As I was thinking about Ferguson, MO. and the possibility of massive protests this weekend along with all the other news that is upon us right now this very moment, I started thinking about that letter Eric Frein supposedly left behind about the details on the night of the shooting.

I believe that not one of us here (including myself) and on other sites that commented about this letter besides it being a BS story caught what Mr. Frein actually said in this letter.

Tidbit from the letter,  Frein, 31, wrote that he ran back to his Jeep and drove into a road block about half a mile away, Bivens said.   Continue reading “Recalling the letter of Eric Frein”

Diegel sisters 10 and 12 Year Old Sisters Seized from Family by Hospital in PhoenixHealth Impact News

In a case bearing several similarities to Justina Pelletier’s family’s experience with Boston Children’s Hospital, and Isaiah Rider’s family’s experience with Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago, 10 and 12 year old sisters have been seized by Phoenix Children’s Hospital over a medical dispute. The mother has reportedly been ordered to not discuss the case with anyone, and has been forced to take down YouTube videos and a Facebook Page with over 3000 followers that was documenting the actions of Child Protection Services and doctors at Phoenix Children’s Hospital.   Continue reading “10 and 12 Year Old Sisters Seized from Family by Hospital in Phoenix”

Vineyard of the Saker – by The Saker

Military situation

The situation in the Ukraine and Novorussia is a very tense and could lead to a major resumption of hostilities.

The Junta Repression Forces (JRF) have used the ceasefire to lick their wounds, get reorganized, concentrate their forces, bring in much needed reinforcements, prepare defensive fortifications and bring in new units.  The Novorussian Armed Forces (NAF) have done the same but, unlike the JRF, the NAF suffer from a lack of equipment, possibly made worse by a reduction of the flow of weapons, in particular heavy ones, from Russia (the so-called voentorg).  In terms of personnel, the influx of volunteers to the NDF has remained steady and strong.   Continue reading “Ukraine SITREP October 8th, 16:00 UTC/Zulu: The calm before the storm?”

Arab World 360

The wickedly satirical Juice Rap News casts a discerning eye over the remarkable series of events over the last few weeks.

From Gaza to Syria, ISIS to Ukraine, sinkholes to Ebola, and Ferguson to Robin Williams, the world has been experiencing a seemingly endless series of disturbing events: how do we manage to deal with all the painful ironies and bloody tragedies of these times?   Continue reading “Smiley MSMBS World News”

I have no idea on this, I’m just playing out how this should go down because the public is starting to doubt this story and something tells me they get this guy within the next few days. But it has to be timed correctly for the story to drag out over 2 to 3 weeks.

I’m going to call it right here right now.  They are waiting for the opportune time to release his capture so the media frenzy will keep the masses pre-occupied with this story to snuff out something else, another scandal of course.

As soon as the story breaks, this is how it will go, not verbatim mind you but close.   Continue reading “Re: Eric Frien”

Russia Insider

This recent editorial from the Oct. 3rd New York Times is a great example of the chasm between what the western media is telling their readers, and what we believe is the actual situation.

When two sides disagree so fundamentally on the most basic facts, one is tempted to throw up one’s hands, and give up any idea of having a serious discussion.   Continue reading “Check Out How Many Mistakes We Found In a Recent NYT Editorial”

Screen Shot 2014-10-06 at 11.05.00 AMLiberty Blitzkrieg – by Mike Krieger

Police confiscating Americans’ hard earned cash, as well as a wide variety of other valuables, without an arrest or conviction is a disturbing and growing practice throughput these United States. Since cops get to keep the seized funds and use the money on pretty much anything they want, the practice is becoming endemic in certain parts of the nation. The theft is often referred to simply as civil forfeiture, or civil asset forfeiture. Incredibly, under civil forfeiture laws your property is incredibly “guilty until you prove it innocent.”   Continue reading ““Common People Do Not Carry This Much Currency” – How Police Justify Stealing American Citizens’ Money”

The other day I was picking up some paper from the office supply store and there was this blonde woman over at the color printing machines complaining under her breath.  As she was looking around for the clerk to help her out, I moseyed over to where she was and asked her if there might be something I can do.  “Well” she explained, “every time I push the print button, my picture comes out looking like George W. Bush”.  “From the sounds of it” I asked, “it’s safe to say that’s not the picture on the scanner in the the machine”?   “NO” she snapped, “it’s a picture of President Obama and the guy at the counter said this was the best machine for what I wanted to do and of course he is nowhere around to help”.     Continue reading “The Smart Printer”

Vietnam and Russia established diplomatic ties in 1950 [Xinhua]The BRICS Post

Russian officials are speeding up negotiations for Vietnam to join the Moscow-led Customs Union bloc, officials said on Monday. The inclusion of Vietnam in the group would reinforce President Putin’s drive to show Russia will not be isolated by Western sanctions.

The two countries will boost bilateral trade revenue to $7 billion in 2015 and $10 billion in 2020, said Doan Duy Khuong, vice chairman of Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), on Monday. The two sides are also beefing up efforts to conclude negotiations on a free trade agreement, said the official at a Vietnam-Russia business forum held in Hanoi.   Continue reading “Vietnam to join Moscow-led Customs Union bloc: Reports”

File photo of Chinese President Xi Jinping (left) with Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev [PPIO]The BRICS Post

Russia and China will ink more than 30 agreements on energy, finance and high-speed rail cooperation during the annual Russia-China Prime Ministers summit to be held on 13 October, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson announced on Saturday.

The two states’ premiers will also hold a meeting at the international forum Open Innovations on 14 October, said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei in Beijing. Russia has been attempting to shrug off its dependence on European energy markets and instead adopt a “look-east” policy towards China and India.   Continue reading “China, Russia to sign 30 agreements during annual meet”

diazThe Free Thought Project – by John Vibes

Video has recently surfaced showing Baltimore City Police Officer Gualberto Diaz breaking down the door of a Brighton Street apartment, just before he allegedly assaulted a number of the occupants inside, while pointing his gun and making death threats.

While these are the same actions that Diaz carries out in the line of duty every single day, this intrusion was not done under the color of law.   Continue reading “On Duty Cop Breaks into House Assaults Estranged Wife And Holds Family At Gunpoint”

Information Clearinghouse – by Tony Cartalucci

The “Occupy Central” protests in Hong Kong continue on – destabilizing the small southern Chinese island famous as an international hub for corporate-financier interests, and before that, the colonial ambitions of the British Empire. Those interests have been conspiring for years to peel the island away from Beijing after it was begrudgingly returned to China in the late 1990’s, and use it as a springboard to further destabilize mainland China. [2]

Behind the so-called “Occupy Central” protests, which masquerade as a “pro-democracy” movement seeking “universal suffrage” and “full democracy,” is a deep and insidious network of foreign financial, political, and media support. Prominent among them is the US State Department and its National Endowment for Democracy (NED) as well as NED’s subsidiary, the National Democratic Institute (NDI).   Continue reading “Documents Show US Openly Approves Hong Kong Chaos It Created”

Russia Insider – by Federico Pieraccini

A commander of one of the Ukrainian neo-nazi battalions, the Donbass, Semyon Semyonchenko, has just returned from the US, where he met with senior senators from both parties, and received commitments of material support.

He posted a comment on Facebook in which he gives a detailed explanation of this assistance.   Continue reading “Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Commander: “The US is Training and Funding Us””

Russia Insider – by Alex Clackson

Beneath the surface warmth the US and Germany have an uneasy relationship whilst German feelings towards Russia are becoming more positive. 

Relations with the US soured badly this summer following revelations of NSA spying in Germany. Things got worse when a German intelligence officer was arrested for spying for the US. This resulted in Angela Merkel’s government asking the top representative of the US’s secret services in Germany to leave.   Continue reading “Germany Loses Patience with America, Edges towards Russia”


WASHINGTON — Julia Pierson, the director of the Secret Service, is resigning in the wake of several security breaches.

Ms. Pierson offered her resignation on Wednesday during a meeting with Jeh C. Johnson, the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, the agency that oversees the Secret Service. The resignation came less than a day after lawmakers from both parties assailed Ms. Pierson’s leadership and said they feared for the lives of the president and others in the protection of the agency.   Continue reading “Secret Service Director Resigns in Scandal Over Security Lapses”

Irish Mirror

Pampered politicians will not have to pay water charges on their second homes.

Ministers, Junior Ministers and the Attorney General will be exempt from the €125 payment on their second residence thanks to a law dating back to 1997.

This will come as a massive blow to hard-pressed families who are being crucified with the levies starting from today.   Continue reading “Ireland: Outrage as its revealed politicians WON’T have to pay water charges on second homes”

Vineyard of the Saker

The context: a double declaration of war

Listening to Poroshenko a few days ago and then to Obama at the UNGA can leave no doubt whatsoever about the fact that the AngloZionist Empire is at war with Russia.  Yet many believe that the Russian response to this reality is inadequate.  Likewise, there is a steady stream of accusations made against Putin about Russia’s policy towards the crisis in the Ukraine.  What I propose to do here is to offer a few basic reminders about Putin, his obligations and his options.     Continue reading “The Russian response to a double declaration of war”

Mark RecklessThe Guardian – by Chris Johnston

Mark Reckless, the Tory MP for Rochester and Strood, has become the second Conservative member to defect to Ukip in the space of two months.

The eurosceptic politician said he had not taken the decision lightly but claimed the Conservative leadership was “part of the problem that is holding our country back”.

The surprise announcement, which comes on the eve of the Conservative party conference in Birmingham, is a further blow to David Cameron eight months before the general election.Appearing on stage to a rapturous reception at the Ukip conference in Doncaster, he said voters felt “ripped off and lied to”, adding: “Today I am leaving the Conservative party and joining Ukip.”   Continue reading “Tory MP Mark Reckless defects to Ukip”

Notice this date of publication, it fit the narrative for drug cartels and now we have a new narrative about $. Oops, sorry IS.

Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft, January 18, 2012

In October 20 year-old Carina Saunders was tortured, murdered and dismembered. Her body was left in a grocery store parking lot.

Carina Saunders watched as her killer tortured, murdered and dismembered other victims. reported:   Continue reading “2012 Oklahoma Murder & Beheading Looks Like Work of Mexican Cartels”