Singer Miley Cyrus (Kevin Winter/Getty Images/AFP)RT News

‘Selfie’ has been named ‘Word of the Year’ by the Oxford Dictionary, an award that underscores the notion that we’re fast becoming a wired-up, dumbed-down society of egomaniacs.

(Warning: The writer of this article has fuzzy recollections of a ‘golden age’ of rotary dial phones, vinyl records and fax machines, when human behavior was not determined by the available technology).    Continue reading “Pleasure principle: Our selfie-obsessed lifestyles twerking against us”

Local Police Increasingly Subordinate to Homeland Security DepartmentThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

Reports from towns and cities around the country prove that the federal government is determined to abolish the independence of local law enforcement.

Using “grants” and other economic incentives, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is paying police departments to become subordinate outposts of the increasingly militarized federal agency.   Continue reading “Local Police Increasingly Subordinate to Homeland Security Department”

Stephen Lendman

A previous article asked if it matters? Longstanding hardline US/Israeli policy won’t change.

Sanctions Iran most wants removed remain in place. Stiff new ones may follow later on. For now they’re postponed.

America is duplicitous. It’s deals aren’t worth the paper they’re written on. Will this one be different? Don’t bet on it. Interpretations differ on what was agreed on. More on that below.   Continue reading “Deal in Geneva: Hold the Cheers”

Taitz Report

From the Los Angeles Times Newspaper

1. 40% of all workers in  Los Angeles County ( Los Angeles County has 10.2 million people) are working for cash and not paying taxes. This is because they are predominantly illegal aliens working without a green card.

2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.   Continue reading “Looting of America by the ruling organized crime, which is looking to legalize illegal immigration and impoverish American citizens”

Sgt. Report

Gerald Celente joins us to discuss the possibility of a March-June 2014 U.S. economic collapse. Celente says, “Look at the facts, they’re rigging the Forex, that’s $5.5 TRILLION per day being traded! They’ve rigged the LIBOR rates, the interest rates … it’s larceny. It will take a crisis to get these things to unravel, and this time they’re running out of games on how to fix it.” Gerald says, “At some point they’re going to have to stop unraveling this money pool they’ve been filling up.”   Continue reading “CELENTE: The U.S. is ‘a Criminal Operation!’”

Screenshot from miamiherald.comRT News

Miami Gardens, Florida police routinely hassled and arrested patrons and workers at a convenience store for minor, at times fabricated, infractions, arresting one employee over 250 times in four years in a case of seemingly abusive policing.

The Miami Herald reported Thursday on one convenience store owner in Miami Gardens, a town of 109,000 in Miami-Dade County, who had originally agreed with local police around three years ago to join in on their “zero tolerance” policy in the city to reduce crime, putting a sign in the store’s window announcing his cooperation.    Continue reading “Store clerk arrested for ‘trespassing’ at work dozens of times in Florida town”

131122-central-america-teaseThe Daily Beast – by Mac Margolis

The attack was swift and violent. It was a few hours before dawn in San Salvador when three armed men broke into the headquarters of Probúsqueda—an El Salvador civic group dedicated to tracking down disappeared children—and went to work. Holding three employees at gunpoint, the raiders rifled drawers, plundered computer files and set the offices of the non-profit on fire.

This was no random act of vandalism. The smell of gasoline still laced the air when the forensic teams arrived on the scene hours later. And though police investigators have yet to discover who launched the assault, no one in this war-scarred Central American nation missed the underlying meaning of the rampage.   Continue reading “Central America’s New Cold War”

Stephen Lendman

Imagine! Israel has no constitution. It has no declared borders. Its policies reflect racial and ethnic supremacy.

Lawless occupation harshness is longstanding. Belligerence is a way of life. Institutionalized racism is official policy. So is state terror.

Jews are afforded rights denied Muslims. Palestinians are viciously  persecuted. Crimes of war, against humanity and slow-motion genocide persist daily.   Continue reading “Israel Wants Walls, not Peace”

Want to

President John F. Kennedy took many actions which upset his war-hungry generals and other top business and mafia leaders. One of the first and least-known of these was his putting a stop to plans of the Pentagon’s top generals to provoke war with Cuba. The plans were detailed in documents under the title of Operation Northwoods.   Continue reading “Operation Northwoods – Information Center on Secret Operation Northwoods”

Pro Libertate

“When you are going to take their guns,” observes Special Agent John Marsh, “they are not happy.”

“They” are California residents who have been designated as “prohibited persons” by the state’s Armed Prohibited Persons System (APPS). Those individuals are said to have “lost” their rights under the Second Amendment. Marsh leads a special APPS paramilitary task force dedicated exclusively to gun confiscation.    Continue reading “California’s Gun-Grabbing Einsatzgruppen”

Of Two Minds – by Charles Hugh Smith

ObamaCare will act as a neutron bomb on the U.S. economy for systemic reasons.

Longtime readers know I have repeatedly explained why healthcare, i.e. sickcare, will bankrupt the nation. ObamaCare simply speeds up the coming collapse. Here are two of the dozens of entries I’ve written on sickcare:    Continue reading “ObamaCare: The Neutron Bomb That Will Decimate the U.S.”

Liberty Blitzkrieg – by Mike

Well if this isn’t one of the more ridiculous things I have read in a while, I don’t know what is. Many of my readers are probably familiar with Mike “Mish” Shedlock, who writes a very popular economics/finance blog. He has a habit of doing what I like best, challenging propaganda, engaging in critical thought and a fearlessness when it comes to saying what he believes. It appears that such behavior is frowned upon by French banksters and their minions in government.   Continue reading “Blogger “Mish” is Fined 8,000 Euros by France for Freedom of Speech”

Lew Rockwell – by Jack D. Douglas

Sacred Monarchs have been overthrown by military leaders throughout all 5,000 years of statism. Caesarism is ancient. Bonapartism is the modern version of Caesarism. We see it happening every day in the world’s media. The Egyptian Army and secret police just overthrew the first elected, democratic government in Egypt’s history. (I believe for many reasons the CIA is behind this and supplies the vital war materials and money and intelligence to the Egyptian Army, but the U.S. government is openly against the take-over in the Media.)   Continue reading “The Threat From the Military and Secret Police”

Canada Free Press – by Brooklyn Lowe

(Author’s note: Although this current event thesis may be considered by some a black vs. white and/or being white is somehow good and therefore being black must be bad, nothing could be further from the truth. It is offered to highlight how the corrupt and divisive use of racism can be used as the instrument of destruction to overthrow the once God-fearing Nation, the once thriving Constitutional Republic, the once dominant economic world power, by the devastative-tactic fashioned by Julius Caesar to Divide and Conquer.)   Continue reading “You’re On The Wrong Side”

Flickr - Chemtrail - lrargerichWaking Times – by Christina Sarich

You already know about Snowden unveiling the secret of heavy government surveillance via the NSA and CIA on its own people, but the whistleblower has released another information bomb that will make chemtrail watchers and suspects of the ‘conspiracy’ of a eugenics program sit up and listen.

According to Snowden, chemtrails are part of a ‘benevolent’ program to stop global warming. By cooperating with jet fuel manufacturers (and though he doesn’t say this, likely branches of the military) the government has been spraying the skies with chemicals in order to keep us from severe draught and other weather patterns which would cause famine in large swaths of the United States. But here’s the biggest shocker – with cooperation from Monsanto, a secret geo-engineering lab was set up, known by insiders as the ‘crown jewel’ or Muad’Dib. This lab has been operating since the 1960s without the knowledge of the people.   Continue reading “Snowden Reveals Monsanto Collusion with Government to Create Chemtrails”

New York Times – by Ron Nixon

WASHINGTON — The federal government paid $11.3 million in taxpayer-funded farm subsidies from 1995 to 2012 to 50 billionaires or businesses in which they have some form of ownership, according to a report released Thursday by the Environmental Working Group, a Washington-based research organization.

The billionaires who received the subsidies or owned companies that did include the Microsoft co-founder Paul G. Allen; the investment titan Charles Schwab; and S. Truett Cathy, owner of Chick-fil-A. The billionaires who got the subsidies have a collective net worth of $316 billion, according to Forbes magazine.   Continue reading “Billionaires Received U.S. Farm Subsidies, Report Finds”

Land Ownership Bloomberg –  by Andro Linklater

The 102 Pilgrims who sailed to the New World in 1620 were destined to be communists. Under the terms of their agreement with the Plymouth company, they were to work communally for the first seven years, ‘‘during which time, all profits & benefits that are got by trade, traffick, trucking, working, fishing or any other means … remaine still in ye comone stock.’’ After that time the proceeds would be shared with the investors in England.   Continue reading “When Pilgrims Privatized America”