Chemtrail pics

Gee…there must be a lot of airplane traffic in the skies today and this whole weekend in Dallas, TX.

No wait. I forgot, the government is just doing its job of protecting us from Space Based Direct Energy Weapons (DEW).  

“These perturbations allow for the immediate and lasting ability to create localized fog or stratus cloud formations shielding critical assets against attack from energy based weapons.” – Operational Defenses through Weather Control in 2030

Friday, Saturday and today were supposed to be clear, beautiful blue sky days with not a cloud in the sky. Yet by noon, these bastards had deliberately and logistically coordinated the spraying of multiple X’s across the sky. Not sure why they have to make X’s instead of O’s or some other variation but it always seems to be that pattern.

It’s amazing how they can’t just let us have ONE single blue sky day. A blue sky is like an evil, bad omen to them. It’s like an obsessive sickness to them.



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