Yahoo News – by Dylan Stableford

The distraught father of one of the University of California, Santa Barbara, shooting victims — who blamed his son’s death on the inability of lawmakers to act in the wake of the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School — got a special message from a father of one of the Newtown, Conn., victims welcoming him to an unwanted club.

“Dear Richard Martinez,” the letter posted by Mark Barden to the Sandy Hook Promise Facebook page begins. “We have not met, but you are now part of our extended family. It is not a family we chose, but a family born from the horrible circumstance of losing a child to gun violence — one that’s only growing each day.”   Continue reading “Sandy Hook dad to UCSB dad: ‘You are now part of our extended family’”

Celestino Moras accused of shooting people at a rodeo (WSB-TV)Raw Story – by David Edwards

A Georgia man was in custody on Monday and authorities were searching for a second man after police said that both suspects opened fire, and shot several people at a Memorial Day rodeo.

According to The Atlanta Journal Constitution, deputies said that 25-year-old Celestino Moras showed up drunk at a rodeo in Bartow County on Sunday, and was asked to leave because he was not invited to the event.    Continue reading “‘Cowboy’ lassoes drunk Georgia man after shooting rampage at Memorial Day rodeo”

Board of Governors Federal Reserve

Section 7. Division of Earnings

(a) Dividends And Surplus Funds Of Reserve Banks.

  1. Stockholder Dividends.
    1. In General. After all necessary expenses of a Federal reserve bank have been paid or provided for, the stockholders of the bank shall be entitled to receive an annual dividend of 6 percent on paid-in capital stock.

Continue reading “Federal Reserve Act: Section 7”

ABC News Australia – by Greg Hoy

A rapid acceleration in automation technology, including cheaper and more advanced robotics, could see more than 5 million Australians lose their jobs, an expert in machine learning says.

Professor Michael Osborne of the Oxford Martin School at Oxford University says almost half of all jobs in industrialised nations like Australia are at risk of redundancy over the next two decades.   Continue reading “Robots could cost Australian economy 5 million jobs, experts warn, as companies look to cut costs”

Bilderberg Agenda Revealed: Elite Desperate to Rescue Unipolar WorldInfowars – by Paul Joseph Watson

The 2014 Bilderberg meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark is taking place amidst a climate of panic for many of the 120 globalists set to attend the secretive confab, with Russia’s intransigence on the crisis in Ukraine and the anti-EU revolution sweeping Europe posing a serious threat to the unipolar world order Bilderberg spent over 60 years helping to build.

Inside sources confirm to Infowars that the elite conference, which will take place from Thursday onwards at the five star Marriott Hotel, will center around how to derail a global political awakening that threatens to hinder Bilderberg’s long standing agenda to centralize power into a one world political federation, a goal set to be advanced with the passage of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), which will undoubtedly be a central topic of discussion at this year’s meeting.   Continue reading “Bilderberg agenda revealed: Elite desperate to recue unipolar world”

Reuters / Hosam KatanRT News

At a secret base in Qatar, the US military is training rebels to raid Syrian government troops and vehicles, as well as to “finish off the soldiers still alive after an ambush,” first-hand interviews in a Frontline documentary have revealed.

The documentary, scheduled to air Tuesday night on PBS stations, offers rare insight into how Washington is fostering the armed insurgency against Syrian President Bashar Assad.   Continue reading “US trains Syrian rebels in Qatar to ‘ambush’ soldiers and ‘finish off’ the wounded – report”

Reuters / Eduardo MunozWhat will it do to someone who hasn’t taken Heroin?

RT News

Following revelations that New York City has become one of the country’s largest heroin trade centers, the New York Police Department announced that nearly 20,000 officers will soon carry an anti-overdose drug in order to help save lives.   Continue reading “NYPD stocking up heroin antidote”

Copenhagen: Reporters arrested at Bilderberg planning committee klatchIntellihub – by Shepard Ambellas

COPENHAGEN, Den. (INTELLIHUB) — “We don’t look for trouble, but trouble finds us”, Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change stated just before entering the Marriott Hotel where the Bilderberg 2014 meeting will be taking place.

Once inside the hotel the duo made their way to the bar area where they noticed a few women they knew.   Continue reading “Reporters threatened and arrested prior to Thursday’s Bilderberg meeting”

pictureEverything, any and all public bank accounts, stocks, bonds, securities, IRA, you name it, everything with a social security number attached to it is put in that account to hold. 

Ming the Mechanic – by Flemming Funch

There is a busy little private company you probably never have heard about, but which you should. Its name is the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation. See their website. Looks pretty boring. Some kind of financial service thing, with a positive slogan and out there to make a little business. You can even get a job there. Continue reading “The unknown 20 trillion dollar company”

Pre_panel_7_entryENE News

The Verge, May 23, 2014: Radioactive kitty litter may have ruined our best hope to store nuclear waste; Billions invested in an underground New Mexico repository could be wasted […] The most dangerous nuclear waste in the US is currently scattered between 77 locations all over the country, awaiting permanent storage. Until February, many experts suggested that the best place to put it was [WIPP…] two emergencies brought that suggestion – and WIPP’s future – into question. […] The damage and the resulting radiation leak could close the facility, experts say. […] the real lesson here may lie in the fragility of even the best nuclear storage facility. Corrective action at WIPP could be a massive undertaking. How many other barrels contain the dangerous organic cat litter? Are all of those barrels underground at WIPP? […] if the DOE decides stabilizing or repackaging the material is unjustified, that would close WIPP for good.   Continue reading “Experts: Gov’t may never stabilize hundreds of explosive drums of radioactive waste stored at WIPP”

Jon Rappoport

The number of methods of mind control has proliferated as funding for research has expanded.

Here, I want to consider what could be called thought substitution, one ongoing facet of this research.

My conclusions on this subject come from accounts of modern mind control research, which utilize forms of signal-broadcasting aimed at the brain.   Continue reading “How effective is electromagnetic thought control?”

Activist Post – by Brandon Turbeville

Although the Western media reports regarding the Presidential elections currently taking place in Syria attempt to portray the event as a “sham election” or nothing more than a political stunt, evidence coming out of the country seem to show quite the opposite.

Indeed, the elections, which include Assad as one candidate among three, are experiencing widespread participation from Syrians inside the country as well as those who have been displaced in the region and around the world. Continue reading “Democracy Comes To Syria, West Demands Democracy Come To Syria”

Maya AngelouThe Guardian – by Jessica Glenza

Maya Angelou, the American poet and author, died at her home in Winston-Salem, North Carolina on Wednesday. She was 86.

Her son, Guy B Johnson, confirmed the news in a statement. He said: “Her family is extremely grateful that her ascension was not belabored by a loss of acuity or comprehension.   Continue reading “Maya Angelou, celebrated US poet and author, dies aged 86”