Iowa State Daily – by Barry Snell

Along with bombs and bombers, guns seem to be all the media wants to talk about these days. Death is sexy to our miscreant media, especially when people are killed on purpose. And when that happens, it’s all the newspapers and news stations will print and broadcast, in turn making these events appear worse than they are in reality.     Continue reading “Snell: Waking the dragon — How Feinstein fiddled while America burned”

Video still of Hezbollah TV's footage claiming to show the aftermath of an alleged Israeli airstrike on a military facility near Damascus, on May 5 2013RT News

Israel used “a new type of weapon”, a senior official at the Syrian military facility that came under attack from the Israeli Air Force told RT.

“When the explosion happened it felt like an earthquake,” said the source, who was present near the attack site on the outskirts of Damascus on Sunday morning.   Continue reading “‘Israel used depleted uranium shells in air strike’ – Syrian source”

syria_AP374952630549_610x458Pat Dollard

Excerpted from CBS News: The Syrian regime and opposition forces found one thing to agree on, albeit for different reasons: The both condemned Israel for carrying out two airstrikes in the Middle Eastern country over the past 48 hours, a major escalation of Israeli involvement in the Syrian civil war.

Israel rushed to beef up its rocket defenses on its northern border Sunday to shield against possible retaliation from both Syria and its patron Iran. Although Syria and Iran hinted at possible retribution, the rhetoric in official statements appeared relatively muted.   Continue reading “Syria Rebels Join Assad In Condemning Israel Airstrikes”

ratburgerNatural News – by Mike Adams

(Note: Everything mentioned in this story is based on actual findings of food scandals in China. While the tone is satire, the basis of this story is factually true.)

Introducing the Ratburger! If you’ve never tried the Ratburger, you’re missing out on the latest in affordable cuisine from China, home of the most trusted food on the planet.   Continue reading “Introducing the Ratburger, the newest ‘affordable cuisine’ from China!”

FDA AgentBob Tuskin – by Sam Bass

My wife, Yvonne, has been given two death sentences. No, she is not a criminal nor a terrorist. Let me tell you her story.

Six years ago she was diagnosed with melanoma cancer. After three surgeries the doctors felt that they had removed all the cancer. Almost one year later the cancer returned with fast growing tumors on her back. Again, the Doctor wanted to do surgery and treat her using interferon. His prognosis was that she had six months before she would die (DEATH SENTENCE # 1) and that the interferon “might” give her a 10% chance of survival. But, if she did the interferon, she would feel like she had the flu for a year and it would further weaken her immune system. Yvonne asked the Doctor directly if he were in her shoes would he take the course of action he was recommending. After much silence he said, “No.”   Continue reading “FDA and FBI Raid Cancer Cure Center and Steal Medicine from Dying Patients”

CNS News – by Gregory Gwyn-Williams, Jr.

Libertarian activist and radio host, Adam Kokesh plans to lead an armed march on Washington, D.C. this Independence Day.

Launched as a group on Facebook, the “Open Carry March on Washington” hopes to get 1,000 supporters to march into the nation’s capital with loaded rifles.   Continue reading “Radio Host to Lead Armed March on DC July 4th ‘To Put Gov’t on Notice that We Won’t be Intimidated’”

The Hill – by Kevin Bogardus

Iraqis and Afghans who risk their lives to help American troops would be eligible for special visas to the United States under the Gang of Eight’s immigration reform bill.

The Senate bill would extend programs that provide special immigrant visas for people in Iraq and Afghanistan who serve as translators and guides, as well as others who have helped the United States. It would also make changes so that their applications are processed faster.   Continue reading “Visas set aside for Iraqis, Afghans in Senate immigration bill”

AFP Photo / Fred DufourRT News – by Robert Bridge

International Business Machines Corp. (IBM) is being probed over corruption allegations in Poland, Argentina, Bangladesh and Ukraine, an investigation that comes on the heels of bribery charges from the Securities and Exchange Commission.

The US Justice Department is investigating whether IBM violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Bloomberg reported on Friday. In Poland, the probe is examining a transaction that the Polish Central Anti-Corruption Bureau was already in the process of studying, the company said.   Continue reading “US Justice Department investigating IBM bribery allegations”

Borderland Beat – by Colin Daileda

U.S. involvement in Mexico’s battle against drug cartels is getting a lot of press. But it’s worth noting that Mexico’s notorious narcotics trade isn’t just Mexico’s problem anymore.

And Obama should be well aware of that, considering that this past February Chicago declared Sinaloa cartel leader Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán its first “Public Enemy No. 1” since Al Capone.    Continue reading “Mapping the Incredible Spread of Mexican Drug Cartels in the U.S.”

Security Cameras Can Aid Law EnforcementBefore It’s News – by Muckraker1

he real capabilities and behavior of the US surveillance state are almost entirely unknown to the American public because, like most things of significance done by the US government, it operates behind an impenetrable wall of secrecy. But a seemingly spontaneous admission this week by a former FBI counterterrorism agent provides a rather startling acknowledgment of just how vast and invasive these surveillance activities are.   Continue reading “Ex-FBI Counterterrorism Agent Says US Surveillance State Beyond Our Imagination”

Depleted Cranium

This may be old news (about a month) but it is still worth posting.   A poll was recently conducted by Public Policy Polling of Americans on the topic of conspiracy theories.   The number really do not surprise me very much.  If anything, it shows a few conspiracy theories are LESS popular than I might have expected.   Then again, the numbers are still soberingly high.   Continue reading “Poll Shows Widespread Conspiracy Theory Belief By Americans”

60 Completely Outrageous Ways The U.S. Government Is Wasting Money - Photo by Little Mountain 5End of the American Dream – by Michael

Is there anyone better at wasting money then the U.S. government?  Despite the sequester and all of the talk about “deep cutbacks”, the federal government continues to waste money in some of the most outrageous ways imaginable.  For example, does the U.S. government really have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to study the size and shape of the reproductive organs of ducks?    Continue reading “60 Completely Outrageous Ways The U.S. Government Is Wasting Money”

DARPA logoGeopolitical Monitor – by Zac Rose

Tactical and Weapons Projects

CROSSHAIRS (Counter Rocket-Propelled Grenade and Shooter System with Highly Accurate Immediate Response) – This program aims to develop an all-in-one, vehicle-mounted , detection and weapons unit that will be able to locate enemy ambushers and snipers while moving or while stopped. It will also be designed with the capability to destroy incoming threats, such as rocket-propelled grenades and mortars, by firing directly on them using automated, radar guided weapons.   Continue reading “DARPA: A Glimpse of All Tomorrow’s Weapons”

Obama US MexicoCNS News – by Fred Lucas

President Barack Obama, speaking in Mexico City on Friday, said the United States is responsible for much of the crime and violence in Mexico because of the demand for drugs and the illegal smuggling of guns across the southern border.

He told the crowd, “We understand that the root cause of violence that’s been happening here in Mexico for which so many Mexicans have suffered is the demand for illegal drugs in the United States.” He later added, “We also recognize that most of the guns used to commit violence here in Mexico come from the United States.”   Continue reading “Obama: Americans ‘Are Root Cause of Violence That’s Been Happening Here in Mexico”

Washington’s Blog

Preface: Fundamentalist Christians, Jews and Muslims all think they are in a “holy war” against the other guy. As shown below, fundamentalists are being manipulated by the powers-that-be – many of whom are actually atheists – as part of a divide-and-conquer strategy to disempower people.   Continue reading “Corrupt Government Officials – Many of Whom Are Atheists – Use the Most Extreme Forms of Religion to Divide and Conquer Us”