10 Things About The US News MediaThe Economic Collapse – by Michael Snyder

Do you trust the news media?  Do you believe that the information that they are giving you is true and accurate?  If you answered yes to either of those questions, that places you in a steadily shrinking minority.  Yes, on average Americans watch approximately 153 hours of television a month, but for their news they are increasingly turning to alternative sources of information such as this website.  Big news channels such as CNN, MSNBC and Fox News are losing hordes of viewers, and they are desperately searching for answers.  Things have gotten so bad at CNN that they have been forced to lay off hundreds of workers.  The mainstream media is slowly dying, but they will never admit it.  They are still convinced that they can find some way to turn this around and regain the trust of the American people.  But it simply is not going to happen.  The following are 10 things about the U.S. news media that they do not want you to know…   Continue reading “10 Things About The U.S. News Media That They Do Not Want You To Know”

View image on Twitter21st Century Wire

Uncanny timing. Just as the book on Ebola is closed, suddenly, a new chapter on ISIS is open. Have intelligence agencies finally dragged Canada into the ‘War on Terror’?

This morning, the Canadian Parliament building located in the capitol of Ottawa, was reported to have been besieged by a Canadian citizen – a ‘lone wolf gunman’ named Michael Zehaf-Bibeau (pictured below).   Continue reading “Canada Shooter Media Hoax: FOX News says ‘It’s Terrorism, It’s ISIS’”

Russia Insider – by Damir Marinovic

The Odessa massacre is the other shoe, along with MH17, and the discovery of mass graves proving war crimes in East Ukraine, which is waiting to drop.

The facts about these three issues are going to go mainstream, and when they do, support for Kiev, inside and outside Ukraine, is going to evaporate quickly.   Continue reading “Excellent US Mini-Documentary Details Kiev’s Collusion in Odessa Massacre”

Russia Insider – by Damir Marinovic

Frequent reports in the media of civilian shelling can be desensitizing.  After the 20th headline, one just isn’t shocked the way one was the first time one hears of it.

The mind involuntarily, callously murmurs, “so what else is new?”

Well here is a video to remind one what this shelling actually entails.   Continue reading “What Shelling of Civilians Looks Like Up Close”

A Malaysia Airways' Boeing 777 like the one that crashed in eastern Ukraine on July 17, 2014. (Photo credit: Aero Icarus from Zürich, Switzerland)Consortium News – by Robert Perry

The West’s case blaming Russia for the shoot-down of a Malaysia Airlines plane over Ukraine last July appears to be crumbling as the German foreign intelligence agency has concluded that the anti-aircraft missile battery involved came from a Ukrainian military base, according to a report by the German newsmagazine Der Spiegel.

The Obama administration and other Western governments have pointed the finger of blame at Russia for supposedly supplying a sophisticated BUK missile system to ethnic Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine who then allegedly used the weapon on July 17 to shoot down what they thought was a Ukrainian military plane but turned out to be Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, killing all 298 people onboard.   Continue reading “German Intelligence Clears Russia of Responsibility for MH17 Tragedy”

SHTF Plan – by Glenn Tate, 229 Days

(This post is something you can send to your friends or print out and hand to them when SHTF.)

Dear Friend:

I love my friends, but I will shoot you if I have to.  I’m serious.  Here’s why.

I tried to persuade you to prepare for what’s coming and, in the process, revealed that to you that I’m preparing.  You realized that I have food, guns, etc., and ended up saying, half kidding but half serious, “I’ll come to your place when SHTF.”   Continue reading ““I’ll Come To Your Place When SHTF” – No You Won’t”

Surveillance video allegedly captures man stuffing "hundreds" of ballots into a ballot box in Maricopa County, Arizona, Aug. 25, 2014. (Image source: YouTube)TheBlaze – by Jon Street

An Arizona county party official said he saw a man stuffing “hundreds” of ballots into the ballot box and later told a local news outlet the entire incident was caught on surveillance video.

“A person wearing a Citizens for a Better Arizona T-shirt dropped a large box of hundreds of early ballots on the table and started stuffing the ballot box as I watched in amazement,” said A.J. LaFaro, chairman of the Maricopa County Republican Party.   Continue reading “Surveillance Video Apparently Catches Guy Doing Something at the Ballot Box That Left Republican Monitor Stunned”

A NYPD officer looks into a train as he patrols the Times Square subway station in New York policeThe Guardian

Fellow musicians are rallying around a subway performer whose arrest in a busy station was captured on video as straphangers jeered the officer. The New York police department says it’s looking into the arrest.

Andrew Kalleen, 30, was performing Friday at the G-train stop in Brooklyn’s hipster Williamsburg neighborhood when an officer told him he must leave the station because he needs a permit to play there. The neighborhood is home to trendy boutiques and cafes patronized by ultrahip residents and tourists who flock there to experience Brooklyn life.   Continue reading “Buskers rally after subway arrest video inspires New Yorkers to jeer police”

voteballotboxEAG New – by Kyle Olson

SCHAUMBURG, Ill. – Admitting his confidence in Cook County ballot integrity is shaken, State Representative Candidate Jim Moynihan (R-56), was shocked today when he tried to cast a vote for himself and the voting machine cast it for his opponent instead.

“While early voting at the Schaumburg Public Library today, I tried to cast a vote for myself and instead it cast the vote for my opponent,” said Moynihan. “You could imagine my surprise as the same thing happened with a number of races when I tried to vote for a Republican and the machine registered a vote for a Democrat.”   Continue reading “Chicagoland voting machine casts candidate’s vote for his Dem opponent”

Russia Insider

Oliver Stone, one of America’s most celebrated film makers, was in Moscow in September, working on his upcoming biopic of Edward Snowden and a new documentary about the Ukraine catastrophe.

He gave this long interview to a major Russian newspaper.  Small parts of it have been published in English elsewhere, but we got our hands on the original transcript, and are delighted to share it with you here, in full, for the first time.   Continue reading “Oliver Stone’s Full Moscow Interview On Russia and Ukraine”

Business Insider – by ERIN FUCHS

A controversial police tactic that lets cops seize large amounts of suspicious cash has been aided by a family-owned company that won millions in federal contracts, Robert O’Harrow and Michael Sallah write in The Washington Post.

That company, Desert Snow, has trained cops around the US on the art of roadside asset forfeiture, which allows police to take cash or other assets they believe have been illegally obtained. Cops can take these assets from people even if they’re never convicted of or even charged with a crime, and people must go to court to get their stuff back.   Continue reading “How A Small, Family-Owned Company Taught Cops Around America To Seize Millions In Cash”

Reuters / Toru Hanai RT

Excerpts from a proposed international trade agreement leaked to the web this week suggest that the United States is pushing for changes that would make it more difficult to get life-saving drugs overseas.

On Thursday, transparency group WikiLeaks published a draft chapter from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement which 12 countries, including the US, have been negotiating in near total privacy for years.   Continue reading “WikiLeaks: US pushes to extend drug monopolies in secret proposed trade deal”

Russia Insider

For Russia watchers, this is must-see TV.

Stephen Cohen is the most authoritative American voice criticizing US policy towards Russia, which he thinks is a disaster.  Cohen has an illustrious academic career covering Russia at Princeton University and is very highly regarded, despite withering attacks on him from neo-con publications likeThe New Republic, The Washington Post, and The New York Times.   Continue reading “America’s Leading Russia Specialist Blasts US Policy”