Until now, the terrible trail of dead bankers has been only among US and European financial executives. However, as Caixin reports, the increasing pressures on the Chinese banking system appear to have take their first toll. Li Jianhua, director of China’s Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC), died this morning due to a “sudden heart attack” – he was less than 49 years old. Li was among the main drafters on new “caveat emptor” market-based rules on China’s shadowy banking system and recently said in an interview that “now is not only a time to control risk, but to transform the trust industry.. if it’s too loose, it’s a big problem.” Li was found by his wife. Continue reading “Banker Death ‘Epidemic’ Spreads To China”
Month: April 2014
Few people noticed that government changed the First Amendment to really mean that you can assemble in a designated Free Speech Zone and sign a petition which you cannot present to an elected official without committing a felony. The Federal government has been revising the Bill of Rights to such an extent that the original might seem unrecognizable to older generations. Rather than wait for the Revised Bill of Rights to appear in 2020 I have written the document now from current trends. Continue reading “The Bill Of Rights, Suggestions and Privileges”
At what point in the course of human events when it becomes necessary to dissolve the political bands and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, do we leave the notion of treason behind and embrace the liberty of revolution?
Last week a man, Cliven Bundy made a stand. He would not let the federal government illegally seize his property in a bid to have his livelihood and thereby his land stripped from him. Continue reading “Is this treason?”
Yes, but … Affirmative Action was banned here in CA, but still the people of color get picked first for education and for jobs. No legal recourse either because it cannot be proven.
New York Times – by Adam Liptak
WASHINGTON — In a fractured decision that revealed deep divisions over what role the judiciary should play in protecting racial and ethnic minorities, the Supreme Court on Tuesday upheld a Michigan constitutional amendment that bans affirmative action in admissions to the state’s public universities. Continue reading “Court Backs Michigan on Affirmative Action”
Freedom Outpost – by Fred DeRuvo
Earlier today, Gov. Nathan Deal signed into law the latest “controversial” gun bill that removes restrictions for law-abiding gun owners who legally own guns. Of course, this has the left in an uproar, but they’ll only be happy when no law-abiding citizen owns guns and only criminals do. They’ll still blame that on the right though.
In Elijay, GA, the governor was surrounding by law-abiding gun owners who were there to mark the day that he signed the Safe Carry Protection Act into law. This removes restrictions that had been on law-abiding gun owners by increasing the places where guns can be legally carried. New York State has its so-called NY Safe Act, which essentially further restricts gun-owners’ rights. The new Safe Carry Protection Act is designed to treat adults as adults. Continue reading “Georgia Just Became a Safer State for Law-Abiding Gun Owners & Everyone Else”
As I wrote here, The Siege of Bundy Ranch goes on. So does the need for volunteers, money and supplies. I have dubbed the Three Percenters in the desert the “Virgin River Volunteers.” “The Virgins” and the Oath Keepers have a particular need at the moment for camouflage netting to provide shade for the troop and operations areas as well as fighting positions. I have a feeling that there’s a lot of that sort of thing out there in barns and garages left over from the 90s that is surplus to us aging old fart’s needs. You might have netting but no poles and spreaders or poles and spreaders but ne netting. That’s all right. If you will drop me an email if you have anything you wish to donate, I will see that it gets matched up with needs on the ground, transportation assets to move it there, etc. The Oath Keepers intends to use such assets and equipment after the Bundy operation is concluded for other such needs as they arise. No one is going to profit from your generosity except the prospective victims of federal violence and the volunteers who desperately need the shade. Continue reading “The Siege of Bundy Ranch goes on, and so does the need for volunteers, money and supplies, especially — at the moment — camo netting.”
Rancher Cliven Bundy can now add hippies and assorted steampunks to the federal government on his list of “People I Wish Would Go Away.”
Raw Story reports that some folks involved with the annual Burning Man festival plan on staging a counter-standoff to the one currently taken up by Bundy in his ongoing challenge to the feds over grazing rights. The video below posted by progressive activist Sean Shealy details the plan for a month-long shindig to be held after the official Burning Man proceedings that will take place directly across from Bundy Ranch. The “anything goes” action promises hundreds of bands, as many as 50,000 revelers, “total freedom,” and of course full nudity. Continue reading “Burning Man is Moving in Directly Next Door to Bundy Ranch. Meet ‘Bundyfest.’”
Prepper Podcast – by James Smith
The Government buying explosives is not new. But when they do something new – that’s why we should pay attention.
In a new solicitation posted 22 April 2014, the Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Contracts and Procurement Division (CPD) is searching for a small capable of providing Integral Firing Devices and Breacher Strip Assemblies that meet specific characteristics in support of the NNSA’s Office of Secure Transportation (OST). The mission of OST is the safe and secure transportation of nuclear weapons, special nuclear materials, selected non-nuclear weapons components, limited-life components, and various other materials. Continue reading “Department of Energy wants bulk explosives for nuclear weapons transport”
KLAS TV Las Vegas – by Lauren Rozyla
BUNKERVILLE, Nev. — Militia groups are still surrounding the Bundy ranch days after the BLM ended its roundup of cattle. There is concern among some of them that they have been infiltrated by undercover federal agents.
One man, among the self-described militia, says at least two federal agents went undercover to gather information and are preparing to make arrests. This latest information is causing increased tensions among those who say their goal is to protect rancher Cliven Bundy. Around 50 people remain at the ranch, many living in tents, and are prepared to stay for weeks, even months. The men say they took an oath to protect, but they are worried there is a rat in the ranks
Continue reading “‘Militia’ groups fear infiltration by feds at Bundy Ranch”
OKLAHOMA CITY – Late last week, a bill to legalize gold and silver as legal tender was passed through the Oklahoma state house. The vote was 74-12.
Senate Bill 862 (SB862), was introduced by Sen. Clark Jolley and Rep. Gary Banz, with cosponsorship from Sen. Natham Dahm. It reads, in part: Continue reading “Oklahoma House Votes to Legalize Gold and Silver as Money”
The Obama administration has stated unequivocally that the debate concerning whether or not the Patient Affordable Care Act has been a success is over. They’ve won the argument and its evidenced by the tens of thousands of Americans who have signed up on exchanges across the country.
Here’s a small glimpse into just how successful Obamacare has been. Continue reading “Obamacare Success: Half of Georgia’s Insurance Enrollees Fail to Make Monthly Payment”
Washington (AFP) – US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel got a first-hand look at a life-size robot that resembles Hollywood’s “Terminator,” the latest experiment by the Pentagon’s hi-tech researchers.
But unlike the cinematic version, the hulking Atlas robot is designed not as a warrior but as a humanitarian machine that would rescue victims in the rubble of a natural disaster, officials said on Tuesday.
The 6-foot-2-inch (187 centimeters) Atlas is one of the entrants in a contest designed to produce a man-like life-saver machine, the brainchild of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Continue reading “Pentagon scientists show off life-size robot”
As the completely out of control and totally unregulated stratospheric aerosol geoengineering rages on in our skies day in and day out, most of the population remains oblivious. Now, a campaign to erect “in your face” billboards along highly traveled freeways is being initiated. Continue reading “The Fight To Expose Global Climate Engineering Continues”
Magnified View – by Yoda and Dauntless Don
Cowardly Congress Gives Obama License To initiate and enforce Martial Law, arrest and incarcerate Law-abiding Citizens.
Obama is keeping his campaign pledge to‘transform America’ including ‘creating a domestic security force larger than the US military’.
Red flag indicators: For Example, you can and should readily research and confirm these unprecedented threats on your own. Hope for some miracle but prepare for the worst. Continue reading “Alert: Martial Law Coming To Your Neighborhood”