Resister in the Rockies

If you’ve been saving your pennies for some hard plates, consider the VERY affordable AR500 armor.

Cheap price doesn’t mean cheap quality when it comes to these plates.

The plate pictured above was shot with the following at 15 yards with NO penetration:   Continue reading “AR500 Body Armor – Affordable and Effective”

HS Today – by Anthony Kimery

The proposed expansion of the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), better known today as drones, by federal, state and local law enforcement, first responders and other agencies, “raises far-reaching issues concerning the extent of government surveillance authority, the value of privacy in the digital age and the role of Congress in reconciling these issues,” a new policy report for congressional lawmakers stated.

The introduction of drones into American airspace raises many legal and policy questions. For instance, how far can the government go in its attempts to maintain security and ensure that laws are enforced? What level of privacy should Americans expect in an age where technology facilitating the acquisition of personal information expands at a phenomenal pace?   Continue reading “Legal Aspects Of Using Drones For Domestic Surveillance Explored In Congressional Report”

HS Today – by Anthony Kimery

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is testing a wide variety of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (SUAS) sensor platforms, including one that can determine whether individuals are armed or unarmed, for use by first responders and frontline homeland security professionals.

The testing is taking place at the Oklahoma Training Center for Unmanned Systems (OTC-UC), a unit of University Multispectral Laboratories (UML), a not-for-profit scientific institution operated for Oklahoma State University (OSU) by Anchor Dynamics, Inc. UML is a “Trusted Agent” for the federal government, technology developers and operators.   Continue reading “DHS Small Drone Test Plan Calls For Evaluating Sensors For ‘First Responder, HS Operational Communities’”

The Foundry – by David S. Addington

Under Senator Harry Reid’s (D-NV) gun control bill (S. 649), if somebody steals your firearm or you lose it, you can go to prison for up to five years if you have not reported the theft or loss to local police and to Attorney General Eric Holder within 24 hours.

The provision merits ridicule for treating as a felon someone who misplaces a firearm and does not report it to the police and the federal government fast enough.   Continue reading “Reid’s Gun Control Bill Makes a Missing Firearm a Ticket to Five Years in Prison”

AFP Photo / Justin SullivanRT News

The 11 largest drug companies have made $711 billion in profits in just a decade, largely due to overcharging Medicare, which does not seek out competitive prices and uses taxpayer funds to support Big Pharma.

Since Medicare is prohibited from purchasing drugs based on their cost, its prescription drug program has been making large payouts to drug companies that have overcharged the program for years, according to an analysis by Health Care for America Now (HCAN).   Continue reading “Big Pharma made $711 bln overcharging seniors and disabled”

cattle_EPA.jpgFox News – by Joseph Weber

The Environmental Protection Agency acknowledged Tuesday that it released personal information on potentially thousands of farmers and ranchers to environmental groups, following concerns from congressional Republicans and agriculture groups that the release could endanger their safety.

According to a document obtained by, the EPA said “some of the personal information that could have been protected … was released.” Though the EPA has already sent out the documents, the agency now says it has since redacted sensitive details and asked the environmental groups to “return the information.”   Continue reading “EPA acknowledges releasing personal details on farmers, senator slams agency”

Last Resistance – by Gordan Runyan

GOP-leaning political pundit, Mary Matalin, once remarked that my hometown seems to be on The Quest for the Unpronounceable Name. I live in Tucumcari, New Mexico. It started off in the wild West days as Ragtown, and then decided on Six Shooter Siding. Now it’s Tucumcari.

Well, in a similar but much more sinister way, my neighbor state to the North, Colorado, seems to be in the midst of a Self-Imposed Quest for a Police State. Not to be outdone by Connecticut, Colorado has imposed some of the strictest gun control measures in the land upon themselves, including a provision for universal background checks (which, as former GOP presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin is tireless in pointing out, is nothing other than a back door entrance into universal gun registration.)   Continue reading “Colorado to Feds: Please Dominate Us”

Angela-Merkel-and-Vladimir-Putin-were-confronted-by-a-topless-protestor-in-HanoverExpress – by Emily Fox

The two leaders, who were meeting in Hanover in Germany to further foreign trade between their two countries were given an eye-opener as they were confronted with topless female demonstrators.

The protestors, who had written messages on their backs like ‘partners in crime’ and ‘f*** dictator’ entered the Hanover Fair and stormed the booth of Volkswagen to demonstrate against the Russian president and his German counterpart.   Continue reading “Eye-popping: Putin and Merkel confronted with topless protestors”

The Organic Prepper

Being prepared for the unexpected is what my website is all about.  We’ve talked about what you should store and about  becoming more self-reliant.  We’ve discussed health and the evil agendas that appear to be afoot.  We’ve bemoaned the ridiculous laws and the encroaching police state.  We’ve made lists of what you should have, where you should live, and how you should fortify your home.

But what if you had to walk away from everything?  Your food, your tools, your home, your currency – everything that you have spent years accumulating to prepare you for the worst.  What if the worst is actually worse than you had imagined?   Continue reading “Survival: The Ultimate Form of Resistance”

The communist Obama, in a desperate effort to sell his socialist ideals for gun confiscation, traveled to Connecticut on our dollar to speak to his fellow party members, so that they could clap for him and so that the mainstream propaganda machine could televise it.   This was another warped attempt to convince we American sovereigns that they are us and we are they.  In essence, he was pissing up a wet rope.

The insurgent Obama, in speaking of the states that have recently enacted 2nd Article infringements, said, “All these states share a strong tradition of hunting and sports shooting and gun ownership.  It has been a part of the fabric of people’s lives for generations.  Every single one of those states, including here in Connecticut, decided that yes, we can protect more of our citizens from gun violence, while still protecting our 2nd Amendment right.  Those two things don’t contradict each other.”   Continue reading “A Yankee Communist in Connecticut, Hell-Bent on Infringement”

Activist Post

Tony Rooke refused to pay a TV license fee because the BBC intentionally misrepresented facts about the 9/11 attacks, he alleged. It is widely known that the BBC reported the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 over 20 minutes before it occurred. WTC 7 was a 47-story skyscraper that was not hit by a plane on 9/11 but collapsed at free-fall speed later that day.    Continue reading “UK Man Wins Court Victory Over BBC for 9/11 Coverup Broadcast”


The “constitution” is a “package deal.” It’s not a group of concepts that may be accepted in part. Where those concepts are not accepted, and implemented, collectively, in toto, the “message” is that it’s just simply “not there,” at all. The “constitution” is one of those classic “all or nothing” matters.

“Partial” application is the confession of our present legal reality that we do not now have, and have never had, a “constitution” as the language that brings the national governmental system into existence. Since the “constitution” is not now and has never been “admissible evidence of law,” it not only didn’t create the national system but also can’t limit the national system, either.   Continue reading “Original 13th Amendment — “Package deal” case study”