Candace Owens says “people think that the greatest mass murderer was Adоlf Hitlеr” She says the Bolshеvik’s murdеrеd 10s of millions of Christians under the lead of a Russian Jеw, Genrikh Yagoda — a fact we are never taught in school or through MSM

2 thoughts on “Candace Owens says “people think that the greatest mass murderer was Adоlf Hitlеr” She says the Bolshеvik’s murdеrеd 10s of millions of Christians under the lead of a Russian Jеw, Genrikh Yagoda — a fact we are never taught in school or through MSM

  1. Goin’ out on a limb here, but maybe Trump’s gonna pic Candace for VP. Then he can make some kind of statement like, “Yes, I love Israel, but it’s gone a little too far with the dual citizens and all the money we send over there we need to get back to ‘AMERICA FIRST.'” (Aside, “Fool me once…”) But Candace on the ticket will get lots of folks believin’ somethin’ good is about to happen (“Fool me once…”). Candace is saying a lot of the right things, but… If she really was as she claims, “AMERICA FIRST,” she’d be sittin’ on The Bill of Rights. Ain’t no truth-tellers at the circus.

    On another note… Some are asserting the debate was allowed to/planned to proceed as it did in order to get Trump elected. So many strategies, contrivances, games. If they ain’t talkin’ Bill of Rights they’re gamin’, and they ain’t talkin’ Bill of Rights. Old news, but just can’t help but point it out.


    1. One other thought…

      Dear Candace, hope you’re not entertaining any speck of a notion of a THEOCRACY!! Ain’t gonna happen. Please refer to Article 1 of our Supreme Law, and while you’re there, why not spend some time with the other 9.


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