KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — An Afghan government security guard opened fire Thursday on a group of foreign doctors at a Kabul hospital, killing three American physicians and wounding a U.S. nurse, officials said.

The shooting at Cure International Hospital in western Kabul was the latest in a string of deadly attacks on foreign civilians in the Afghan capital. Two of the dead Americans were a father and son, Health Minister Soraya Dalil said, adding that the third American was a Cure International doctor who had worked in Kabul for seven years.   Continue reading “Afghan hospital guard kills 3 American doctors”

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a bacteria that is resistant to many of the strongest antibiotics, and although recent prevalence has been limited to hospitals and nursing homes, a new study of 161 New York City residents who contracted the MRSA infections finds that the these people’s homes were “major reservoirs” for the bacteria strains. (Photo by Christopher Furlong/Getty Images)CBS Atlanta

Atlanta (CBS ATLANTA) – An anti-biotic resistant “superbug” that has long affected hospitals and other health care locations around the world has now found a new “reservoir” location: inside U.S. homes.

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a bacteria that is resistant to many of the strongest antibiotics, and although recent prevalence has been limited to hospitals and nursing homes, a new study of 161 New York City residents who contracted the MRSA infections finds that the these people’s homes were “major reservoirs” for the bacteria strains, HealthDay reports.   Continue reading “Study: Antibiotic-Resistant MRSA ‘Superbug’ Found In US Homes”

Illustration: mattjeacock/Getty ImagesWired – by Andy Greenberg

American law enforcement has long advocated for universal “kill switches” in cellphones to cut down on mobile device thefts. Now the Department of Justice argues that the same remote locking and data-wiping technology represents a threat to police investigations–one that means they should be free to search phones without a warrant.

In a brief filed to the U.S. Supreme Court yesterday in the case of alleged Boston drug dealer Brima Wurie, the Justice Department argues that police should be free to warrantlessly search cellphones taken from suspects immediately at the time of arrest, rather than risk letting the suspect or his associates lock or remotely wipe the phone before it can be searched.   Continue reading “Feds Beg Supreme Court to Let Them Search Phones Without a Warrant”

Bay Area Houston – by John Coby

Yesterday Texas Attorney General, Greg Abbott, held a press conference in the Spring Branch Independent School District. SBISD is one of many districts (including CCISD) that has filed suit against the State of Texas for inadequate school funding. Abbott is defunding the schools and defending the State. Awkward!

But Abbott stunned everyone when he announced his support of standard testing and drug testing of 4 year olds. Abbott’s staff was quick to defend his position:  
Continue reading “Greg Abbott calls for drug testing of 4 year olds”

John Paul StevensUSA Today – by Richard Wolf

WASHINGTON — Former Supreme Court justice John Paul Stevens wants to reduce gun violence, abolish the death penalty, restrict political campaign spending, limit states’ independence and make Congress more competitive and less combative.

His solution: Amend the Constitution.   Continue reading “Former justice Stevens wants to change Constitution”

download (7)Independent – by KASHMIRA GANDER

The strongest sandstorm in almost two decades hit Gansu province in northwest China on Wednesday.

Beginning in Dunhuang county in the early afternoon, the storm reduced visibility in the region 20m (65ft), according to the Jiuquan City Meteorological Centre.

Schools in the area warned parents to keep their children at home, the South China Morning Post reported. Continue reading “Massive sandstorm sweeps through China”

Western elite funded communism and socialism are the phony revolutionary ideas behind the corporate new world order.Helping Misguided Voters – by Dianne Richardson

For decades US presidents of both parties have used the words, the ‘New World Order’ in speeches. (1A)(1B)(1C)(1D) This is the UN’s grand plan to herd all humans, except the elites, into high-rise urban zones of their designation and design, while leaving the vast land masses to nature. It’s formally known Agenda 21, aka Earth-friendly Communism. Except that nature would be managed so as to feed everyone in the way the New World Order decides. (2) This plan fits the desires of other elite groups that also want to control us, so the concept gets support from the likes of the Bilderberg Group through the Federal Reserve and we presume Wall Street’s Goldman Sachs, as well as the Trilateral Commission, a future world controlled by a supreme Muslim monarch with caliphates, and the future world of Communism soon to be lead by Barack Hussein Obama. (3) Because it’s too early to react, I suppose the plan by each group is to wait until it’s about done, then ‘fight it out’ to see who wins ultimate control. In the meantime, they are happy to take their share of whatever comes their way during the global conversion.   Continue reading “The March Toward The New World Order”

Veterans Die on Secret Waiting ListCNN – by Scott Bronstein and Drew Griffin

At least 40 U.S. veterans died waiting for appointments at the Phoenix Veterans Affairs Health Care system, many of whom were placed on a secret waiting list.

The secret list was part of an elaborate scheme designed by Veterans Affairs managers in Phoenix who were trying to hide that 1,400 to 1,600 sick veterans were forced to wait months to see a doctor, according to a recently retired top VA doctor and several high-level sources.   Continue reading “A fatal wait: Veterans languish and die on a VA hospital’s secret list”

pre-crime-algorithmsSHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

With revelations that the National Security Agency has collected some20 trillion phone calls and emails via an expansive nationwide surveillance network, most Americans have already come to the realization that everything they do is being monitored.

But many shrug off Big Brother’s prying eyes by suggesting that, since they aren’t doing anything wrong, they have nothing to worry about.   Continue reading “Pre-Crime Systems Now Actively Monitoring the Internet: “The Computer Algorithm Learns the Pattern and Produces a Prediction””

All Gov – by Noel Brinkerhoff

Among the growing number of students and professors from China at American and Australian universities are spies working for the Chinese government.

In the United States, some Chinese scholars are not just sharing their expertise, but also gathering information for China’s Communist Party, according to Xia Yeliang, a former Peking University economics professor now working at the Cato Institute in Washington, D.C.   Continue reading “Chinese Government Accused of Sending Spies to Universities in U.S. and Australia”

Fetal tissue burning halted at Oregon power plantNWCN – by Mike Benner

BROOKS, Ore — Marion County commissioners have ordered an incinerator to stop accepting boxed medical waste from British Columbia to generate electricity after learning it includes tissue from aborted fetuses.

The waste also includes amputated limbs and cancerous tissue, Kristy Anderson, a British Columbia Health Ministry spokeswoman, told The Associated Press. The ministry has a contract with a firm that sends the waste to Oregon.   Continue reading “Fetal tissue burning halted at Oregon power plant”

AFP Photo / Mandel Ngan RT News

Over 44,000 people are registered to vote in both Virginia and Maryland, Virginia Voters Alliance, an advocacy group that monitors voting in the state, announced on Wednesday. Among them 164 people voted in both states during the 2012 general election.

“The Virginia Voters Alliance is investigating how to identify voters who are registered and vote in Virginia but live in the states that surround us,” VVA President Reagan George told the State Board of Elections, according to   Continue reading “Virginia, Maryland plagued with 44k duplicate voters”

Reuters / Shannon Stapleton RT News

After three years of legal wrangling, a Texas family has won its case against a company engaged in hydraulic fracturing near their home. The family, which suffered tangible health deterioration after the fracking began, was awarded $3 million.

A Dallas jury ruled Tuesday in favor of the Parr family, which sued Aruba Petroleum in 2011 after each member of the family noticed a decline in health that, their attorneys argued in court, was the result of dozens of gas wells surrounding their home in Wise County, Texas.   Continue reading “Family awarded $3 million in first US fracking trial”

AFP Photo / Robyn Beck RT News

Vermont lawmakers have passed legislation that requires food made with genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, to be labeled as such. The law, the first of its kind in the US, must now get approval from Gov. Peter Shumlin, who has supported the bill.

The state House of Representatives approved the bill on Wednesday by a vote of 114-30. The state Senate passed the legislation last week by a vote of 28-2.   Continue reading “Vermont poised to enact toughest US GMO-labeling law yet”

ATLANTA (AP) — A 9-year-old Atlanta boy who police say was abducted for a short time from his driveway is being praised by community leaders for his calm as he sang the gospel song “Every Praise” until the man released him.

Willie Myrick recounted the story at a recent gathering in his honor. He says as he sang, the man drove around and was cursing before eventually letting him go unharmed last month. WXIA-TV reports ( that Grammy Award-winning gospel singer Hezekiah Walker, who performed the song, traveled to Atlanta to meet the boy.   Continue reading “Boy says he sang gospel song, abductor freed him”