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Month: May 2013
This is huge. ICE Union president Chris Crane was invited on the Mark Levin Show tonight to explain how the Obama administration is cooking the books on immigration enforcement. What he said was pretty shocking.
According to Crane, ICE agents can no longer make street arrests of people they suspect to be an illegal aliens, illegal alien gang members or illegal alien criminals, despite having the authority to do so by laws enacted by Congress. He says they are under orders to wait until the illegal alien commits a crime, gets arrested by law enforcement and booked into a jail before they can even intercede. Continue reading “ICE Union president exposes Obama admin LIES on immigration enforcement”
From time to time, I have been highly annoyed with the school that my daughter attends. I have set up meetings with teachers, principals, and administrators. I have brought in paperwork and pleaded my case on a variety of topics. I have made scathing remarks. Once, I even had the utter audacity to argue a point with the principal with my daughter right there in the room, which is apparently a no-no because it “undermined the authority of the principal”. Continue reading “Desensitization Training: Police Practice Fighting “Angry Parents””
As we reported a little over a week ago, deliverable gold has been literally pouring out of the vaults of the COMEX and major New York bullion banks. The biggest question in the industry has been where exactly is this gold going? One possible clue as to where a sizable portion of this gold may be heading is contained in just released reports by the Chinese government regarding their central bank’s recent gold accumulations. Continue reading “China Loading Up On Gold”
Business Insider – by Brett LoGiurato
One of the most politically intense fights over the Affordable Care Act was over the creation of the Independent Payment Advisory Board, infamously dubbed a “death panel” by Republicans during the 2010 elections.
On Thursday, Republican House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell signaled that they would keep working to keep opposition alive by doing everything they can to impede the board’s implementation. Continue reading “Republicans Are Refusing To Appoint Members To Obamacare’s Most Notorious Panel”
Fractured Paradigm – by Paige Bennett
For anyone who was paying attention, yesterday was an important day. No, I’m not talking about the Arias trial (which certain networks covered all day without any mention of other, apparently more trivial news), or even Kim Kardashian’s latest appearance as a floral couch/sausage hybrid. On Wednesday, May 8, we heard the testimony of three whistle blowers regarding the attack of our embassy in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012, and there were some pretty eye-opening moments. As expected, both former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and United States Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice were discussed in the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing, and what we heard was hardly flattering. Continue reading “Hillary Clinton & Susan Rice Honored for “Leadership & Progress” as Benghazi Hearing Confirms Lies”
Godfather Politics – by Dave Jolly
The Heritage Foundation, headed by former Sen. Jim DeMint, recently concluded an analysis of the Immigration Reform bill being pushed by the Gang of 8 and the results are economically devastating. The legalization of 11 million illegal aliens will suck the very life out of many of our benefit and welfare programs. Continue reading “Immigration Reform Illegals Will Receive $592,000 More In Benefits Than They’ll Pay in Taxes”
The Obama administration said on Thursday it is making $150 million available to community health centers to enroll uninsured Americans in healthcare coverage under President Barack Obama’s reform law.
The new funds would help about 1,200 health centers hire and train staff, conduct community outreach efforts and assist consumers in applying for benefits under the law, which provides coverage through subsidized insurance markets and an expansion of the Medicaid program for the poor, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services said. Continue reading “U.S. unveils $150 million healthcare enrollment initiative”
The Tenth Amendment Center – by Michael Boldin
Jefferson City, Mo (May 8, 2013) – Tonight, the Missouri State House voted to send Governor Jay Nixon what could arguably be the strongest defense against federal gun control measures in American history. The vote was 116-38.
HB436, introduced by Representative Doug Funderburk in February, was initially passed by the House in April by a vote of 115-42. Last week, the State Senate approved the bill with an amendment which did not change any of its nullification aspects. The vote there was 26-6. The bill then needed one final vote in the house which happened just before 10pm local time this evening. Continue reading “Missouri Legislature Nullifies All Federal Gun Control Measures by a Veto-Proof Majority”
NEW YORK (AP) — A worldwide gang of criminals stole $45 million in a matter of hours by hacking their way into a database of prepaid debit cards and then draining cash machines around the globe, federal prosecutors said Thursday — and outmoded U.S. card technology may be partly to blame.
Seven people are under arrest in the U.S. in connection with the case, which prosecutors said involved thousands of thefts from ATMs using bogus magnetic swipe cards carrying information from Middle Eastern banks. The fraudsters moved with astounding speed to loot financial institutions around the world, working in cells including one in New York, Brooklyn U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch said. Continue reading “Feds in NYC: Hackers stole $45M in ATM card breach”
Electronic Frontier Foundation – by Jennifer Lynch and Peter Bibring
Law enforcement agencies are increasingly using sophisticated cameras, called “automated license plate readers” or ALPR, to scan and record the license plates of millions of cars across the country. These cameras, mounted on top of patrol cars and on city streets, can scan up to 1,800 license plate per minute, day or night, allowing one squad car to record more than 14,000 plates during the course of a single shift. Continue reading “Automated License Plate Readers Threaten Our Privacy”
The Immigration Bill being put forth by the so called Gang of Eight can be considered nothing short of a US surrender to Mexico and the North American Union. We are told that there are 11.2 million illegals in our country and that they are here because our Executive Branch has refused to enforce the laws legislated by the US Congress, hence the representatives of we the people.
When we tell our government to enforce our law and get the foreigners out as they are destroying our economy through their draw on our safety net and all other public services, the socialist insurgents within our government tell us that these invaders cannot be removed because it is cost prohibitive at $60 billion to remove these trespassers and secure our border. Continue reading “Washington Surrenders the United States to Mexico”
BAHAHAHAHAHA!!! No doubt Obummer will add this to his list of jobs created. LOL
I say send Congress there instead, with no more than a thirty day air supply. 🙂
The Epoch Times – by Zachary Stieber
Two weeks into a nineteen week application period, more than 78,000 people have applied to become a settler of Mars in 2023. Continue reading “More Than 78,000 People Sign Up for One-Way Trip to Mars”
Tampa Bay Times – by Kameel Stanley
Bryan Zuniga took great pains to get away from a Pinellas deputy who tried to pull him over early Thursday morning.
Instead, he ended up in great pain.
After Zuniga stopped his 1995 Nissan SUV in the 7100 block of 78th Avenue, he jumped out and started running away, according to the Piellas County Sheriff’s Office. Continue reading “Pinellas Park man attacked by alligator while trying to flee traffic stop”
Having recently been stranded in Denver Airport for 24 hours, I can tell you anecdotally that the place is hellish. Exit arrows point at each other instead of outside; corridors lead to nowhere; and security checkpoints seem to disappear mysteriously as you approach them. As you drive into the airport, you’re greeted by a giant horse with glowing red eyes, and one of the terminals is decorated with a massive statue of Anubis, the ancient Egyptian god of death. Continue reading “Proof that Denver Airport is one of the most evil places on Earth”