5 thoughts on “CIA Dir. Pompeo: ‘Jesus Christ Our Savior Is Truly the Only Solution For Our World’


  2. Exactly, #1–no one, but no one, hates my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ more than Talmudic Jews! And just who would drive more US foreign policy crap of killing Muslims by supporting killer Muslims, not to mention these same Muslims killing Christians on Israel’s orders, but said synagogue of Satan, aka Israel? Right. And Trump wants to move the US embassy to Jerusalem–boy I bet those “rapture ready” Christian Zionists are loving this one! US embassy moves. and the next thing you know Israel moves its capital there…Sodom and Egypt, indeed!

  3. Yes, Mr. Pompeo, I’m sure you’re a faithful follower of Jesus, and I’m sure the Prince of Peace would approve of the CIA’s “black sites” and the torture of prisoners that’s carried out there.

    Loathsome hypocrite.

  4. His Jesus is not ours…he worships another Jesus from a carnal gospel; another Christ produced from the filthy lips of whore-mongers…as Paul the Apostle would say, “let him be accursed, he preaches another gospel another Jesus! If you sleep with dogs you get their fleas; rotten fruit from a corrupt tree. Their only fruit…kill, steal, destroy…party hardy but the grim reaper is nigh at hand.

    All these shitheads think they are doing good deeds but really bury themselves deeper in guilt, carnal men can never produce spiritual fruit. Spiritual fruit is the produce from the Spirit of God working in men Justified by their faith in Jesus Christ, It come ONLY from God through Jesus Christ. It is God’s product and cannot be produced or put to ones account by a MANS WILL, it is God working his will, pleasure in us by love. ouch

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