Gateway Pundit – by Jordan Conradson
Kari Lake doesn’t let the fake news make her look bad.
She makes them look bad.
Arizona Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake recently wasted a fake news ABC reporter and exposed the network’s lies on election fraud coverage. This was a brutal takedown of a naive young leftist journalist.
Lake shared another teaser clip from her recent interview with 60 Minutes Australia where she destroyed the reporter on the difference between America and other countries like Australia.
The Gateway Pundit previously reported on the relocation of COVID-positive Australian citizens to quarantine camps.
Kari Lake commented on the relocation camps and the Australian government’s treatment of its own citizens.
Kari Lake: What I don’t like is that people are being held in prison without being charged. That’s unAmerican. Maybe they get away with that stuff in Australia. Perhaps in Australia, because you’ve given your rights away, You melted down all of your guns, and you guys have no freedom, you find that okay. But here in America, we do things differently. We have something called the US Constitution, and we have rights. And we don’t take kindly on Americans being locked up for months on end without being charged. So charge them or get off the pot.
Reporter: We’d be better off having more guns here?
Kari Lake: You absolutely would, sir, you absolutely would. I feel so sorry for the people in Australia have no power. The only thing keeping us from being Australia right now, or Canada, is our Second Amendment. And we will never, ever let that go—Mark my words. What we saw happening in Australia, where you have internment camps, and people are being forced, if they’ve encountered anybody with COVID, to be locked into a quarantine camp is the most horrifying thing I think I’ve ever seen a government do. It’s frightening, and if you can’t see that. I feel sorry for you.
Lake came prepared again with her own camera. She said this was the “most biased interview” of her life.
This was THE most biased interview of my entire life! The Corporate Media Cabal is working overtime to churn out hit pieces. Sadly for them, I hit back harder. Will @60MinsAustralia put out the FULL interview?
Doesn’t matter. We will! To be continued…
The problem is that Obama shut down all the lead smelting plants in the US during his time as Prez. He used the EPA to accomplish that. It is now all recycled lead.
Obama did shut down all the lead smelting plants in the US during his time as president, with zip zero zilch nada jurisdictional authority to do so and as an act of espionage against the American people.
The EPA is just another sub-contractor without any jurisdictional authority itself.
The lead smelting plants were shut down for one reason and one reason only, and that is that we the people as individuals possessing the absolute jurisdictional authority in this sovereign country f-king allowed it because our people are to chicken shit and cowardly to invoke their absolute authority and remove these mother f-kers from our country.
Let’s keep things straight here.