Out of control, a nuclear experiment gone awry, radiation seeping out of the containment vessel becomes a cause for concern for the Obama propaganda team. Currently, damage control is the priority. But soon we expect a rescue mission. If not successful, the next step will be a clean up on aisle five. Right now the public relations battle is being lost. It is apparent that the administration ignores laws it sees as unjust, but enforces those that serves its cause. For instances, trying the Fort Hood Islamist killings as work place violence and on the other hand failure to prosecute the New Black Panther Party thugs for harassment; and secondly, the attempt to water-down our 2nd amendment right to bear arms. Continue reading “Beyond the Law – Obama’s Goon Squad”
Month: May 2013
There are two ways to cast a movie. You bring in professional actors and have them read, or you go out and hire “real people” for the parts.
The second way is sometimes used for the cameos.
That’s the case with the completely insane arrests, school suspensions, and general harassment leveled at kids and parents who “are guilty of” toy guns, fingers shaped like guns, pictures of guns, guns that make bubbles. Continue reading “The toy-gun arrests use “actors””
Green Med Info -by Sayer Ji, Founder
Turmeric is one the most thoroughly researched plants in existence today. Its medicinal properties and components (primarily curcumin) have been the subject of over 5600 peer-reviewed and published biomedical studies. In fact, our five-year long research project on this sacred plant has revealed over 600 potential preventive and therapeutic applications, as well as 175 distinct beneficial physiological effects. Continue reading “Science Confirms Turmeric As Effective As 14 Drugs”
House Republicans are not ruling out passing gun legislation this year, according to a key GOP lawmaker.
The collapse of gun control in the Senate last month led many on and off Capitol Hill to believe the issue would not be revived in this Congress. Continue reading “House GOP lawmaker: We are not backing away on gun bill”
AmmoLand – by Jews For The Preservation Of Firearms Ownership
Washington, DC –(Ammoland.com)- Eric Holder has in essence issued a threatening ultimatum to Kansas Governor Sam Brownback, regarding as being unconstitutional that state’s attempting to protect the Second Amendment.
Is there a hint of pot and kettle regarding constitutional matters here? Continue reading “Eric Holder says Feds Will Ignore State Laws and Enforce Gun Grab”
ABOARD THE USS GEORGE H.W. BUSH (AP) — A drone the size of a fighter jet took off from the deck of an American aircraft carrier for the first time Tuesday in a test flight that could eventually open the way for the U.S. to launch unmanned aircraft from just about any place in the world.
The X-47B is the first drone designed to take off and land on a carrier, meaning the U.S. military would not need permission from other countries to use their bases. “As our access to overseas ports, forward operating locations and airspace is diminished around the world, the value of the aircraft carrier and the air wing becomes more and more important,” Rear Adm. Ted Branch, commander of Naval Air Forces Atlantic, said after the flight off the Virginia coast. “So today is history. Continue reading “US launches drone from aircraft carrier”
Before we get into the meat of this story, let’s do a quick recap of the Obama administration’s most recent scandals:
- Testimony provided last week by the Benghazi whistleblowers has raised serious questions about the Obama administration’s actions before, during, and after the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya Continue reading “EPA Accused of Playing Favorites with Green, Conservative Groups: Another Scandal for the White House?”
In just one week, President Barack Obama’s political machine has switched from endless campaign to survival mode. And for the first time in Obama’s presidency, the damage to his regime may be permanent.
Three revelations have come together like an avalanche. First, there was a Benghazi hearing that proved beyond any reasonable doubt that this administration is feckless, dishonest, and cravenly politicized. But in its aftermath on Friday, an executive branch information dump dropped another bombshell: the IRS does indeed target and intimidate conservative groups. Continue reading “Obama Administration Under Siege From 3 Huge Scandals: Here’s Why It Could All Come Crashing Down”
Godfather Politics – by Philip Hodges
Public figures are more honest when they think no one is watching or listening.
The New Jersey legislature archives their sessions and uploads them to their website for all to listen to. What some of these legislators didn’t realize was that the mic was still on and could pick up what they were saying. Continue reading ““Hot Mic” Picks Up Dem Lawmakers: “Confiscate, Confiscate, Confiscate””
Watchdog – by Malia Zimmerman | Hawaii Reporter
HONOLULU — Aloha, U.S. Secret Service? You’ve been served.
About those vacations to Hawaii, we want to know how much they’re costing taxpayers. Continue reading “Group sues for Obama vacation records”
Long Island Press – by Jed Morey
U.S. Military ‘Power Grab’ Goes Into Effect
The manhunt for the Boston Marathon bombing suspects offered the nation a window into the stunning military-style capabilities of our local law enforcement agencies. For the past 30 years, police departments throughout the United States have benefitted from the government’s largesse in the form of military weaponry and training, incentives offered in the ongoing “War on Drugs.” For the average citizen watching events such as the intense pursuit of the Tsarnaev brothers on television, it would be difficult to discern between fully outfitted police SWAT teams and the military. Continue reading “Pentagon Unilaterally Grants Itself Authority Over ‘Civil Disturbances’”
And just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse for the Obama administration, something new comes along.
From the Washington Post: Continue reading “How High Up Does This Go? New Report Implicates Washington Officials in IRS Scandal”
Jon Stewart on Monday skewered the Internal Revenue Service over revelations that the agency improperly targeted conservative organizations, arguing that the emerging scandal will embolden right-wing conspiracy theorists.
Stewart blasted senior IRS official Lois Lerner, who seemed to suggest on a conference call last week that the agency’s apology was adequate. Continue reading “Jon Stewart: IRS Scandal Gives Credibility To ‘Tin Foil-Behatted’ Right-Wing”
The number of violent crimes fell last year in Philadelphia, as did assaults on police officers.
But the number of people shot by police is up.
Way up.
The number of shootings by police in 2012 resulting in death or injury climbed to the highest level it’s been in 10 years. Philadelphia police shot 52 suspects last year while responding to calls for reported crimes. Of those shot, 15 people died. Continue reading “Shootings by Philly police soar as violent crime plummets”
Just the mention of the word causes an immediate wave of fear through young and old, rich and poor, men and women. The disease is no respecter of persons.
How far would you go to lower your risk of cancer? Continue reading “Two Radical ‘Brave Choices’ to Prevent Cancer: Voluntary Mutilation or Clean Living”
Following the just concluded recent visit by John Kerry to Russia, one may have been left with the impression that the tensions of the Cold War are dead and buried. Just the opposite it appears. In what may be a well-timed and orchestrated announcement, moments ago Russia announced that it had caught an American, Ryan Fogle, a third-secretary at the US Embassy in Moscow, “red-handed” as he tried to recruit a Russian intelligence officer to work for the CIA. Continue reading “Russia Captures US Embassy Worker In Act Of CIA Recruitment; CIA’s “Dropbox” Gmail Address Revealed”