Brandon Patch – by Linda Chion Kenney

Hillsborough County Fire Rescue was on the scene Saturday night, March 23, where a sinkhole reportedly opened between two homes in Seffner.

It was the third reported sinkhole in Seffner since Feb. 28, when Jeffrey Bush 36, died after the bedroom he was sleeping in was consumed by a catastrophic sinkhole at 240 Faithway Drive.   Continue reading “Another Sinkhole Opens in Seffner, Florida”

Gun Watch – by Dean Weingarten

Anti-freedom politicians have a history of overreaching on guns. They think they can fool the stupid country rubes by picking up a shotgun and asking “can I get me a hunting license here?”, the image of Diane Feinstein with her finger inside the trigger guard of an AK47 variant, and various political figures picking up guns just prior to elections.

Mayor Bloomberg Bloomberg is attempting to do the same with his 12 million dollar buy of commercials pushing for universal gun registration (also known as Universal Background Checks) in 13 states.   Continue reading “Bloomberg Anti-Freedom Commercial will Fall Flat”

Before It’s News – by Mort Amsel

Mr Berezovsky, a former ally turned outspoken critic of Vladimir Putin, was found lying dead on the bathroom floor of his Berkshire home on Saturday after the door had been locked from the inside.

The Daily Telegraph has been told that he was wearing his clothes and that there was no blood at the scene. Thames Valley police said yesterday that there was no evidence a “third party” was involved and detectives are questioning his family and friends about his “state of mind” before his death.    Continue reading “Litvinenko’s Wife: ‘Berezovsky Did Not Kill Himself’”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

bomb blast has blown out the window of a Bank of Cyprus bank branch. The blast happened not long ago in this country embroiled in what many have called the ‘legalized plunder’ of a population. With understandable anger being vented towards these criminals masquerading as bankers, is THIS why the DHS is stocking up on bullets and gearing up for civil unrest in America soon? Lets ALL hope that the corrupt bankers and politicians aren’t crazy enough to try robbing Americans blind any more than they are doing already by pulling a ‘Cyprus event’ here.   Continue reading “Cyprus Bank Bombed – Anger Brewing”

Alternet – by Samer Araabi

As the Syrian uprising enters its third year, the United States and its allies are preparing to materially increase their support of the armed opposition in Syria.

Secretary of State John Kerry pledged an additional 60 million dollars in direct aid to the rebels, marking the first time Washington will directly supply rebel forces, but the administration appears as wary as ever to get more directly involved.   Continue reading “Another Middle East Adventure? Congress Pushes Military Intervention in Syria”

SeafoodSet You Free News – by Dr. Mercola

Fish has always been the best source for the animal-based omega-3 fats EPA and DHA, but as levels of pollution have increased, this treasure of a food has become less and less viable as a primary source of healthful fats.

For example, the rate of mercury contamination intuna and other Pacific fish increased 30 percent between 1990 and 2009. About 40 percent of all U.S. exposure to mercury comes from eating contaminated tuna from the Pacific, and roughly 75 percent of all human exposure to mercury in general comes from eating fish.   Continue reading “Shocking Report Identifies Massive Seafood Fraud Across the US”

toufik2.jpgHenry Makow

Left, Mohamed Mediene (“General Tewflick”) the current head of the Algerian security apparatus, the DRS – Departement de Renseignement et Securite – has been the behind-the-scenes master of Algerian politics for more than two decades.

The example of Algeria shows that everywhere public policy is directed by a hidden hand, and pursues a single agenda.  This article will explain why Algeria was spared the “Arab Spring.”   Continue reading “Masonic Jewish Subversion, Algeria Style”

Before It’s News – by Mort Amsel

When the Senate passed a budget resolution Wednesday that appears to prevent some of the potential damage from sequestration, the Continuing Resolution included several food- and agriculture-related earmarks.

But one inclusion in particular is especially controversial. The “biotech rider” would require the USDA to approve the harvest and sale of crops from genetically modified seed even if a court has ruled the environmental studies on the crop were inadequate. This aspect of the bill infuriated many sustainable food and agriculture groups, who nicknamed the bill the “Monsanto Protection Act.”   Continue reading “Congress Passes ‘Monsanto Protection Act’”

Activist Post

The U.S. Senate voted yesterday to approve the concept of an Internet sales tax by an overwhelming 75-to-24 margin.

The vote was largely symbolic and non-binding, but its support has some wanting to bypass the committee process for the easy passage of the Marketplace Fairness Actaccording to The Verge.   Continue reading “Senate Approves Internet Sales Tax by 3-to-1 Margin”

Bob Owens

Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy and his liberal allies in the state House and Senate are plotting to ram through a restrictive and unconstitutional gun control bill next week using procedural tricks that circumvents the rights of the state’s citizens:

Next week, Governor Dannel Malloy (D) and anti-gun legislators are aggressively trying to push through an Emergency Certification Bill (E-Cert), a procedure by which the House Speaker and Senate President Pro Tempore jointly propose legislation and send it directly to the House or Senate floor for a vote.  An E-Cert would bypass the committee process and public hearings, eliminating your opportunity for input.   Continue reading “Connecticut’s Malloy plotting to ram through “emergency” gun control bill”

Huffington Post – by Michael McLaughlin

If you’re in a state where cousins can legally marry each other, but home brewers are forbidden to practice their craft, you must be in Alabama.

Indeed, Alabama now stands out as the only state where home brewing is illegal.Mississippi voted this week to legalize the hobby lager lovers and hopheads in America have enjoyed, even before George Washington and Sam Adams boiled up their first brews.   Continue reading “Alabama Home Brewing Bill In Works, But For Now State Is Only To Forbid Making Beer At Home”

Voting American

Good Morning my Fellow American Patriots and Friends. I would like to Honor this Wonderful Veteran in every way I can and hope that everyone will re-post his letter in emails and anywhere else you think this man would get the recognition he deserves. Please Tweet this Post as often as you like because the message is clear and present to all that is important to America.   Continue reading “Barack and Michelle Obama get Owned by a 95 Year Old Pearl Harbor Survivor”

Senate Votes to Keep US Out of UN Arms Trade TreatyThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

In the pre-dawn hours Saturday, the Senate approved a measure “to uphold Second Amendment rights and prevent the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty.”

By a vote of 53-46, the Senate passed the amendment to the budget bill sponsored by Senator Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.).   Continue reading “Senate Votes to Keep US Out of UN Arms Trade Treaty”

Barrett BrownThe Guardian – by Glenn Greenwald

Aaron’s Swartz’s suicide in January triggered waves of indignation, and rightly so. He faced multiple felony counts and years in prison for what were, at worst, trivial transgressions of law. But his prosecution revealed the excess of both anti-hacking criminal statutes, particularly the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), and the fixation of federal prosecutors on severely punishing all forms of activism that challenge the power of the government and related entities to control the flow of information on the internet. Part of what drove the intense reaction to Swartz’s death was how sympathetic of a figure he was, but as noted by Orin Kerr, a former federal prosecutor in the DOJ’s computer crimes unit and now a law professor at GWU, what was done to Swartz is anything but unusual, and the reaction to his death will be meaningful only if channeled to protest other similar cases of prosecutorial abuse:   Continue reading “The persecution of Barrett Brown – and how to fight it”

The Organic Prepper

Breaking up is hard to do, especially when it is with a tracking service like a financial institution.

Sometimes you can make a clean break and other times you have to remain “just friends”.

The US government actually has a name for people who have no bank accounts – they call these folks “the unbanked”.  The FDIC defines the unbanked as “those without an account at a bank or other financial institution and are considered to be outside the mainstream for one reason or another.”  Another term is “the underbanked” – “people or businesses that have poor access to mainstream financial services normally offered by retail banks. The underbanked can be characterized by a strong reliance on non-traditional forms of finance and micro-finance often associated with disadvantaged and the poor, such as check cashers, loan sharks and pawnbrokers.”   Continue reading “Unbanking vs. Underbanking: How to Break Up with the Financial System”

Michael Bloomberg Gun AdsHuffington Post

NEW YORK — A new $12 million television ad campaign from Mayors Against Illegal Guns will push senators in key states to back gun control efforts, including comprehensive background checks.

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced the ad buy Saturday – just days after Senate Democrats touted stronger background checks while acknowledging insufficient support to restore a ban on assault-style weapons to federal gun control legislation.   Continue reading “Michael Bloomberg, Mayors Against Illegal Guns To Launch Gun-Control Ad Blitz”

Activist Post – by Joe Wright

There are some stories that are so over the top as an example of the brazen disregard for human dignity that they defy imagination. But, we know that truth is stranger than fiction . . . and this latest event is certainly proof of that.

Foreclosure fraud has become institutionalized within a corrupt banking structure; it began at the top with banks such as BoA and has trickled down into nearly every community. For example, one couple had their home in Tampa foreclosed on even after they had paid off the full amount in cash. Countless others have been victims of mortgage payment modification schemes.   Continue reading “Bank Forecloses On Elderly Woman Over $49 in Unpaid Taxes”

Wealth Wire – by Brittany Stepniak

Cyprus has set an unpopular precedent; it has given us a grim look into the future. As our global debt bomb grows beyond any hope of sustainability, confiscation could be the next step.

Sadly, this threat is real, as demonstrated by the bank bailout proposed in Cyprus last week. The financial realm was shocked when the nation’s financial leaders agreed to steal cash from bank depositors in order to fund an emergency bailout.    Continue reading “Debt Bomb on the Brink of Explosion”