Coronavirus: Oakland banishes cars from 74 miles of city streets

Mercury News

OAKLAND — The name: “Oakland Slow Streets.” The objective: Allow city residents more space to walk, bike and run during the coronavirus shutdown.

It’s an emergency measure Mayor Libby Schaaf announced during a virtual town hall Thursday night, held via Zoom video conference, that will banish through auto traffic from 74 miles of the city’s streets.

“Because of the reduction in car traffic, we will be closing off a number of streets so that bicyclists and pedestrians can spread out and take in fresh air safely on Oakland streets, free of cars,” Schaaf said.

The program will launch Saturday in four select locations, with the city planning to expand in the coming weeks. Cones and signs will be placed at “strategic intersections” along corridors, the director of Oakland’s department of transportation, Ryan Russo, said at a news conference Friday morning.

The four intersections that will be launched Saturday with signage and cones are: West Street from West Grand to 14th Street; Arthur Street from Havenscourt Boulevard (from 78th Ave, connecting to Plymouth St from 78th to 104th Avenue); E. 16th Street, from Foothill Boulevard to Fruitvale Avenue; and 42nd Street: Adeline to Broadway.

The roads included in “Slow Streets,” are aligned with the city’s existing and proposed Neighborhood Bicycle Routes, which Russo said have already been vetted by the city.

Officials stressed this was not a total closure of these streets, but rather that they were publicizing certain roads to be especially alert of cyclists and pedestrians. Local traffic including residents, emergency vehicles and other essential traffic will still be permitted, but through traffic is not allowed. However, officials said they don’t plan to issue citations.

“We are taking this opportunity to try some new things,” Schaaf said Friday morning. “We hope this Slow Streets movement will help give some joy, some recreation, some exercise to families throughout the city.”

Since the Bay Area implemented its shelter-in-place orders, many residents have been flocking to parks to get their invaluable outdoor time. Some counties have responded by closing parks entirely. The East Bay Regional Parks District has vowed to keep its public land open but continues to urge residents to abide by social distancing practices. Over typically busy Easter weekend, East Bay parks will close their parking lots.

Led by city council president Rebecca Kaplan, the city responded by devoting about 10% of its streets to make it easier for walkers, bikers and runners to practice social distancing.

Oakland has nearly 6,000 acres of parks, about 11% of the city’s total land. Streets and sidewalks make up about 20-30% of the city’s land, said Alex McBride, the city’s chief resilience officer.

“We’ve decided to take advantage of that resource,” McBride said, to allow Oakland residents “more space to walk, bike and run safely through their own neighborhoods.”

She said the city took a “thoughtful and strategic” approach to ensure the closures were equitably distributed. The city published a map Thursday night, attached above, but has not released a list of street closures.

Oakland follows in the footsteps of — and takes a dramatic step beyond — its neighbor across the Bay. Earlier this year — and independent of coronavirus — San Francisco closed Market Street to car traffic, leaving only transit, cyclists and pedestrians.

The city of San Jose’s transportation department said it does not have any immediate plans for similar closures, but will investigate how Oakland’s plan addresses safety, logistical and operational issues.

Since the outbreak, more cities have taken similar measures. Minneapolis and Denver have both closed more than 10 miles of roads, but neither comes close to the 74 miles that Oakland is shutting down.

Local transportation advocates were enthused by the news.

Mercury News

2 thoughts on “Coronavirus: Oakland banishes cars from 74 miles of city streets

  1. yeah get used to going without gasoline because when things return to ‘normal’ it will be another of those items that is rationed….. can’t have all that pollution in those ‘smart cities.’

    and then why 74? just did a quick search: Properties of the number 74

    Represent the absence of light, the darkness.


    Numerical value of the words night and king in Hebrew.

    By using the correspondence a=1, b=2, c=3, …, z=26, we discover that the names of “Jesus” and “Lucifer” add up each one 74 as numerical value.


    The number 74 is used 2 times in the Bible.

    The word demon and the verb to suffer are used 74 times in the Bible.

  2. Yep, a test to see how things work with stack and packs….part of the “green new deal” (no cars, etc.) as well.

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