Monday Morning – by DAVID ZEILER

Most Americans assume the U.S. Federal Reserve is a powerful government institution that seeks only to safeguard the dollar, boost the economy and drive employment higher.

That’s what the Fed wants you to think.

The illusion of the Fed as a stabilizing, positive government entity has more or less existed since its creation under dubious circumstances in 1913.   Continue reading “5 Things the Federal Reserve Hopes You’ll Never Find Out”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

I thank FrontPageMag for putting together this ‘blow-by-blow’ report on Benghazi and the roles played by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in the deaths of American citizens. I’ve posted just a very small sample of their report as well as a video report below.

Wednesday on Capitol Hill, three impeccable witnesses offered the clearest evidence to date that the Obama administration’s response to Benghazi before, during and after the terrorist attack that claimed the lives of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, State Department employee Sean Smith, and former Navy SEALs Glen A. Doherty and Tyrone S. Woods, was a deadly combination of ineptitude, political calculations, and outright lying.    Continue reading “Blow-by-Blow: How Obama & Hillary Left Americans to Die”

John BrennanPortland, OR – John Brennan, the man who protested TSA at Portland International Airport in 2012 by removing his clothes, has a TSA hearing at 9AM on May 14, 2013, in Portland, Oregon. Mr. Brennan is appealing a fine from the Transportation Security Administration for “interfering with the screening process.” Under docket # 12-TSA-0092, Administrative Law Judge George J. Jordan will preside at U.S. Bankruptcy Court 1001 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 700 Portland, OR 97204 Room: 9th Floor, Courtroom #2.  Robert Callahan of the Northwest Law Center represents Mr. Brennan.   Continue reading “John Brennan’s TSA Hearing for Nude Protest on May 14, 2013”

Charles Carroll Society

Update on CAMOVER which I went over here.

A group calling itself the Barefoot Bandit Brigade, Puget Sound, Washington has claimed the destruction of 17 Police State cameras.  This is by far the greatest number of cameras I know of destroyed, in the U.S., so they are in the lead for the America’s.  Continue reading “Update on Camera Hunting Contest – CAMOVER”

no ldsThe Organic Prepper

Has the GMO Food and Drug Pushers Administration sent forth another volley in their war on whole foods and self-sufficiency?

We all know that the FDA is present to further the agendas of Big Food and Big Agri as opposed to protecting the best interests of consumers, and rumor has it that their most recent antic is a crackdown on LDS canneries.   Continue reading “Is the FDA Protecting the Public from Self-Sufficiency and Whole Foods with LDS Cannery Crackdown?”

Cody Wilson of Defense Distributed announced on the Alex Jones Infowars broadcast today that the US Department of State has requested that he remove his downloadable files for creating a functional firearm using a 3D printer.

The US Department of State today has claimed authority to confiscate intellectual property and control over the internet.   Continue reading “US Department of State Grabs Plastic Gun”

article imageOpposing Views – by Michael Allen

Soul singer Lauryn Hill was recently jailed over her unpaid tax bill, which is currently $500,000.

According to the International Business Times, Hill was sentenced to three months in jail and ordered to undergo counseling because of her conspiracy theories, including the claim that musical artists are exploited by corporate America.   Continue reading “Judge Orders Lauryn Hill To Counseling Over Claims Of Music Industry Exploitation”

Infowars – by Paul Joseph Watson

Israel is sending military vehicles into Syria to pick up wounded Al-Qaeda terrorists involved in the fight against the Syrian Army before patching them up and sending them back into battle, another startling example of how the Zionist state is working with its supposedly sworn enemies to topple President Bashar Al-Assad.   Continue reading “Israel Rescues Al-Qaeda Terrorists From Syria”


After reports that the Boston Marathon terrorists had used black powder for the explosive component of their pressure cooker bombs, Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) proposed major changes to federal laws regulating loose gun powder and explosives.

On April 23, Lautenberg introduced S. 792, the Explosive Materials Background Check Act. Originally, the Senator submitted the bill as a shell bill–meaning it was not fully written–but this month he has finally submitted the full text of his bill.   Continue reading “Senator Targets Gun Powder with Explosives ‘Background Check’ Law”

American Thinker – by Jennifer Roback Morse

You have no doubt heard the news that gay marriage is inevitable.  The New York state legislature redefined marriage in 2011. Rhode Island redefined marriage earlier this week.  Delaware just removed the gender requirement from marriage. Minnesota is poised to vote on the issue this week.  This steady drumbeat of state legislatures changing the definition of marriage as it has been known for millennia surely must show that so-called gay marriage is inevitable.   Continue reading “When you say ‘Gay marriage is inevitable,’ do you mean rich people want it?”

Resist 1776 – by Greg Carithers

Three things we should know in the event of home invasions during possible government takeover (Marshal Law) or Economic Collapse such as the one that is knocking at our door right now.

1. The first thing and one of the most important things – DO NOT TO PANIC. Panic serves two things. First it is a tool used to catch you off guard so that you are not where you should be and the other is meant to instills in us a since of false hope. I put this first on the list because it is the first offensive push, be it civilian or military; that they will attempt to try.   Continue reading “Three things to know in the event of martial law or invasion”

Before It’s News – by Mort Amsel

At a time when militias may be needed more than ever, Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona has signed a bill creating a state militia that she could deploy at any time, and for any reason.

The bill, SB1495, creates a volunteer state militia, separate and apart from the National Guard Arizona Capitol Times reports.   Continue reading “Arizona Governor Signs Bill To Form State Militia”


Despite the 6.5% stock market rally over the last three months, a handful of billionaires are quietly dumping their American stocks . . . and fast.

Warren Buffett, who has been a cheerleader for U.S. stocks for quite some time, is dumping shares at an alarming rate. He recently complained of “disappointing performance” in dyed-in-the-wool American companies like Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble, and Kraft Foods.   Continue reading “Billionaires Dumping Stocks, Economist Knows Why”

Detroit's Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr. (Credit: Vickie Thomas/WWJ Newsradio 950)CBS Detroit

DETROIT (WWJ) – Detroit’s emergency manager says the city is bleeding much more red ink than originally thought. That’s what Kevyn Orr told WWJ City Beat Reporter Vickie Thomas in an exclusive one-on-one interview.

“The situation is severe,” Orr said. “It’s worse that we originally thought. It ain’t good.”   Continue reading “Kevyn Orr: Detroit Is In Worse Shape Than I Thought”

Examples of some of the aerial surveillance are displayed on Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013, at the State House in Augusta. A bill being debated in Legislature aims to ban such drones.Bangor Daily News – by Scott Thistle, Sun Journal

AUGUSTA, Maine — In a narrow decision, lawmakers accepted an amendment to a bill offered by Sen. John Patrick, D-Rumford, that could allow police to use a drone without a search warrant.

In a 7-6 vote on May 1, the Legislature’s Judiciary Committee sided with Maine Attorney General Janet Mills on the issue of how police can employ unmanned aerial vehicles in criminal investigations.   Continue reading “Bill to allow police to use drones without search warrant heads to Maine Senate”