Cop Block

In T or C, New Mexico, I was about thirteen or fourteen when I witnessed my mom get jumped on by four or five officers. It was my birthday. It was late, possibly eleven or twelve at night and we were celebrating with some cake, music, and good old family bonding. Someone had called the police on a house that was close to ours and the police mistook our house for theirs. My memory is a bit fuzzy as to the details, but I remember them arresting my step Dad at the time (if he was there, you better believe those cops wouldn’t have done what they did). After that, I called my grandma and aunt who lived close by and told them what was going on.   Continue reading “Pregnant Mother Beaten and Dragged Out of Her Home by Five Police Officers”


The NSA is recording all of the phone calls in an unnamed foreign country, and the agency planned to expand the program to other countries, according to a story today by The Washington Post. The conversations, which are available for playback for at least a month, include those of Americans who are in the country or were on calls to or from the country.

Jameel Jaffer, American Civil Liberties Union deputy legal director, had this reaction:    Continue reading “Chilling Revelation: NSA Illegally Recording All Phone Calls”

Jihad in AmericaMilitia News – by Frosty Wooldridge

This quote provides the most ominous statement for America and other Western countries in the 21st century as they continue mass immigration from cultures and religions all over the Third World.

“Immigrants devoted to their own cultures and religions are not influenced by the secular politically correct façade that dominates academia, news-media, entertainment, education, religious and political thinking today,” said James Walsh, former Associate General Counsel of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service. “They claim the right not to assimilate, and the day is coming when the question will be how can the United States regulate the defiantly unassimilated cultures, religions and mores of foreign lands? Such immigrants say their traditions trump the U.S. legal system. Balkanization of the United States has begun.”   Continue reading “Muslims Demanding Their Own Sharia Patrols In Michigan”

Town Hall – by John Hawkins, November 23, 2013

1) He’s sending weapons to Libya to help repair America’s strained relationship with Al-Qaeda.

2) Parents all across the country can now point to Barack Obama’s performance when they’re explaining to their children why they shouldn’t use drugs.   Continue reading “15 Reasons Why Barack Obama Is the Greatest President In American History!” Bake Gun Club

Yesterday was the ATF raiding Ares Arms in California.

What never got reported was Tuesday’s massive highway roadblock and car to car searches by armed law enforcement officers in Maryland. Were there warrants for these searches? No. Was there reasonable cause to stop every commuter at 10a.m. on a Tuesday morning? No.   Continue reading “Massive Roadblock, Warrantless Searches in Maryland”

What's next--requiring a federal license for cigarette rolling machines and homebrew recipes?Examiner – by Kurt Hofmann

Last Monday, we looked at the previous Friday’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives raid on EP Armory, in Bakersfield, California. EP Armory is best known for the “80%” AR-15 lower receivers it sells, especially (and most directly related to the current situation) their Kevlar-reinforced polymer models, that by virtue of using differently colored material to distinguish what needs to be removed by drilling and/or milling from that which is to be left behind, makes the operation pretty straightforward, even without using jigs to guide the process.   Continue reading “ATF requiring license for renting out tooling, offering instruction?”

Terry Robinson recorded police threatening to set him up.  (Source: KMOV)Police State USA

ST. LOUIS, MO — A man has brought forth evidence that a team of police officers repeatedly intimidated him with prison time if he didn’t find someone to frame up with a weapons charge.

Terry Robinson, 21, is currently on probation from a previous offense and working to stay out of trouble and finish school, according to KMOV.  Should he get arrested again, he will face at least 9 years in prison.  Police officers used his precarious position as a way to leverage him into being their pawn in setting up innocent people with undeserved charges.   Continue reading “Cops force man to frame someone or face prison”

Emergency vehicles and law enforcement personnel respond to a shooting at an entrance to the Washington Navy Yard, Sept. 16, 2013 in Washington, DC.Time – by Denver Nicks

Last year’s deadly shooting at the Washington Navy Yard could have been prevented with better oversight of security clearances and improved on-site security, according to an internal Pentagon investigation released Tuesday.

“Had proper procedures been followed [in vetting personnel for access to secure facilities], the chain of events that led to the incident on September 16,2013, would have been interrupted,” the report says.   Continue reading “Navy Yard Shooting Review Recommends Security Clearance Reforms”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Something hilarious, and at the same time pathetic, happened earlier today: at precisely 9 am the US Treasury released its delayed Treasury International Capital data (which was supposed to be released yesterday but was delayed because it snowed) which disclosed all the latest foreign Treasury holdings for the month of January. Among the key numbers tracked and disclosed, was that China’s official holdings increased from $1.270 trillion to $1.284 trillion, that Japan holdings declined by a tiny $0.2 billion, that UK holdings increased by $7.8 billion to $171 billion, and that holdings of Caribbean Banking Centers, aka hedge funds, declined by $16.7 billion. Here is Reuters with the full data summary (save it before this article is pulled).   Continue reading “Meet The Brand New, And Shocking, Third Largest Foreign Holder Of US Treasurys”

San Diego, California (Reuters / Mike Blake)RT News

US sociologists have long said that the majority of Americans will not be Caucasian past the coming decades. Already in California, Latinos have become the majority demographic, though political representation is another matter.

In March, for the first time ever, the official population of California will be 39-percent Latino, nudging past the 38.8-percent of state residents who are white non-Hispanic and far more than the comparatively small Asian American and African American demographics.   Continue reading “Latinos become the majority in California, but remain political lightweights”

jordan-wiser-e1394634913232Jonathan Turley

Jordan Wiser, a student at Ashtabula County Technical School in Jefferson, Ohio is rightfully confused after being being arrested for bringing a weapon into school. The “weapon” was a pocket knife that he had in his EMT medical vest . . . that was locked into the truck of his car. That’s right, in the latest example of the insane application of zero tolerance rules, the school officials called police after searching the trunk of a locked car to find a pocket knife used by a senior in his work as a EMT. He was then fed into a legal system that refused to show discretion in his prosecution. Notably, prosecutor Harold Specht ran for office based on a pledge that he would maintain a “hardline, zero tolerance policy” as a prosecutor. It was the perfect storm for Wiser: zero tolerance administrators handing a student over to a zero tolerance prosecutor. But it gets worse . . .   Continue reading “Ohio Student Expelled, Arrested, Spent 13 Days In Jail…After A Small Pocketknife Is Found In His Locked Car Trunk by School Officials”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

What is now believed to be Malaysia Flight 370 was seen flying very low over the Maldives Islands at 6:15 a.m. on the morning of March 8th, 2014. This story confirms it was last seen flying in a south-eastern direction towards Diego Garcia. The internet has blown up in recent days with reports that Diego Garcia was the location that this plane was taken to in order to be transformed into a weapon of mass destruction; those theories appear to have gained new traction with these new eyewitness reports below with video as well.   Continue reading “Malaysia 370 Approached Diego Garcia: Do New Eyewitness Reports From Maldives Island Residents Confirm Viral Conspiracy Theory?”

Before It’s News – by stompk

I’ve believed the US/UK military has been involved in this all along, and that the plane was flown to Diego Garcia. Now, it seems all evidence is pointing that way..

KUALA LUMPUR: The airport runway of Diego Garcia is among the top five locations the investigative team discovered on the simulator programme in Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah’s residence in Shah Alam last Saturday, as reported by Berita Harian.   Continue reading “MH370 Pilot’s Simulator Had Diego Garcia Landing Programmed In”

Bill GatesUnited Liberty – by Jason Pye

During a recent appearance at the American Enterprise Institute, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates expressed concern about the effect a minimum wage hike would have on the demand for labor, intimating that the Earned Income Tax Credit as an anti-poverty measure makes more sense.

“You know, when people say we should raise the minimum wage, I know some economists disagree, but I think, boy, I worry about what that does to job creation,” Gates told a crowd gathered at the conservative think tank. “The idea that through the Earned Income Tax Credit, you would end up with a certain minimum wage that you’d receive — that, I understand better than potentially damping demand in the part of the labor spectrum that I’m most worried about.”   Continue reading “Bill Gates concerned minimum wage hike would dampen demand for labor”