Before It’s News – by Alton Parrish

In the Star Wars saga electromagnetic grenades are use do disable robots, but the U.S. Army is developing the weapon to disable the electronics on Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs).  The Intense Electromagnetic Pulse (IMP) Grenade will be thrown and launched just like conventional grenades.  When it is developed, it may also be made available to local police forces.

One of the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command (USASMDC/ARSTRAT) Army SBIR Phase II contractors, TRS Technologies, Inc., has been competitively selected to receive the Army Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Achievement Award for their effort titled “New Ferroelectric Components for Ferroelectric Generators (FEGs) and Capacitive Discharge Units (CDUs).” The technology developed under this Army SBIR is a critical component of the Intense Electromagnetic Pulse (IMP) Grenade being developed for counter improvised explosive device (IED) applications.   Continue reading “Electromagnetic Pulse Grenade Under Development By U.S. Army”

RT News

Cyprus and the Troika have agreed to a 20 per cent tax on deposits over 100,000 euros at the Bank of Cyprus and 4 per cent on deposits held at other banks.

A senior Cypriot official told Reuters that a plan to tap nationalized pension funds would not be a part of a plan to raise billions of euros in return for a bailout from the European Union. Cyprus said earlier on Saturday that it was looking at seizing a quarter of the value of big deposits at its largest bank in order to raise such funds.   Continue reading “20% Tax On Cypriot Deposits Over 100,000 Euros, ‘Merkel playing hardball, going to drive Cyprus issue into ground’”

Rothschild Cabalist Boris Berezovsky, Vladimir Putin‘s most implacable enemy!Political Vel Craft

Boris Berezovsky, the exiled Russian tycoon, has been found dead at his home inSurrey, news agencies reported on Saturday.

There was no immediate information on how Berezovsky, who was 67 and who has lived in the UK since 2000, had died.   Continue reading “Putin’s Purge Of The Rothschild Money Changers From Russia: Another Rothschild Goon Found Dead & Another Flees To U.K.”

I would like to give a little background information.

My Mother was a very caring and straightforward person, a real person that said what she thought.

When my youngest sibling was being born, the nurses, one on each side held a sheet (Filled with ice packs) up toward my mom’s upper body to prevent birth until the Dr. arrived. My sister was already crowning.   Continue reading “The Price of Medicaid – Everything You Have Left”

032313papers.jpgGothamist – by  John Del Signore

Two train enthusiasts who were arrested for photographing in the subway have won a big victory for all New Yorkers who don’t want to show their papers while commuting. Steve Barry and Michael Burkhart were arrested in August 2010 at Broad Channel while waiting for one of the MTA’s beloved nostalgia trains to roll in. Barry, the editor of Railfan & Railroad Magazine, and Burkhart were taking photos on the platform when a cop approached them and told them that photography was prohibited in the subway system. This, as most of us know, is not true, and when Barry questioned the legality of the officer’s order, they were told to produce identification.   Continue reading “Cops Must Stop Arresting Straphangers Who Don’t Have I.D., Judge Rules”

Cia Syrian RebelsHuffington Post – Agence France Presse

The US Central Intelligence Agency has been feeding information to select rebel fighters in Syria to try to make them more effective against government troops, The Wall Street Journal reported Saturday.   Continue reading “CIA Providing Intelligence To Syrian Rebels, Wall Street Journal Says”

Deseret News – by Tami Abdollah, Associated Press

LOS ANGELES — Hundreds of law enforcement officers on Friday raided Southern California auto parts shops and other businesses suspected of illegally selling nitrous oxide for use as a recreational drug, in what federal authorities said was the nation’s largest such raid ever.  Continue reading “Feds raid 17 California businesses for nitrous oxide”

Daily Paul – by Bane Maler, 7/12/2010

Early Thursday morning on July 8th, a friend and I were pulled over by police in Round Rock, TX on the way to an Iraq Veterans Against the Wars national convention. The officer Jeff Gogolewski accused my friend of driving 6 over the speed limit. After approaching my passenger window, the officer was quick to ask my friend to step out of the vehicle and come talk to him between it and his patrol car after stating that he didn’t want to talk across the car and over me. This raised my suspicion of the stop and at this point I was tempted to grab my video camera from my travel bag but decided that my opening of the bag would cause the officer to feel threatened.   Continue reading “My Rights Violated By Round Rock Police Department, Texas” North Carolina

The United States Constitution defines treason as waging war against a State or adhering to its enemies, and protects each State from invasion. Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence frames the American republic as one that can change its constituent member States, should the will of the people of any State desire it.  All this was turned upside down by a political party which had seized unlimited power through Lincoln. After the war, Radical Republican strategy for political hegemony was to register all Southern black males using the infamous Union and Loyal Leagues as whips, and disenfranchise white voters who defended their country, the Confederate States.    Continue reading ““…the difference (was) between martyrdom and suicide.””


Rated Mostly True, but they ignore the primary reason: Because most of the denied background checks are false positives, or denials of Constitutional Rights to elegible people. 

Before Congress enacts any new gun control laws, the nation’s law enforcement officers and courts should better enforce the regulations they have on the books now, according to U.S. Sen. Kelly Ayotte.   Continue reading “Says of 80,000 people who were denied a firearm in 2012 due to a failed background check, only 44 were prosecuted.”


Have you pastors had enough of the rhetoric from those within our media who preach that owning a gun is detrimental to us as a nation? If so, please get in line, because it starts here with me. I’m big, black, bald, bad and love to hunt. Our very heritage, sovereignty and freedom we all enjoy are under attack, and the time has come to rise up and say: We are many in numbers, we won’t be stopped, and it starts with us.   Continue reading “Pistol-Packing Pastors”

Daily Herald – by Associated Press

The governor said Friday he had vetoed a bill that would have allowed Utah residents to carry a hidden, unloaded gun without a permit.

It was one of the most hotly contested measures to come out of the Utah Legislature this year.

“As I’ve said it before, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” Gov. Gary Herbert said, noting the current system has not inhibited the ability of state residents to bear arms.   Continue reading “Utah governor vetoes bill to carry concealed gun”

Financial Armageddon

Update on Obama Care RFID mandatory March 23 2013 is from my understanding NOT TRUE based on doing research if you have valid GOVT website proof let me know.

This doesn’t mean the technology isn’t here because it is being used on animals and medical patients now. The question is: is this the technology that will be used for the mark of the beast 666 mentioned in the bible that we are not to take if we want to go to heaven?  Continue reading “3/23/13 Countdown to RFID”

2013 Arms Trade Treaty NegotiationsAmmoLand March 22, 2013

Washington, DC –-(   As the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) conference moved through its third day, the isolation of the United States became ever clearer.

The U.S. position is that the current text of the treaty, negotiated last July, needs to be better drafted but should not be substantially changed. Yesterday (March 20th 2013), it became increasingly obvious that most nations disagree.   Continue reading “The Arms Trade Treaty, Day Three: Turning Up the Pressure on the U.S.”

The Organic Prepper

What is the most overlooked, not to mention demonized, source of a valuable nutrient?


The trouble is, we have been brainwashed by the mainstream media to avoid sunlight as though we were vampires who might burst into flame if the rays touch our unprotected skin.  People slather on sunscreen every single day (which has its own host of detrimental health effects beyond blocking Vitamin D).  They avoid the midday sun.  They stay indoors.  There is a national deficit of Vitamin D brought on by scare tactics.   Continue reading “Sunshine: A Free Source of Health and Happiness”