Belgian Government Gasses Its Own People At Protest Against UN Migration Pact

Information Liberation – by Chris Menahan

The Belgian government gassed its own people on Sunday at a 5,000-strong rally protesting against the government signing the UN Migration Pact, also known as the “UN Suicide Pact,” against the will of the public.

While the Western media went crazy over US border patrol using tear gas — a “weapon banned in war” — against a group of migrants attempting to invade the US, they’re totally fine with the tyrannical government of Belgium using this “weapon of war” against their own citizens for protesting open borders globalism.  

From Fox News:

Demonstrators protesting against a new United Nations migration pact outside the European Union’s headquarters in Brussels this weekend were met with tear gas and water cannons after some of them became violent.

Riot police closed off streets in the city center and confronted some protesters after about 5,000 gathered on Sunday for a march local authorities initially banned due to the threat of violence.

The protesters were objecting to a UN compact on migration, a non-binding agreement among the majority states to cooperate in ensuring safe migration and upholding the rights of migrants around the world, Sky News reported. The pact, which was signed in Marrakesh last week, has been criticized by conservative and rightwing voices, who contend Europe is already overrun with migrants from Africa and the Middle East. The huge numbers that flooded the continent after the start of the war in Syria have been tied to a rise in crime and terrorism as well as labor and poverty issues.


The UN Suicide Pact reportedly seeks to make immigration a “human right” and “criminalize criticism of migration” as “hate speech.”

A disturbing UN plan which went viral recently along with discussions of the pact called for “replacement migration” to address the “new challenges of declining and ageing populations.”

Here’s some excerpts showing what these globalists have in mind:

The UN wants us to fit 4 billion people into Europe and the UK (current population 508 million) and pass laws to imprison anyone who dares to go against their agenda.

Information Liberation

3 thoughts on “Belgian Government Gasses Its Own People At Protest Against UN Migration Pact

  1. Are own government at war with it people this is why they need all this high tech spy gear . The policeman no longer care about the slaves we see this here

  2. I gased a few people last night now I really really do feel bad about that second bowl of bean soup and yes we had homemade cornbread

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