CDC police will eventually arrest the unvaccinated as “diseased criminals”

Jon Rappoport

After 30 years as an independent reporter, I understand the machinations of the CDC.

As a result, I’ve been able to read their intentions for the future. I’ve been able to see where they’re heading.

Two parallel ops are going to intersect, unless they are stopped. And if they aren’t stopped, there is going to be BIG trouble.  

OP ONE: the CDC’s imminent implementation of its new rules for controlling communicable diseases. I’ve covered these rules extensively. Here I’ll sum them up:

Americans traveling between states can be stopped, detained, and even quarantined, if they seem to have indications of an illness that could impact public health.

If this sounds vague, it is. The CDC has even coined a new absurd category: “precommunicable” illness. It means that with few or no symptoms—but merely the probability of having contacted someone who had or could have had an illness—a traveler in America can be picked up and held against his will.

The CDC asserts it has police powers to do this.

During the quarantine period, the person has no right to refuse medical treatment—which can include (toxic) vaccinations. After release, the person will be tracked electronically, and this surveillance can extend to an ankle bracelet.

OP TWO: The CDC and its state allies are expanding the promotion of mandatory vaccines. The state of California now has such a law (SB277) for all public and private school children. There is a move to extend the mandate to adults.

So…suppose you are spotted and detained as a person who may have a precommunicable disease. One of the first questions you’ll be asked is: “Are you up to date on your vaccinations?”

If not, you’ll get them. Forcibly.

Now suppose the disease you’re suspected of having has a vaccine—which you never got. You’re bad. You’re delinquent. You’re essentially a criminal. “Sir, if you had been vaccinated against the disease, you wouldn’t have the disease now, and you wouldn’t be in a position to infect others with it.”

But why stop there? At some point up the road, the CDC will say:

“Those people who have not gotten the full schedule of vaccinations are AUTOMATICALLY PRECOMMUNICABLE.”

That’s how the two ops will intersect.

That’s where the CDC is heading. That’s where they intend to go:

A person who isn’t fully vaccinated is by definition a threat to “the community,” and he can be arrested.

It’s the perfect storm.

That’s all the CDC will need to know—you’re not fully vaccinated. Therefore, you’ll fit the definition of a “precommunicable” health threat, and you can be held and shot with the full complement of vaccines.

“You see, Mr. Jones, we’ve detained you because we see you haven’t had any vaccinations for a long time. This makes you a danger, because vaccines are the ONLY way to guarantee immunity from diseases. You’re very vulnerable. You will get sick and spread that sickness to others. You’re precommunicable. You’re a spreader. We’re going to cut that off at the pass. In the next two days, we’re going to give you the basic ten vaccinations..”


The CDC is ALREADY asserting that any unvaccinated human is a danger to those around him. All that remains is to put bigger legal and police teeth into the assertion.

The mask and the cover story is: “We only want to detain people who could be spreading a highly dangerous disease like Ebola. We only want to stop the spread of pandemics.” That’s a lie.

The real op is eventual forced vaccination of everyone, carried out under police powers.

Universal forced vaccination IS the epidemic.

And the single antidote is freedom.

The freedom to refuse medication or vaccination of any kind.

That freedom is inherent.

But it must be taken.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

Jon Rappoport

6 thoughts on “CDC police will eventually arrest the unvaccinated as “diseased criminals”

  1. “The CDC asserts it has police powers to do this.”

    The CDC has no such power, and cannot be granted such power under our constitution.

    Of course, that won’t stop them from grabbing people and forcibly vaccinating them, so you’re going to have to decide whether you’re going to allow them to inject known poisons into your arm, or fight for your life instead.

  2. “If not, you’ll get them. Forcibly.”

    Not as long as bullets still trump needles.

    “Universal forced vaccination IS the epidemic.”


  3. I’d like to know how they would know if my old a$$ was ever vaccinated or not ?

    Are they violating our rights to be secure in our papers and person and such ?
    If so ,its our duty to eliminate the threat to our rights

    Guess they really didn’t think this through now did they ?
    Pretty hard to stick a guy when he’s got a 44 pushed into your temple now isn’t it ?

    No doctor in his right mind is going to play see who wins in that game

    Just another reason to never give up your guns

    They just keep stacking the reasons up against them , the future looks like a muzzle flash

  4. Genetic construction/ altering/ engineering has been going on for some 60+ years. They just haven’t figured how to live forever yet, so some human experiment subjects are still needed. But… robotics has come a long way. Soon none of us will be needed for any reason. There with robotics, only control will be needed. If they can just convince themselves that programming their personality into an ‘AI’ operating system will allow them immortality, they can live forever. Once they figure that part out… then the killing will start. But hey… what do I know?

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