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FirstNet is a public/private cooperative surveillance and information exchange enterprise—avast network to share Americans’ personal information—conceived by and written into law with the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012. By law, FirstNet’s purpose is to “create a nationwide, wireless, interoperable, public safety broadband network,” a euphemism that means, “increase the ease with which government agencies share private and public information about people.” By consolidating the placement of points of reference and interoperability for each potential node of state, local, commercial, and other communications networks, FirstNet is a blueprint for making surveillance data-sharing national, lightning-fast, and independent from the insecure, heavily monitored public internet.   Continue reading “FirstNet America’s national ‘First Responder’ surveillance & spying network”

Washington’s Blog

Agencies Have Gone Rogue … With No Oversight

In 2007, reporter Charles Davis asked then-Chairman of the Senate Intelligence committee – Jay Rockefeller – about clandestine U.S. operations against a foreign government.

Here’s the exchange (listen to the minute plus recording or just listen to the 20-second money quote):   Continue reading ““Do You Think That Because I’m Chairman of The Intelligence Committee That I Just Say “I Want It”, and They Give It To Me? They Control It. All Of It. ALL of It. ALL THE TIME. I Only Get – and My Committee Only Gets – What They WANT To Give Me.””

PlaneSearch-CopBlockCop Block- by Michael

This video has multiple parts. The relevant part for this site is between the 0:37 – 3:30 time. Summary – Senator Pat Roberts (Kansas) is standing up for citizen’s rights (pilots in this case), and the Constitution. He is being stonewalled by the feds.

As a pilot and a citizen myself, I follow the theme on this site (thanks for educating me!), and have not succumb to the aggressive nature of the police. I’m tested often, and my only crime is being sued for a divorce. Now I’m having to fight to see my kids. I have 50/50 shared parenting, and still have trouble seeing my children – and I was the stay at home Dad!   Continue reading “Even Pilots are made to Bow Under the Thumb of Aggression”

vaccineprick 263x164 Colorado House Passes Forced Vaccination Bill: One of 18 States Pushing Corporate DrugsNatural Society – by Christina Sarich

Parents will have little choice over whether or not to have their children vaccinated in Colorado now, due to a bipartisan measure passed by Colorado’s House Health, Insurance and Environment Committee this past Thursday. Parents who intended to claim the ‘opt out’ available in a current rendition of Colorado’s current law, due to religious or personal beliefs, will find it much more difficult to do so.   Continue reading “Colorado House Passes Forced Vaccination Bill: One of 18 States Pushing Corporate Drugs”

A Bosnian Serb man surveys damage near the town of Brod September 8, following a NATO air raid here two days ago. (Reuters)RT News – by Claudio Gallo

If we jump for a minute out of the ever-flowing river of the news, we might realize our being deep inside the Fourth World War.

It started in 1989 with the fall of Berlin Wall that marked the end of the Third one, aka the Cold War. The last chapter of WW4 is obviously the failed attempt to expel Russia from Crimea, but up to now its more symbolic stage remains the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia that started on March 24, 1999, exactly 15 years ago. It was a war against Slobodan Milosevic, but also a war to shift eastward NATO influence and boundaries.   Continue reading “NATO bombing of Yugoslavia: Symbolic stage of Current World War”

The Blaze – by Jason Howerton

The superintendent of Springfield Public Schools told 970 WMAY on Monday that he doesn’t plan to remove a workbook that contains an outrageous definition of the Second Amendment, despite the outrage it has generated among parents.

The workbook, currently being utilized by seventh-graders at Grant Middle School in Springfield, Ill., teaches students that the Second Amendment gives people the “right to certain weapons, providing that they register them and they have not been in prison.”   Continue reading “Listen to Superintendent Explain Why He Refuses to Remove Workbook With Outrageous Definition of Second Amendment”

Truth Revolt – by Trey Sanchez 

A mother of a first-grader in Louisiana posted a photo online showing a “psycho-social checklist” sent home from school that asks if her child has “sexual identity issues.”

The checklist that Central Community School System in Baton Rouge, La. sent home asks parents to complete the form and check off any “stressors” their child may have or experienced. It states:   Continue reading “Schoolchildren’s ‘Psycho-Social Checklist’ Asks First-Grader’s ‘Sexual Identity Issues’”

7.wh obamacare cat gif[5]Michele Obama’s Mirror

We’ve put on a full court press: a White House generated ad campaign to get the young invincibles – who we need more than they need us – to sign up for Obamacare before the March 31 deadline. So we tried everything: PJ Boy, a dunking FLOTUS, Mom dancers, twerking accidents, Muppet accidents…the list goes on and on – butt stops with…cat GIFs? Cat GIFs, for crying outloud?

Great, just what we need around here: cat house and pussy jokes to go along with the bathhouse innuendos.   Continue reading “WTF? LOL Cats Deployed to Help Us #GetCovered”

“Danny” Who What Why – by Russ Baker

An exclusive WhoWhatWhy investigation has found serious factual inconsistencies in accounts provided by the only witness to the alleged confession of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects.

Why does this matter? Because this witness is the sole source for the entire publicly accepted narrative of who was behind the bombing and its aftermath—and why these events occurred.    Continue reading “Boston Bomber Carjacking Unravels. Part 1 of 2”

Police Perimeter near MIT in Cambridge, photo: Joe SpurrWho What Why – by Russ Baker

In part I, we reported significant discrepancies in the story of the key witness in the Boston Marathon bombing-MIT police officer killing. These discrepancies cast doubt on his credibility—and therefore on the entire public narrative around those events.

We have been told that the witness was carjacked by the brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, and that Tamerlan confessed to him their guilt in both crimes.    Continue reading “Something Dead Wrong Here: Investigating the Mysterious and Central Character, “Danny.” Part 2 of 2”

Universal electronic card (Image: Federal authorized organization "Universal electronic card")RT News

The move by international payment systems Visa and MasterCard to block their use in Russia has unnerved some Russian businesses. Meanwhile, Moscow says its own national payment system may become fully operative within months.

Last week MasterCard and Visa stopped servicing some Russian banks, which shows the Russian market remains the monopoly of international operators.   Continue reading “Russia to launch its payment system in months, as disruption fears mount”

marijuana cancer vid 263x164 Older Terminal Cancer Patients Walk Away from Hospice with Cannabis Oil and MoreNatural Society – by Paul Fassa

When someone is assigned to hospice, it means that he or she has six months or less to live. All medical interventions are canceled, especially since by that time the patient is completely worn out from orthodox treatments and can’t take anymore. While in hospice, the main treatment is morphine to reduce pain, that’s it. For an older person dying of cancer to leave hospice under his own power is somewhat of a miracle, but that is exactly what at least 2 people have done thanks to the healing powers of cannabis.   Continue reading “Older Terminal Cancer Patients Walk Away from Hospice with Cannabis Oil and More”