Chron – by WILL WEISSERT, Associated Press

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — The Texas House approved a batch of bills Saturday to further soften gun laws that were already among the country’s most firearms-friendly, allowing college students to carry handguns in class, putting potentially armed marshals in public schools and exempting the state from any future federal bans on assault rifles, high-capacity magazines or universal background checks.   Continue reading “Texas House passes 12 firearms bills on ‘gun day’”


The West Fertilizer Co., scene of an explosion last month that killed 15 people and injured 200, carried only $1 million in liability insurance.

The cause of the blast is still under investigation. Should the company be found negligent, that amount of coverage probably would pay only a fraction of the claims.   Continue reading “West Fertilizer was insured for only $1 million, a fraction of estimated losses”

Malmstrom Staff Sgt. Isaiah Miller operates a lift in the missile tube of a static intercontinental ballistic missile used for maintenance training at Malmstrom Air Force Base in 2010.Great Falls Tribune – by Jenn Rowell

If a nuclear incident happened in Montana, key officials don’t want to be meeting each other for the first time.

Military personnel at Malmstrom Air Force Base have regular exercises to test their response procedures and make sure everyone knows what to do and when.

But starting Monday, their training will go to a higher level.   Continue reading “Nuclear incident drills to start Monday across Montana”

AFP Photo / Lui JinRT News

A US military contractor was allegedly hacked by those associated with the Chinese military. The company reportedly ignored signs of security breaches, allowing hackers to access military technology and classified documents for three years.

QinetiQ North America was attacked by a Shanghai-based hacker group from 2007 to 2010, Bloomberg reported on Thursday. The hacking collective has been coined the “Comment Crew” by security experts.   Continue reading “US military secrets leaked to Chinese hackers for three years”

Solar plane lands in Ariz., 1st leg of major tripOptimum

Flying for several hours after sundown, a solar-powered airplane landed in Phoenix early Saturday morning on the first leg of a cross-country trip.

The Solar Impulse – considered the world’s most-advanced sun-powered plane – set down about 12:30 a.m. at Sky Harbor Airport, completing part of a journey that its pilot described as a “milestone” in aviation history.   Continue reading “Solar plane lands in Ariz., 1st leg of major trip”

The Hoss USMC – by Matthew Liskey Esq. and Col. Ian Houston

The patient sufferance of The Sovereign People of the United States of America will no longer continue silently at the mercy of our government. We, The Sovereign People, of the United States of America bring before the government our grievances. This comes as a response to the campaign of tyranny and misrepresentation being waged by our federal government.

Our Constitutional Republic is for and by the Sovereign People, and in saying this we remind those in government, We The Sovereign People are the stakeholders in our country not our representatives. We, The Sovereign People, have repeatedly petitioned the government to halt legislation and laws that alter or dismiss our natural rights. We, The Sovereign People of the United States of America, demand that our grievances are heard.   Continue reading “A Proclamation of Tyranny”

Counter Punch – by JEFFREY ST. CLAIR

At last we know. The mysterious legal authority for Barack Obama’s killer drone program flows from another administration with an elastic interpretation of executive power: that of Richard Nixon.

In a chilling 16-page dossier known simply as the White Paper, one of Obama’s statutory brains at the Justice Department cites the 1969 secret bombing of Cambodia as a legal rationale justifying drone strikes, deep inside nations, against which the United States is not officially at war.   Continue reading “The Game of Drones”

USA Survival

If the FBI wants to find Joanne Chesimard, who has just been added to the “Most Wanted Terrorists List,” it could begin by wiretapping President Obama’s friends, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, and other members of the Weather Underground. The Weather Underground helped Chesimard—a convicted cop-killer—escape from a New Jersey prison in 1979 and flee to Cuba.   Continue reading “How Obama Obstructs Justice in the Search for a Communist Terrorist”

Shenandoah – by John Galt

I am a white, middle class American.

I am proud to say I consider my religious beliefs quite Christian, wishing no malice towards my fellow man, but desiring the right as guaranteed by God and our Constitution to hold my beliefs without government oversight or control.

I have never been arrested for a criminal act in my life.   Continue reading “I am Number 421,721”

2013-05-02-alexander-1The Patriot Post – by Mark Alexander

“While we are zealously performing the duties of good citizens and soldiers, we certainly ought not to be inattentive to the higher duties of religion. To the distinguished character of Patriot, it should be our highest glory to add the more distinguished character of Christian.” –George Washington (1778)

Summary: Under the pretense of “religious tolerance,” Barack Obama and his Leftist regime have endeavored to remove any expression or manifestation of faith, particularly Christianity, from government forums — first and foremost, the U.S. military. This week, his civilian “leaders” at DoD ramped up that eradication, promising to bring criminal charges against any military personnel who express or share their faith.   Continue reading “Obama to DoD: Courts Martial for the Faithful”

blackUSA Watchdog – by Greg Hunter

Former bank regulator and Professor William Black says, “Apparently, regulators are much more sophisticated than we were because we had never thought of leaving felons in charge of our largest financial institutions.”  Dr. Black contends, “This started with the first lie of the virgin crisis–that the banks are pure and had stopped violating the law.   Continue reading “Felons in Charge of Our Largest Financial Institutions-Professor William Black”

Public Intelligence

The following bulletins were released in February 2013 by the U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) on a limited basis to “confirmed members of the cybersecurity community of practice, which may include critical infrastructure owners and operators, systems administrators, and information security practitioners.” Both versions of the bulletin were found to be available on a number of public websites associated with various professional associations and trade groups.   Continue reading “DHS-FBI Bulletins Identifying IP Addresses, Hostnames Associated With Malicious Cyber Activity Against the U.S. Government”

Children who were aggressive or cruel had reduced brain activity in response to images of others in painDaily Mail – by RACHEL REILLY

Brain scans can be used to identify children who may be potential psychopaths, new research has shown.

Scientists have found that certain areas of a psychopath’s brain showed a reduced activity in response to images of others in pain.

The regions affected are those known to play a role in empathy, the ability to relate to other people’s feelings.

Scientists say the patterns could act as a marker to single out children at a risk of becoming adult psychopaths.   Continue reading “Brain scans can identify psychopaths even in childhood because they have no empathy when seeing people in pain”