Paul Volcker wants a new Bretton Woods agreement to replace the old one which Nixon broke in August of 1971 when he refused to redeem dollars for gold at $35 an ounce. Henry Kissinger took us onto the Petrodollar standard in 1973 after the Arab-Israeli war. The Gulf oil monarchies agreed to sell oil only in dollars. These dollars bought US Treasury bonds and helped fund America’s perpetual budget deficit and to pretend it had also solved its trade imbalance. Some have mistakenly accused America of fighting Oil wars. We have been fighting wars to defend the Petrodollar. The wars against Iraq, Libya and Syria have been waged to oil being priced in dollars. Iran has no nuclear weapons program. The sanctions against Iran were designed to force the Iranians to back down and sell their oil for dollars. Continue reading “Power Elite Set To Steal Everything And Then Kill The Dollar”
Author: Video Rebel
“With a gun a man can rob a bank , with a bank a man can rob the world.” – Carter Glass, co-author of the Glass-Steagall Act.
Actually, the economy is much worse than this graph indicates because it assumes the governments of the United States and the European Union are telling us the truth. John Williams of Shadow Stats says the real inflation rate is 9.7%. The federal government said the GDP contracted at 1% in the first quarter but you get a much more severe and more realistic image of that contraction when you use the real inflation rate. Continue reading “So What Happens When Government Lies Are Not Enough?”
The Good News from Bilderberg is that they have invited back the Chinese college professors who attended Bilderberg 2012 but were snubbed in 2013. They also invited another Chinese professor who has worked on his government’s Five Year plan. Hopefully, this rapprochement means we can avoid a military confrontation in Asia. One Bilderberg agenda item is to discuss the recent Russo-Chinese economic alignment and what this means for the Western governments they control.They discuss agenda items until a consensus is reached. Then the participants are expected to carry that consensus back to their home countries. Continue reading “2014 Bilderberg Annotated Members List”
The Bilderberg Society will be meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark from Wednesday May 29 to Sunday June 1, 2014. David Rothkopf wrote Superclass in which he describes how the Thirty Families and their 6,000 minions run the world or at least America, Great Britain and Europe. Rothkopf used to work for Henry Kissinger. The Bilderberg Society has an annual meeting at which participants discuss an agenda developed for the Thirty Families and delivered to the meeting by the Bilderberg Society Steering Committee. That Steering Committee invites participants and sets the pre-arranged agenda. The agenda is discussed until agreement is reached and the participants take the wishes of the Thirty Families home to implement them. One third of those participants are government officials who represent Presidents, Prime Ministers and Foreign affairs Defense and Treasury Secretaries. Continue reading “Not Everyone Is Waiting For Bilderberg To Tell Them What To Do.”
The best video or article on money is the one people understand. This short video is from England where they call a non-interest bearing currency Positive Money instead of Greenbacks. Back in the 1930s Irving Fisher had similar ideas called the Chicago Plan and wrote a book entitled 100% Money. Please watch this video. Continue reading “Positive Money: A Letter From America”
The question to ask is this: Do Jewish people have any control over what their leadership does in their name? Until recently most Americans actually believed they lived in a democracy where their opinion and their vote counted. I have not seen a poll on the subject but I doubt that a majority of people capable of thought do believe their votes are properly counted on election day. They certainly do not believe that their opinion counts as much as that of campaign donors. Continue reading “Whither Goest The Jewish People?”
Zero Hedge had an article the other day on the decline of the middle class. I would like to include in my discussion the working class because America used to have a skilled work force that was as highly paid as many members of the middle class.
I have dedicated myself to preventing World War III and to the abolition of poverty for the working poor. Today I will address the latter though I believe it will form the basis of saying No to war. Frankly, Americans have the lost the ability to say No to Wall Street and to wars for Israel. Continue reading “Reversing The Decline Of The Working And Middle Classes”
Dr Jim Willie has been talking about the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, China, India and South Africa) being joined by other nations to take down the dollar. He says there are now 80 nations in the BRICS alliance who have joined together to end the dollar’s reign as the international reserve currency. China could have taken down the US economy any time it wanted to after it had accumulated more than a trillion dollars in US Treasury bonds. All it had to do was to sell them and buy real assets until the US government collapsed and surrendered. Continue reading “Jim Willie: BRICS 80 Preparing To Take Down The Dollar”
When, not if, the dollar collapses, we will have a brief opportunity to stop the wars, cancel Unpayable Debts and to reform the banking system. But to really change the direction of this country we will have to get along with people who had been oppressing us. One part of that Reconciliation process would have to be Restitution for the tens of trillions of dollars stolen from us.
Today I would like to make the case for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission which would allow those who had been abused by either federal or state and local governments to come forward and testify. These testimonies if corroborated could lead to criminal charges, fines, resignation from office or amnesty. We will need a permanent record of government abuse. Continue reading “America Needs Truth And Reconciliation After The Government Collapses”
The Bilderberg Society will be meeting in Copenhagen at the end of May. These men and women work for what David Rothkopf called the Thirty Families. These 30 Families think they own the governments of the West. Now is an excellent time to analyze how the governmental system that has been imposed on us by Wall Street and the City of London actually works.
The latest word on the American economy is that its growth in 2014 was an illusion created by surging healthcare costs due to Mr Obama’s allegedly Affordable Healthcare Act. The price of beef, pork, eggs, gasoline and utilities have also been spiking higher. If it weren’t for the rising cost of insurance and healthcare, the economy would not have grown 0.1% so far this year. It would have contracted 1%. But, if we used the real inflation figures from John Williams at Shadow Stats, we would understand that the real American economy is contracting at 9%. Raising the price of food, gasoline, utilities and healthcare does not really increase our economic wealth but does make America and its trading partners a lot more unstable and open to revolutionary change. Continue reading “Analyzing The Structure Of The American Deep State”
I want to emphasize what I have said before: We are very close to an Extinction Level Event. We have nuclear power reactors very close to earthquake fault lines that are long over due for major eruptions. We could have 20 Fukushima size meltdowns. We have 2 nuclear power plants near fault lines in California and more than half a dozen in the area near the New Madrid fault line. In 1811-1812 America had 4 major quakes near New Madrid, Missouri. That area is long overdue. The southern California section of the San Andreas fault line has not erupted in over 300 years.
Continue reading “Rad Chick: Where’s the CORIUM? Chernobyl to Fukushima”
Aristotle told us to observe behavior and draw conclusions. That works great for watching a rational man’s decisions. But what use is logic if the politician under our careful gaze is a blooming idiot?
Mr Obama said in 2008 that he was going to attack coal fired electrical generation. We concluded that he wanted to raise electric utility bills. What we have since observed is that coal fired plants owned by J P Morgan and General Electric were not run out of business. Therefore his plan was to raise utility bills and to enrich two Mega Corporations. On March 12, 2014 the American Teleprompter Reader said he releasing 5 million barrels of oil from our strategic reserves to teach those darn Ruskies a lesson. Continue reading “Is The American Teleprompter Reader Trying To Crash The Dollar?”
Few people noticed that government changed the First Amendment to really mean that you can assemble in a designated Free Speech Zone and sign a petition which you cannot present to an elected official without committing a felony. The Federal government has been revising the Bill of Rights to such an extent that the original might seem unrecognizable to older generations. Rather than wait for the Revised Bill of Rights to appear in 2020 I have written the document now from current trends. Continue reading “The Bill Of Rights, Suggestions and Privileges”
Wages are down. Unemployment is up. Inflation is up. The debts owed by individuals are way up along with government debts and Austerity measures from above imposed on those below. In America homes and ranches and farms have been stolen by the government and by the banks. In Nevada the Bureau of Land Management has taken to stealing cattle and hiring Blackwater mercenaries. We are told they needed the Bundy family land as a carbon off sink for a Chinese project and also the water rights for fracking. In Spain riot police chased peaceful demonstrators into the subways and beat them with clubs. They beat young pretty girls in the face with truncheons. I have talked to women who were anti-war demonstrators. They told me that in the old days the male police officers were disposed to treat the pretty girls better than the others. The police preferred to torture the less physically attractive women. Not anymore. The days of chivalry in the constabulary are over. Continue reading “When Does The Resistance To Global Tyranny Begin?”
The Russians and the Chinese have been attacking the dollar with the help of nations from Asia and Latin America to Africa and the Mideast. I would describe their efforts as Chinese Water Torture with one blow falling after another steadily undermining the benefits of the US being allowed to print dollars and buy electronics, oil, food, clothes and cars with I Owe You Nothing Federal Reserve Notes. Continue reading “Bilderberg 2014: Dollar Devaluation On The Agenda?”
I would like to begin by stressing the solution to the potentially catastrophic problems I will describe today. I have two audiences. Those Inside Government and those on the outside. The solution to all the problems I will be describing is to release the scientific works of Nikola Tesla and all improvements make to his experiments since his death more than 7 decades ago. Tesla invented alternating current generators and a lot more. When he died, the Secret Government seized 155 box and crates of his notes and lab equipment. They have spent hundreds of billions of dollars since then perfecting his rather brilliant work and other advanced areas of science.
It is time that all scientific knowledge not of a military nature held by the Secret Government be released. Continue reading “Blood Moons, Quakes, Volcanoes, 20 Fukushimas And Tesla”
Healthcare in America before and after Obama has been organized for the benefit of Big Pharma and Wall Street. Americans paid $3.8 trillion last year for healthcare but they get less than any industrialized nation. America has 31% of the total population of the 34 most industrialized nations. The US has 38% of live births but 60% of all the infants in the 34 industrialized world who are born and die in their first 24 hours do so in the USA.
We do have talented doctors and nurses who are equipped to save lives but the cost is prohibitively high and the overall results are meager. Continue reading “Healthcare Reform, Insurance And Self-Determination”
I am writing about the Bankers who are driving 7 billion people off a cliff towards the certain destruction of our economic life. Money is a difficult subject to understand but I think it is worth the effort if it prevents Wall Street and the City of London from starving half a billion people to death and risking World War III for the rest of us.
I want to start with a simple but basic equation: M x V = P x T. The Money Supply M times the Velocity V or the number of times money changes hands in a year equals Prices times Transactions. We are already in a Depression. The real inflation rate in America is 8.5% so even if economic growth is 1.5% the economy is contracting 7% a year. Native born Americans under 55 have lost 4.9 million jobs since 2007. Depressions used to be called Monetary Contractions. Real wages are contracting. We have doubled the number of people receiving Disability since 2007 because the government needs to hide millions of unemployed people. Continue reading “The Counterfeiting Cannibals of Canal Street”
Lieutenant Colonel Charles Dunlap had written a warning to the US government that pushing the military into civilian affairs combined with a series of wars America could not win would lead to a coup. He won an award from General Colin Powell. But the reasons why the coup happened was a little more complex.
The U.S. military previously had to stand up to both the Bush and Obama administrations and their push to war. Literally hundreds of officers had been fired for refusing to accept Presidential orders that originated either on Wall Street or in Tel Aviv. Some like Admiral Fox Fallon became famous but most received no publicity until after the coup had succeeded. Continue reading “Looking Back At America’s Only Successful Military Coup”
The American government will collapse as soon as the dollar dies which should be in a matter of months. The dollar will not last until the next President takes office in January of 2017. The following are a series of ideas we need to discuss prior to the Day the Dollar Dies.
1) Eliminate the ability of the banks to charge us interest on money they created out of nothing. Take over the Federal Reserve. Continue reading “Plans For The Day After The Government Collapses”