Relatives and families of members of Muslim Brotherhood and supporters of ousted President Mohamed Mursi react in front of the court in Minya, south of Cairo, after hearing the sentence handed to Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Badie and other Brotherhood supporters April 28, 2014. REUTERS-Mohamed Abd El GhanyReuters – by Yasmine Saleh

An Egyptian court sentenced the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood and 682 supporters to death on Monday, intensifying a crackdown on the movement that could trigger protests and political violence ahead of an election next month.

In another case signaling growing intolerance of dissent by military-backed authorities, a pro-democracy movement that helped ignite the uprising that toppled autocrat Hosni Mubarak in 2011 was banned by court order, judicial sources said.   Continue reading “Egyptian court seeks death sentence for Brotherhood leader, 682 supporters”

Kharkov Mayor Gennady Kernes (RIA Novosti/Chekachkov Igor)RT News

The mayor of the eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkov, Gennady Kernes, has been shot in the back by unidentified gunmen, the city council’s press service reports.

At about 11:30 am (8:30 GMT) local time Kernes was taken to the local hospital. The City Hall’s website says that doctors are fighting to save his life.

“They shot him in the back from the forest,” Kernes’s friend Yury Sapronov told Vesti Ukrainy news outlet.“The injury is serious. His lung is pierced and his liver pierced all the way through.”   Continue reading “Mayor of Kharkov, Ukraine shot in back, hospitalized – press service”

Watertown Daily Times

TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. — An organization representing the eight states and two Canadian provinces that surround the Great Lakes announced a partnership Friday with former U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson to recruit foreign manufacturing investment to the region.

The Council of Great Lakes Governors and The Paulson Institute, based at the University of Chicago, will try to capitalize on the growing interest of China and other emerging economies in making “direct investments” in advanced nations. Such investments — which often involve buying or expanding plants and other assets — have greater potential to create jobs than bond holdings bought or sold through paper transactions, Paulson said.   Continue reading “Partnership to push Chinese investments in Great Lake”

Washington’s Blog

Banks Create Money Out of Thin Air … Conferring Enormous Windfall Profits At the Expense of the People

We’ve pointed out for 4 1/2 years that banks create money out of thin air.

Specifically, it has now been conclusively proven that loans come first … and then deposits FOLLOW.   Continue reading “The Biggest Secret About Banking Has Just Gone Mainstream”

A pro-Russian armed man holds his weapon in front of the seized town administration building in Kostyantynivka April 28, 2014. REUTERS-Marko DjuricaReuters – by MATT SPETALNICK AND THOMAS GROVE

U.S. President Barack Obama announced new sanctions against some Russians on Monday to stop President Vladimir Putin from fomenting the rebellion in eastern Ukraine, but said he was holding broader measures against Russia’s economy “in reserve.”

On the ground, pro-Moscow rebels showed no sign of curbing their uprising, seizing public buildings in another town in the east. Interfax news agency reported that the mayor of a further major eastern city, Kharkiv, had been shot and was undergoing an operation. It gave no details of the shooting.   Continue reading “Obama announces new U.S. sanctions on Russia over Ukraine”

oklahoma-tornado-quapaw-internal.jpgFox News

At least 18 people were killed Sunday by three separate tornadoes spawned by a powerful storm system that moved through the central and southern United States.

The Arkansas Department of Emergency Management confirmed early Monday that at least sixteen people had died after a tornado tore through central Arkansas, while an Oklahoma county sheriff’s dispatcher reported that one person had died in the town of Quapaw, near the state’s borders with Kansas and Missouri. Fox News has also confirmed that one person died when a tornado hit Keokuk County, Iowa.   Continue reading “Tornadoes kill at least 18 as storms pummel Plains, Midwest, and South”

HOGSHuffington Post – by Meredith Davis and Theopolis Waters

CHICAGO, April 27 (Reuters) – John Goihl, a hog nutritionist in Shakopee, Minnesota, knows a farmer in his state who lost 7,500 piglets just after they were born. In Sampson County, North Carolina, 12,000 of Henry Moore’s piglets died in three weeks. Some 30,000 piglets perished at John Prestage’s Oklahoma operation in the fall of 2013.

The killer stalking U.S. hog farms is known as PEDv, a malady that in less than a year has wiped out more than 10 percent of the nation’s pig population and helped send retail pork prices to record highs. The highly contagious Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus is puzzling scientists searching for its origins and its cure and leaving farmers devastated in ways that go beyond financial losses.
Continue reading “Killer Pig Virus Wipes Out More Than 10 Percent Of Nation’s Hogs, Causing Spike In Pork Prices”

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un (C) guides the multiple-rocket launching drill of women's sub-units under KPA Unit 851, in this undated photo released by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) April 24, 2014. REUTERS/KCNAReuters – by Nick Macfie

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un urged the army to develop to ensure it wins any confrontation with the United States, the reclusive country’s news agency said on Sunday, a day after U.S. President Barack Obama warned the North of its military might.

Kim led a meeting of the Central Military Commission and “set forth important tasks for further developing the Korean People’s Army and ways to do so”, KCNA news agency said.   Continue reading “North Korea says army must develop to be able to beat U.S.”

Screenshot from YouTube user ChinaViewTVRT News

A private company located in eastern China has printed ten full-size houses using a huge 3D printer in the space of a day. The process utilizes quick-drying cement, but the creators are being careful not to reveal the secrets of the technology.

China’s WinSun company, used a system of four 10 meter wide by 6.6 meter high printers with multi-directional sprays to create the houses. Cement and construction waste was used to build the walls layer-by-layer, state news agency Xinhua reported.   Continue reading “Giant Chinese 3D printer builds 10 houses in just 1 day”

The British swimmer said he saw a two-metre beast swimming beneath him before the pod of 10 dolphins joined himDaily Mail – by LILLIAN RADULOVA

British swimmer, Adam Walker had enough to worry about as he took on the freezing ocean in a grueling eight hour and 36 minute swim across the Cook Strait on Tuesday.

But he had his mind taken off the extreme temperature when he noticed a two metre shark-shaped figure swimming beneath him in the New Zealand waters.

Luckily enough, the shark never attempted an attack as a pod of dolphins soon came to his side, swimming alongside Mr Walker for an hour while he crossed the strait.   Continue reading “British man saved from shark by pod of DOLPHINS who joined him for part of marathon eight hour swim”

fingerprintsNatural News – by J.D. Heyes

Fingerprint evidence has been an important aspect of crime fighting for more than a century because there was a basic assumption that every person has a unique set of prints. But one expert has recently said the belief that unique fingerprints can be identified quickly through a computer database is flawed, Britain’s Telegraph newspaper has reported.

Mike Silverman, who introduced the first automated fingerprint detection system to the London Metropolitan Police, says that human error, partial prints and false positives mean that fingerprint evidence is not as reliable as it was once thought to be. Continue reading “Law enforcement myth exposed: Fingerprints are not unique”

Harry Reid (D-NV), United States Senator from ...Light from the Right – by Bob Adelmann

The seemingly impervious Teflon-proof senior Senator from Nevada,  Majority Leader , has been forced to respond to charges made in a two-part investigation into his self-dealings at RealClearPolitics published last week. The initial investigation was filled with corruption charges and responses from Reid’s PR people in a failed attempt to deflect them. In the past such charges were simply ignored and passed off. Reid was willing to let time pass and memories fade. Not this time, apparently.   Continue reading “Another Investigation Confirms Harry Reid’s Long History of Corruption”

IB Times – by Jack Moore

Bill Gates’ philanthropic body, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has been accused of complicity in the torture of Palestinian prisoners through its investment in British security company G4S.

G4S provides security services and equipment at Israeli prisons where allegations of child torture, forced confessions, overcrowding and medical neglect have been raised.   Continue reading “Bill Gates Criticized for Investment In G4S’ Israel Torture Prisons”

featured-imgFox Nation

CBS Sacramento AP A bill that passed the Assembly with unanimous bipartisan support Thursday encourages California schools to teach students about the racial significance of Barack Obama’s presidency.

The Assembly approved AB1912 with a 71-0 vote and no debate or discussion. It now heads to the state Senate.   Continue reading “Bill Encourages Schools To Teach About Racial Significance Of Obama’s Presidency”