Washington’s Blog

Putting Fukushima In Perspective

There was no background radioactive cesium before above-ground nuclear testing and nuclear accidents started.

Wikipedia provides some details on the distribution of cesium-137 due to human activities:   Continue reading “Wave of Radiation from Fukushima Will Be 10 Times Bigger than All of the Radiation from Nuclear Tests Combined”

Reason – by Scott Shackford

It’s not you, Oregonians, it’s them. It was clear from the start that the relationship wasn’t exactly working out. Now Oregon’s health exchange is warning its customers that it may be over and they should look elsewhere for love and support from a health insurance provider.

From The Oregonian:   Continue reading “Oregon Health Exchange Sends Customers Potential ‘Dear John’ Letter”

Navy sailors have radiation sickness after Japan rescueNew York Post – by Laura Italiano and Kerry Murtha

Navy sailor Lindsay Cooper knew something was wrong when billows of metallic-tasting snow began drifting over USS Ronald Reagan.

“I was standing on the flight deck, and we felt this warm gust of air, and, suddenly, it was snowing,” Cooper recalled of the day in March 2011 when she and scores of crewmates watched a sudden storm blow toward them from the tsunami-torn coast of Fukushima, Japan.   Continue reading “Navy sailors have radiation sickness after Japan rescue”

(Source: WCNC Charlotte)Police State USA – by Lt. Harry Thomas

This past week I was over on Officer.com trying to convince some hot-headed, patriot-hating young cops that the Constitution is actually the law of the land. I failed. One of them refers to open carriers as “attention whores.” I was denounced as a traitor to law enforcement for insisting that gun owners actually have rights that LEO’s are legally and morally bound to respect.

It got me thinking about the great gulf that separates the law enforcement profession that I knew as compared to the one that exists today. I never thought I’d be one of those geezers that says, “I just don’t understand this younger generation today!” But the fact is, I am, and I don’t.   Continue reading “How to serve a warrant: 1972 versus today”

Here are a few tips as well as remedies. This is meant as a back up plan or an adjunct to what you normally would do.

Time to get your emergency back up kit in order.

Some of the tips below can be started now , like the vitamin C and having antibacterial washes around the home.


Homemade Medicine – by Charles Silverman N.D   Continue reading “Home Remedies for Swine Flu”

Before It’s News – by Due Diligence

7 dead as unusual weather mix sweeps nation, threatens holiday travelers.

The weekend before Christmas, mother nature is gifting — or, rather, clobbering — the United States with a little bit of everything. Ice storms, snow, flooding, thunderstorms, tornadoes and record-setting warmth are all in store, and with this maddening mix comes a massive headache for more than 94 million expected holiday travelers.   Continue reading “Winter Weather Wreaks Havoc for the Holidays”

A sailor rolls a 55-gallon drum toward the edge of the USS Calhoun County. The ship dumped thousands of tons of ammunition and radioactive waste into the Atlantic during its service after World War II.Tampa Bay Times – by William R. Levesque

They asked the dying Pasco County man about his Navy service a half-century before. He kept talking about the steel barrels. They haunted him, sea monsters plaguing an old sailor.

“We turned off all the lights,” George Albernaz testified at a 2005 Department of Veterans Affairs hearing, “and … pretend that we were broken down and … we would take these barrels and having only steel-toed shoes … no protection gear, and proceed to roll these barrels into the ocean, 300 barrels at a trip.”   Continue reading “Sailors on old warship dumped thousands of tons of radioactive waste for years”

justiceblindGlobal Research – by John Kozy

“The biggest problem is not to get people to accept new ideas, but to get them to forget the old ones.”—Nassau Senior

When I was a boy, about 75 years ago, maxims about the legal system were commonly known. As children we were taught that it was better that guilty persons should go free than the innocent be convicted. Children were also taught that it was wrong to take the law into their own hands. These were lofty principles that have somehow tumbled from their high perches. Today, those associated with the Innocence Project have proven conclusively that the innocent are routinely convicted, and stand your ground laws have made taking the law into your own hands legal whenever the miscreant can plead that s/he feared for her/his life. Continue reading “The Legal System’s Role in the Disintegration of America”

Tech Dirt – by Mike Masnick

For many years we’ve written about the problems of red light cameras. Installed over the past few years in many cities, the public statements supporting them were always about increased safety on our roads. However, as we’ve noted, plenty of studies showed that the cameras actually tended to increase accidents, showed little to no safety benefit, and were almost always driven by monetary incentives. Because of this, there were numerous reports of various municipalities actually deciding to decrease the time on yellow lights, thereby getting more money from tickets, but massively increasing the safety risk. Multiple studies have shown that the one way to make intersections safer is to increase the yellow light time — but in order to make more money, many were decreasing it (often below legal limits).    Continue reading “Red Light Cameras On The Decline, As Everyone Realizes They Don’t Make Roads Safer, They Just Make Money”

Vehicles are searched indiscriminately at a border checkpoint.  (Source: Eric Gay/AP Photo)Police State USA

EL PASO, TX — An American woman was humiliated and sexually assaulted for hours when she tried to re-enter the United States at a checkpoint manned by U.S. border patrol agents.   Suspecting she had drugs inside her orifices, the federal agents detained her, chained her to a table, and subjected her to a series of invasive and traumatic cavity searches, finger penetration, scans and X-rays… all without a warrant.  She was then billed for the “services.”   Continue reading “Woman was probed, cavity searched, & X-rayed when she tried to reenter the USA”

sharpton_obamaConservative Tree House – by Sundance

This past Thursday, a town hall meeting hosted by Al Sharpton and the National Action Network in Chicago to address gun violence exploded into a revolt against: “Chicago Machine” politics, Mayor Rahm Emanuel and black alderman in City Hall, with panel and audience members calling to vote out their elected officials.

One 82-year-old preacher even called for “Tea Party” style meetings in some of Chicago’s south side communities such as Altgen Gardens and Trumbull Park.  (via Breitbart)   Continue reading “Rut Roh – Al Sharptongue Was Not Expecting This In Chicago – “Don’t blame white people, blame the right people”…”

A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.”

— George Washington

Yahoo News

WASHINGTON (AP) — A covert CIA program has helped Colombia’s government kill at least two dozen leaders of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, the rebel insurgency also known as FARC, The Washington Post reported Saturday.

The National Security Agency has also provided “substantial eavesdropping help” to the Colombian government, according to the Post. And the U.S. provided Colombia with GPS equipment that can be used to transform regular munitions into “smart bombs” that can accurately home in on specific targets, even if they are located in dense jungles.   Continue reading “Report: CIA helped Colombia kill rebel leaders”