose driving the efforts of those hiding behind the word liberalism. Continue reading “Beware the Alinsky Method: Discrediting America for the Purpose of Installing Communist Change Read”

Breitbart – by MATTHEW BOYLE

SPARTANBURG — South Carolina Tea Party groups have drafted a resolution containing a 29-point case to replace Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) with a Senator who is more conservative, Breitbart News has learned.

Local Tea Party leaders provided the document, a resolution that can be passed by local and state GOP committees, to Breitbart News. It argues that Graham’s activities in the U.S. Senate are a violation of the principles of the South Carolina Republican Party platform. Graham is up for reelection next year.    Continue reading “South Carolina Tea Partiers Draft Resolution to Replace Lindsey Graham”

The Last Resistance – by 

A few days ago, a couple of armed thugs tried to rob two college students in Virginia. As they probably quickly found out, they picked on the wrong guys. And yes, one of the attackers was black. The other appeared to be Latino. And I have no idea what race the victims were. I can guess that since their race is not being reported in the media, that they were probably white. It’s usually portrayed as racist when the media point out that white people are often victims of black attackers.   Continue reading “Police: If You’re Being Attacked, Don’t Try to Defend Yourself”