GOP Presidential candidate Mitt Romney released two years of tax returns for 2010 and 2011. In these two years Romney “earned” $42.6 million and paid $6.2 million in taxes at an average tax rate of 13.9%. Romney’s tax rate was so low because his income came from capital gains, which is to say, he had a couple hundred million in his portfolio which returned him the $42.6 million dividend, which is to say Romney didn’t hit a lick or produce anything for the money. It is simple, his money made him the money and isn’t this the way of things? The top 1% are getting paid just for being rich.
All the elitist neo-cons are coming forth and saying we should not hate Romney because he is successful. So why didn’t that reasoning work for Al Capone? The neo-con elite would try to put forth the assertion that Romney made his money honestly. Really?
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