Zero Hedge – by Gordon T. Long

As a young man, I voraciously read George Orwell’s “1984”,  Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World” and Alvin Toffler’s trilogy which included “Future Shock”‘, “The Third Wave” and “Power Shift”. During the era of the Vietnam War, I wondered seriously about the future and how it was destined to unfold. Now being considerably older, I have the vantage point to reflect back on my early ruminations and expectations. Unfortunately, I am too old to alter the lessons that are now so painfully obvious. Instead, I pass the gauntlet to those who can understand and take action on what I have unavoidably come to expect for America.   Continue reading “An Orwellian America”

The Zombie that would not die. Shamelessly swiped from Soldier Systems.Bob Owens

Be wary of the crocodile tears associated with the “killing” of Diane Feinstein’s expansive and unconstitutional assault weapons ban. Harry Reid dropped the bill because he knew that if it was attached to the other gun control legislation his statist party hopes to pass, it would doom that legislation as well.

By separating Feinstein’s language, his other gun control bills stand a better chance as a package, and she has the opportunity to attempt to attach her ban to popular legislation as an amendment, making it more likely of passage, not less.  Continue reading “Reid kills Feinstein AW ban, making it even more dangerous”

NBC News – by Matthew DeLuca

The executive director of Colorado’s department of corrections was shot dead by an unknown gunman at his home on Tuesday night, authorities in Colorado confirmed to NBC News.

Why the director, Tom Clements, was shot and by whom was not clear.

“The initial information was the doorbell had rung and when Mr. Clements answered the door he was shot,” El Paso County Sheriff’s Department spokesman Lt. Jeff Kramer said. Investigators were working to confirm that information.   Continue reading “Colorado department of corrections chief shot dead in home”

Barrels containing high level radioactive nuclear waste is stored in a pool in North England on September 26, 2002Phys Org

Eighteen-year-old Taylor Wilson has designed a compact nuclear reactor that could one day burn waste from old atomic weapons to power anything from homes and factories to space colonies.

The American teen, who gained fame four years ago after designing a fusion reactor he planned to build in the garage of his family’s home, shared his latest endeavor at a TED Conference in southern California on Thursday.   Continue reading “US teen designs compact nuclear reactor”

Free North Carolina

Magpul Industries Corp.

Apparently Gov Hickenlooper has announced that he will sign HB 1224 on Wednesday. We were asked for our reaction, and here is what we said:

We have said all along that based on the legal problems and uncertainties in the bill, as well as general principle, we will have no choice but to leave if the Governor signs this into law.   Continue reading “Magpul Confirms Plan To Immediately Leave Colorado”

APFree Beacon – by Bill McMorris

The Department of Justice whistleblower who resigned over the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case said President Barack Obama’s labor secretary nominee Thomas Perez is the “most extreme cabinet nominee in 70 years.”

J. Christian Adams, who worked for Perez at the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division, sent a stern warning to the U.S. Senate about Perez’s policies.   Continue reading “Justice Whistleblower Warns Senate on Labor Pick”

AFP Photo / Karen BleierRT News

It’s bad enough that a US Marine lost both his legs in combat. But after TSA agents forced the wheelchair-bound man to stand up, walk and remove his prosthetic legs at an airport in Phoenix, he was publicly humiliated for his disability.

Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) sent a letter to the Transportation Security Administration this week, condemning TSA officers for mistreating the wounded soldier on March 13. The Marine, who is still on active duty, had lost both of his legs in an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) blast while deployed. The man is now confined to a wheelchair. He showed up at the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport with an escort that helped him get around.   Continue reading “Double-amputee Marine humiliated by TSA”


WASHINGTON — The Senate next month will consider a bill to increase the penalties for people who buy and sell illegal guns, a measure greatly reduced in scope and reach from the gun safety agenda sought by President Obama.

The bill will not include the reinstatement of an assault weapons ban, championed by Senator Dianne Feinstein of California, who met the measure’s demise with anger and despondency.   Continue reading “Gun Safety Bill in Senate Will Exclude Assault Weapons Ban”

Oil Price – by Jen Alic

Now that Iran has made the high-profile deployment of a guided missile destroyer in the Caspian Sea, its neighbors should all be “happy” at the major advancement in regional security.

On 17 March, Iran deployed the domestically built Jamaran-2 guided missile destroyer in the port city of Bandar Anzali in Caspian waters, with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad overseeing the ceremony in a widely publicized event.   Continue reading “Iran Deploys New Warship in Caspian Sea”

Skull & BonesThe Intel Hub – by R.J. Jacob

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years… It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”  — David Rockefeller, Bilderberg Meeting, June 1991 Baden, Germany   Continue reading “Sovereignty and the New World Order”

Saudi Gazette

UNITED NATIONS — Talks resumed Monday on a United Nations treaty to regulate the sale of conventional arms – amid roadblocks put up by some of the world’s key players.

After four weeks of negotiations failed in July, the 193 members of the global body will again attempt to hammer out an accord that could force states to assess, before making a sale, whether weapons will be used for human rights violations, terrorism or organized crime.   Continue reading “UN arms treaty talks resume amid hurdles”

Appeals Court Finds Obama Recess Appointments UnconstitutionalThe Blaze -by Jonathon M. Seidl

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama violated the Constitution when he bypassed the Senate to fill vacancies on a labor relations panel, a federal appeals court panel ruled Friday.

A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit said that Obama did not have the power to make three recess appointments last year to the National Labor Relations Board.   Continue reading “Court Rules Obama Actions Unconstitutional – Which Ones?”

IMHO, this has the NYPD’s surveillance program written all over it.

CBS New York

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — If you use social media, you may be at risk of getting locked out of your own account, and it’s not a scam.

As CBS 2’s Maurice DuBois reported Monday, Facebook is actually locking people out of their accounts on purpose.   Continue reading “The ‘Facebook Lockout’ Is Not A Scam; It’s Designed To Prevent Scams”

Alt Market – by Brandon Smith

Years ago while writing for Neithercorp Press I penned an article entitled “One Day Soon, We’ll All Be Homegrown Terrorists”.  In that piece I described a not so far off future in which martial law, economic collapse, and the destruction of civil liberties stood imminent.  I related my views on the propaganda rhetoric of the SPLC, and how they were using false association to tie liberty groups to any deviant organization they could think of, including racists and domestic terrorists, in order to condition the American public to react to our message with immediate contempt.    Continue reading “The Real Reasons Why The Liberty Movement Is Preparing To Fight”