Arizona Bill Would Nullify the NDAA, Protecting Citizens' Civil LibertiesThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

The Arizona House of Representatives will not cooperate with the federal government in denying due process to citizens of the Grand Canyon State.

By a vote of 34 to 24, the House passed HB 2573, a bill that would, among other things, prevent state officials from participating in the indefinite detention of Americans by the president as authorized by the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (NDAA).   Continue reading “Arizona Bill Would Nullify the NDAA, Protecting Citizens’ Civil Liberties”

Radicalism 101: Why Do Our Universities Hire Terrorists as Professors?The New American – by William F. Jasper

Kathy Boudin, a notorious terrorist, bomber, and robber with the murderous Weather Underground in the 1970s and ’80s, has been back in the news lately. Folks in New York and across the nation are outraged to learn that she has been awarded an adjunct professorship at Columbia University’s School of Social Work in New York City. She has also been honored as the Rose Sheinberg Scholar-In-Residence at the New York University School of Law.   Continue reading “Radicalism 101: Why Do Our Universities Hire Terrorists as Professors?”

SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

Just a few months ago the total net worth of all Bitcoins, a popular encrypted digital currency, was worth about $140 million. The non-tangible exchange mechanism is used by people all over the world to purchase everything from traditional goods and services, to illicit trade that may include drugs and stolen credit card numbers. The coins became a go-to digital store of wealth around the world after the meltdown of the Cypriot financial system, and was pushed as a ‘safe’ way to preserve wealth out of view prying government eyes. All of the excitement surrounding Bitcoin has driven the price of a single unit to in excess of $250, giving the total Bitcoins in global circulation a market capitalization of over $2.5 Billion in just a few months time.   Continue reading “BitCoin Down 50% In Massive Sell Off: Over $1 Billion Vaporized In a Few Hours”

Gun FactsBuckeye Firearms

Gun Facts is the essential reference for winning the gun control debate and debunking common gun control myths about guns, crime, and the Second Amendment. This free, 100-page e-book presents the most common gun myths along with the facts that prove them false. Gun Facts gives you the ammunition you need to win debates, write letters to editors, e-mail your representatives, and give statements to the media.   Continue reading “Gun Facts: Win every gun control debate!”

The Internet Post – by bjjangles

Thousands of people last week discovered that Amazon had quietly removed electronic copies of George Orwell’s 1984 from their Kindle e-book readers. In the process, Amazon revealed how easy censorship will be in the Kindle age.

In this case, the mass e-book removals were motivated by copyright . A company called MobileReference, who did not own the copyrights to the books 1984 and Animal Farm, uploaded both books to the Kindle store and started selling them. When the rights owner heard about this, they contacted Amazon and asked that the e-books be removed. And Amazon decided to erase them not just from the store, but from all the Kindles where they’d been downloaded. Amazon operators used the Kindle wireless network, called WhisperNet, to quietly delete the books from people’s devices and refund them the money they’d paid.   Continue reading “Amazon Secretly Removes “1984″ From the Kindle”

To be delivered to: John Plasse, County Supervisor, Richard Forster, County Supervisor, Ted Novelli, County Supervisor, Brian Oneto, County Supervisor, and Louis Boitano, County Supervisor


We want the Amador County Board of Supervisors to Vote No on the Newman Ridge Quarry and Edwin Center North Projects.   Continue reading “No on Newman Ridge Quarry and Edwin Center North Asphalt Plant”

Stop the Drug War – by Phillip Smith

A police officer in the suburban Dallas community of Richardson, Texas, shot and killed a woman with outstanding drug arrest warrants as she fled from an attempted traffic stop Monday morning. Emily Krumrei, 32, becomes the 9th person to die in US domestic drug law enforcement operations so far this year.

According to the Dallas Morning News, citing Richardson police spokesperson Sgt. Kevin Perlich, an officer “was attempting to get a violator to pull over in a parking lot” for reasons that are yet unclear, but Krumrei fled in her Lexus. Shortly thereafter, an officer in a squad car saw her and attempted to stop her, but she refused to pull over.   Continue reading “Police Kill Texas Woman Fleeing Drug Warrants”

marijuana joints thinkstockUSA Today – by Tim Mullaney

For the first time, a majority of Americans now support legalizing marijuana. Commercial marijuana sales are estimated at $1.5 billion today which could quadruple by 2018. Eighteen states and the District of Columbia currently allow its medical use.

Brendan Kennedy and Michael Blue are nice boys. Really. They’re bankers. Yale MBA classmates. Wearers of ties.   Continue reading “As marijuana goes legit, investors rush in”

Justin JohnsenHuffington Post

With a massive budget of around $4.6 billion, you’d think the NYPD would pay to repair a little damage to one of its cop cars, especially when said cop car was damaged only after slamming into a cyclist and leaving him with stitches.

You’d think.   Continue reading “Justin Johnsen, Brooklyn Cyclist, Received $1,200 Bill For Damage To NYPD Car That Hit Him”

Landris HawkinsGuardian – by Karen McVeigh

Life had not been easy for Landris Hawkins, who struggled with several health problems, mental and physical. But his close-knit family in Little Rock, Arkansas, were loving, and looked after him as best they could.

His sisters, Deshuna and Levonne, called him their “gentle giant”, a reference to a 6ft 7in stature caused by Marfan syndrome, a genetic growth disorder. His grandmother, Neomia, with whom he had lived since he was six, called him “Twiki”, after the robot in the Buck Rogers television series they watched together when he was small.   Continue reading “Death in Little Rock: ‘They hollered a couple of times and it was all over’”

Gun Owners of America

See a Shrink, Lose your Guns. The anti-gun “ranters” have spent the last week telling us that Republican Senators can’t filibuster Harry Reid’s gun control bill; that they can’t cut off debate to a bill they haven’t seen yet. “Let the bill come up,” they say. “We need to see the bill” before Senators can vote against cloture to proceed to it.

Well, we’ve seen the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer sell-out, and it’s worse than the Feinstein gun ban, which will reportedly be tied to it and offered simultaneously in a Senate procedure known as an “amendment tree.”   Continue reading “Senator Toomey Betrays Gun Owners”

The Organic Prepper

A genetically modified rose by any other name may smell sweet, but it could still have frankenthorns that might independently detach themselves and lop off your finger while you’re smelling it.  That’s not unlike a trip to the grocery store these days. There are a lot of ugly surprises in pretty, charmingly-named packages.

It seems like no matter how hard you try to avoid them, GMOs and toxic foods creep into your life.   Continue reading “The Grocery Store Blacklist: 12 Food Companies to Avoid (and 95 Sneaky Aliases)”


WASHINGTON — A bipartisan collection of senators on Wednesday announced a compromise measure to expand background checks for gun buyers, increasing the chances that a viable package of new gun safety laws will soon hit the Senate floor.

Senators Joe Manchin III, Democrat of West Virginia, and Patrick J. Toomey, Republican of Pennsylvania, have spearheaded the deal.   Continue reading “Senators Reach Bipartisan Deal on Checks of Gun Buyers”

Fellowship of the Minds – by Dr. Eowyn

In April 2011, Williams Institute, a gay and lesbian think tank at UCLA School of Law, released a study that found Americans grossly overestimate the number of homosexuals in the United States. Instead of the common misconception that 25% of the US population are gay or lesbian, the truth is that it’s probably less than 2 percent.

And yet JC Penney’s CEO Ron Johnson decided to “improve” the family store by pandering to homosexuals — a move that, on the grounds of simple market calculation, isn’t smart.   Continue reading “JCPenney fires gay-pandering CEO”

Sweetness and Light – by Steve Gilbert, March 21, 2013

From IPT News:

Saudi Arabia, the nation which produced 15 of the 19 hijackers in the 9/11 attacks, is about to become one of a handful of countries whose travelers can bypass normal passport controls at major U.S. airports. Sources tell the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) that this will mark the first time that the Saudi government will have a direct role in vetting who is eligible for getting fast-tracked for entry into the United States.   Continue reading “DHS Plans To Speed Saudis Through US Customs”

The Tunnel People That Live Under The Streets Of America - Photo by Claude Le BerreThe Economic Collapse – by Michael

Did you know that there are thousands upon thousands of homeless people that are living underground beneath the streets of major U.S. cities?  It is happening in Las Vegas, it is happening in New York City and it is even happening in Kansas City.  As the economy crumbles, poverty in the United States is absolutely exploding and so is homelessness.

In addition to the thousands of “tunnel people” living under the streets of America, there are also thousands that are living in tent cities, there are tens of thousands that are living in their vehicles and there are more than a million public school children that do not have a home to go back to at night.    Continue reading “The Tunnel People That Live Under The Streets Of America”

1942-illinois-evanston-home-guard-hs-girls.jpgFree North Carolina – Goodies from Ol’ Remus

We’ll take one step at a time, and the first is necessarily—given the political realities—very modest. We’ll have to start working again to strengthen the law, and then again to strengthen the next law and again and again. Our ultimate goal, total control of hand guns, is going to take time. The first problem is to slow down production and sales. Next is to get registration. The final problem is to make possession of all handguns and ammunition (with a few exceptions) totally illegal.

Pete Shields, founder of Handgun Control, 1976, via SprinklesAndGumdrops, comment at   Continue reading “It takes a twisted sense of humor for Connecticut to call itself the Constitution State. Somewhere, Nathan Hale is puking.”

4867347940_a5ed7950e9_bSan Jacinto County Outlaw

Governments have always been corrupt, man has always been inherently evil, times are much different now, we sit at the precipice. What went wrong? Many of us blame the Marxists that have gained a foot hold in our republic, some blame the women’s movement. Is it really that simple? While others blame the lack of religion and faith, is it really that simple.

How did we get to the place we now reside? How did America Fail? I happen to believe we failed America, yes I am well aware the anarchist’s think differently. The cauldron has been boiling for some time, how did we get here? Does anyone really have the answer?   Continue reading “Hanging Judges”