The #WomensMarch event took place on Saturday in D.C., where hoards of anti-Trump “feminists” took to the streets to protest.
However, beyond a general dislike of Donald Trump, no one is exactly sure what they were protesting.
Nevertheless, as you can imagine there were plenty of “cringeworthy” moments.
Here are our top-ten most cringeworthy:

Those poor kids.

Here is a picture of 2 fans of the “Women’s March” – draw your own conclusions.

Do you think this is the proper way to display our flag?

What a bloody mess.

Guns vote, assemble, and have free speech? Who knew!

The filth and garbage left behind was very disrespectful to the environment.

Yes, the struggle looks real.

I feel violated from looking at this image!

Racism is ugly.

Yikes. Are people TRYING to grab it?
Amy Moreno is a Published Author, Pug Lover & Game of Thrones Nerd. You can follow her on Twitter here and Facebook here.
FEMA/.40 fodder.
Gene pool is in DESPERATE need of cleansing!
Pix # 5 has a woman in there whop reminds me of one of the characters in Revenge of the Nerds (some Omega Mu chic) and wants the same rights as guns? Fine. No college, no airplane travel, no right to defend yourself, and needing a permit to live! Folks, you can’t fix stupid!
Pix #1? Maybe those kids need to be taken away from this, well, I don’t know–wuss is being too kind. Maybe his mother forced him into having sex with her? Talk about deplorable!
I can see why these women are angry………hahahahaha
LOL… Hell hath no fury like a HIDEOUS woman ‘scorned’, mary in ND?
you got it LOL
It’s amazing how quickly things get co oped and perverted. Now I can understand why so often they used to shoot the messenger
Here are my initial reactions to those photos:
1. That guy IS a pussy, and it looks like a couple of kids are already grabbing him.
2. Possibly a couple of losers who think they’ll get laid if they kiss up to those women by participating in the march.
3. They can burn that flag for all I care. It hasn’t symbolized the Bill of Rights in many decades, but only hypocrisy, tyranny, lies, and the betrayal of principles.
4. I fail to see the message they’re trying to convey with those bloody tampons. Maybe they’re just trying to gross people out for shock value? How very mature.
5. Guns don’t have rights, you stupid bimbo, people do. One of those rights is to possess weapons such as guns. Yes, even you have that right, though I doubt you’re intelligent enough to understand why it’s so important. So by all means, feel free to depend on your “grrrrl power” if you ever get attacked by a male.
6. Those signs are about as well-organized as the thinking of the people who made them.
7. Somebody put that young woman together incorrectly. Why does she have a butt under her stomach?
8. Is the c_nt-face on the left a man or a woman?
9. I agree. And f-ck black feminism, too.
10. Don’t worry, you nasty old hag, I doubt any male has the slightest desire to touch your vagina.
I had to look. I am trying “real” hard to be the shepherd BMF. general principal has limitations.
Blink, blink…
Agreed. LOL 😀