Tulsa World

OKLAHOMA CITY – Undercover FBI employees won and lost thousands of dollars in federal funds betting on University of Oklahoma football games and other sporting events, records show.

The FBI used undercover employees to identify suspected bookies in Oklahoma and to gather evidence about a gambling website during a lengthy investigation. The inquiry was known at one point as “Operation Bad Luck.”    Continue reading “Undercover FBI agents bet on Oklahoma football as part of operation”

The sky is lit up after an explosion at what Syrian state television reported was a military research centre in Damascus, in this still image taken from video obtained from a social media website by Reuters on May 5, 2013. REUTERS-Social Media-Handout via Reuters TVReuters – by Dominic Evans and Oliver Holmes

Israel carried out its second air strike in days on Syria early on Sunday, a Western intelligence source said, in an attack that shook Damascus with a series of powerful blasts and drove columns of fire into the night sky.

Israel declined comment but Syria accused the Jewish state of striking a military facility just north of the capital – one which its jets had first targeted three months ago. Iran, a key ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and an arch-enemy for Israel, urged states in the region to resist the Israeli attack.   Continue reading “Israel strikes Syria again, rocking Damascus”

childNatural News – by JD Heyes

A number of Missouri lawmakers are supporting an amendment to the state constitution that essentially formalizes the fundamental right of parents to raise their children as they see fit.

In late April the House gave its approval to a measure, House Joint Resolution 26 (HJR26) that says parents have the right to make all decisions regarding the “discipline, education, religious instruction, health, medical care, place of habitation, and general well-being” for their own minor children.   Continue reading “Missouri moving to protect parental rights from federal tyranny over medicine, education and discipline of children”

Pentagon Changes Mind, Says Soldiers Can Share FaithThe New American – by Dave Bohon

Following an uproar over a Defense Department statement saying that military personnel could be court-martialed for sharing their faith, the Pentagon has backed down on that position and now says soldiers are free to proselytize, as long as they don’t harass others. “Service members can share their faith,” clarified Navy Lieutenant Commander Nate Christensen in a statement, “but must not force unwanted, intrusive attempts to convert others of any faith or no faith to one’s beliefs.”   Continue reading “Pentagon Changes Mind, Says Soldiers Can Share Faith”

krisKobach110112Freedom Outpost – by Dean Garrison

Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach has responded to Eric Holder and he is not backing down. Kobach warned, in a statement released Thursday, “With respect to any litigation, we will happily meet Mr. Holder in court.”

For the State of Kansas to pass the strongest 2nd Amendment legislation in the nation made my heart swell with American pride and their rejection of Mr. Eric Holder yesterday made me even prouder. I was born in Kansas and will die a “Jayhawk.”  Continue reading “KS State Secretary: “We will happily meet Mr. Holder in court” Over Gun Law”

Truthdig -by Alexander Reed Kelly

Obama was an inconsequential lawmaker in the Illinois Senate when his future pick to be U.S. secretary of Commerce introduced him to titans of the finance industry and raised three-quarters of a billion dollars toward his presidential election, investigative reporter Greg Palast tells us.

As Truthdig wrote this week, Pritzker is worth more than $1.8 billion and has held leadership positions in the Hyatt Hotels Corp. and the now-defunct Chicago-based Superior Bank. Her vast fortune affords her “a heavy magic wand in the world of politics,” Palast writes, an instrument that “would have been heavier … except that in 2001, the federal government fined her and her family $460 million for the predatory, deceitful, racist tactics and practices of Superior.”   Continue reading “Penny Pritzker, Barack Obama’s ‘Fairy Godmother’”

crickett ny first rifleDC Clothesline – by Dean Garrison

This afternoon I had the brain numbing misfortune of reading an L.A. Times article by a Mr. David Horsey. It was one of those headlines I simply could not ignore. I understand that at times many writers, including myself, venture into the realm of the absurd to prove a point. But this was over the line. How can you exploit the death of a 2-year-old girl to take potshots at the NRA and gun owners?   Continue reading “Horsey, L.A. Times…”The gun lobby depends on a legion of idiots.””


After the deadliest month of political fighting in five years, Iraq appears to be sliding rapidly into a new civil war that “will be worse than Syria,” leaders say.

The escalating violence has residents of Baghdad stocking up on rice, vegetables and other foods in case fighting or curfews prevent them from getting to shops. “It is wrong to say we are getting close to a civil war,” a senior Iraqi politician said. “The civil war has already started.”   Continue reading “Iraqi Officials Fear Full Blown Civil War”

Before It’s News – by Be the Media

The soon-to-be-released DSM-5’s latest guidelines for professionals in the filed of psychiatry is now in its final stages and is due for publication on May 22nd, 2013. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) is the planned 5th edition of American Psychiatric Association (APA). To make a long story short, basic every human emotion and medical conditions are now being classified as a “mental disorder” of some sort.   Continue reading “APA’s Latest DSM-5 Basically Defines Everyone as Mentally ill (Say Goodbye to Your Guns)”

Infowars – by Kurt Nimmo

The U.S. has designed a bunker buster penetrator bomb that will take out Iran’s Fordow nuclear enrichment complex, a target previously considered too fortified for conventional weapons. The new weapon, which cost hundreds of millions of dollars to produce, is considered critical to an effort by the United States to convince Israel that the U.S. can effectively bomb the Iranian underground complex, according to a report published byThe Wall Street Journal.

The Journal reported that senior U.S. officials showed the Israelis a secret Air Force video showing a test of an earlier version of the bomb. The show-and-tell is described as an attempt to convince Israel to hold off on a unilateral attack on Iranian nuclear installations. Continue reading “U.S. and Israel Prepare for Summer Attack On Iran”

images (11)All American Blogger – by Duane Lester

Late last night there were reports that Israel carried out an air strike in Syria. Today, the word is they targeted Iranian missiles being sent to Hezbollah. The missiles were warehoused at a Syrian airport:

It was the second time in four months that Israel has carried out an attack in Syria intended to disrupt the pipeline of weapons that runs from there to Hezbollah. And the raid highlighted the mounting stakes for Hezbollah and Israel as Syria becomes more chaotic.   Continue reading “Israel Destroys Iranian Missiles In Syrian Airport Warehouse”

hemp-washingtonWaking Times – by Becca Wolford

For thousands of years industrial hemp was a common staple. It fed us, clothed us, housed us, sailed our ships with hemp rope and sails, it was part of our livelihood.

Then, in the early 1900s, it was banned and pushed aside.

Why? Why did this wonderful, useful plant get labeled with a criminal stamp?   Continue reading “The Hemp Conspiracy: Why U.S. Hemp Farming Was Banned”

A Smart Preppers Guide to FirearmsSuburban Prepper

Aside from the crisis itself, the biggest threat to you and your family during any disaster is other humans. Friends, neighbors and strangers may be displaced from their homes and desperate for supplies to feed their own families. You simply cannot predict how people will react to a catastrophe because stress affects everyone differently. Some may turn to violence in the name of providing for their families.     Continue reading “A Smart Preppers Guide to Firearms”