chronic headache syndromePrevent Disease – by John Summerly

There are many different things that can cause headaches: Abrupt changes in your diet or an everyday schedule like getting too much or too little sleep, stress, long working hours, skipping a meal, or from using the computer for a long time without taking breaks. Headache can cause unbearable pain along with nausea, and at times vomiting. Many people don’t realize that the most common cause of a headache is dehydration. There are many over the counter medicines available in the market to get rid of headache, but all of them have potential side effects, disrupt gut bacteria and can cause other health problems. Instead of relying on quick fixes through drugs, try some of these natural remedies which are proven effective for even some of the worst headaches including tension, cluster and migraines.   Continue reading “16 Natural Ways To Get Rid of a Headache Fast”

Liberty’s Beacon

Good morning, Gentle Reader. Have you been disturbed by the most recent news? Thinking that things really aren’t as bad as that, because they’re actually worse? Wondering if you’ll ever manage to unravel that knot in your stomach short of hauling stakes and “going Galt?”

If the above applies to you, turn off the television — those patent medicines won’t do a damn thing for you and you know it — and address this most important question with me:   Continue reading “Declarations Of War”

Mississippi state welcome signLight from the Right – by Bob Adelmann

Based on the number of convictions for violating federal  laws, Mississippi – a state with just 3 million citizens – ranks at the very top of the list of all states, according to a recent study. Two college professors published their report in the May/June issue of Public Administration Review.

Their study said the high level of corruption in the state resulted in high state  on projects most likely to be “bribe-generating” like capital improvements and highway construction, while leaving more socially beneficial projects like schools and health facilities behind. It also noted massive cost overruns on those projects thanks to those bribes as well as blatant payoffs to government officials getting wealthy at the expense of the poor. Said the authors:   Continue reading “Mississippi is the most Corrupt state, says a new study”

Some of the Firearms Destroyed in Santa Fe, NMAmmoLand – by Dean Weingarten

Arizona – -( One of the oddest parts of the political desire to disarm Americans is the push to destroy valuable property for propaganda purposes.   In Santa Fe, New Mexico, tens of thousands of dollars of valuable property was destroyed purely for propaganda.  Even in the old Soviet Union, which was no slouch when it came to disarming its people, the guns that were collected were not wantonly destroyed.   They were cared for, refurbished, sold to renew state resources, or used to defend the state from its enemies.  No doubt many were redistributed to reliable Party members and officials.   Continue reading “Santa Fe Destroys Hundreds of Valuable Guns”

Activist Post – by Ellen Brown

“Finance is the new form of warfare – without the expense of a military overhead and an occupation against unwilling hosts. It is a competition in credit creation to buy foreign resources, real estate, public and privatized infrastructure, bonds and corporate stock ownership. Who needs an army when you can obtain the usual objective (monetary wealth and asset appropriation) simply by financial means?” – Dr. Michael Hudson, Counterpunch, October 2010.

When the US Federal Reserve bought an 80% stake in American International Group (AIG) in September 2008, the unprecedented $85 billion outlay was justified as necessary to bail out the world’s largest insurance company. Today, however, central banks are on a global corporate buying spree not to bail out bankrupt corporations but simply as an investment, to compensate for the loss of bond income due to record-low interest rates. Indeed, central banks have become some of the world’s largest stock investors. Continue reading “Central Banks Are Secretly Buying Up the World’s Corporations”

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These positions are located in field missions of Peace Operations. The DDR Officer typically reports to the head of a work unit or to a senior official responsible for DDR operations in a field location, though this may vary depending on the mission structure. The focus of these jobs is to lead the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of DDR programmes, operations and other related activities in the country or region concerned. Continue reading “What are they planning? Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Officer”

Ericson Report

Propaganda in the United States is propaganda spread by government and media entities within the United States. Propaganda is information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to influence opinions. Propaganda is not only in advertising; it is also in radio, newspaper, posters, books, and anything else that might be sent out to the widespread public.

The first large-scale use of propaganda by the U.S. government came during World War I. The government enlisted the help of citizens and children to help promote war bonds and stamps to help stimulate the economy. To keep the prices of war supplies down, the U.S. government produced posters that encouraged people to reduce waste and grow their own vegetables in “victory gardens.” The public skepticism that was generated by the heavy-handed tactics of the Committee on Public Information would lead the postwar government to officially abandon the use of propaganda.[1]   Continue reading “Propaganda in the United States”

Blame CanadaOutside the Beltway – by Doug Mataconis

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of the Staff wants to make it clear that we don’t have plans to invade our neighbors to the north:

Wednesday’s hearing of the Senate Appropriations Defense Subcommittee was informative on a great many serious subjects. It also revealed that the United States isn’t prepared to take aggressive action against its looming menace to the north, according to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Continue reading “Joint Chiefs Chairman Says There Is No Plan For Invading Canada”

Sun Herb – by Terri L. Saunders

Most of us are familiar with the concept of how important it is for our planet to have a balanced ecosystem in order to perpetuate itself, where each species contributes to the life of another in an environment that supports healthy growth and vitality.  At the present time, it appears that earth’s ecosystem is at risk of deteriorating at an alarming rate, unless we can change this course of events.

Just like the planet that we live on, we too have an ecosystem inside our bodies that supports our growth and vitality, and just like the earth’s, our inner world is also at risk as evidenced by the tremendous increase in infectious disease, degenerative conditions and autoimmune disorders.  Cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, allergies, chronic fatigue, candidiasis, fibromyalgia, and depression are affecting adults and children alike.  What’s even more significant is the tremendous increase in cases of autism, afflicting over one million American children in the last five years and more in England, Australia and Canada that we know of.  In California, one out of every 125 children are being born autistic.  Vaccines have been largely blamed for this increase, however the problem begins even before birth.   Continue reading “The Magical Power of Fermented Foods”

New York Daily News – by John Marzulli

It’s already been a very expensive year.

The $40 million Central Park Five settlement would boost 2014 city payouts in police misconduct and civil rights suits past last year’s total. And there’s still six months to go.

The legal tab, if the Central Park deal is approved, would hit $101 million this year, compared to $96.3 million for all of 2013, according to figures provided to the Daily News from City Controller Scott Stringer’s office.   Continue reading “With $40M Central Park Five deal, city’s payouts in NYPD, civil rights suits are higher than last year”

MonsantoVT-smGlobal Research – by Joachim Hagopian

The world’s most powerful chemical manufacturer, Monsanto, and the powerful food and agri-industries have had their way in America for many decades. Through the power of lobbyists pouring money into the hands of corrupt lawmakers, US presidents, and federal agencies like the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), until just recently they have successfully squelched any grassroots movements made by the American people concerned about the food they eat and its effect on their physical health.   Continue reading “Vermont and the People are “Fighting Monsanto” for their Lives and For Now “They are Winning””

Intellihub – by John Vibes

IRAQ (INTELLIHUB) — Despite the fact that Obama claimed to end the war in Iraq several years ago, battles continue to rage on throughout the country.  The area is still ravaged with war, running water and electricity are still rare commodities and in many major cities the air still smells of gas and chemicals.

On a regular, almost daily basis, news reports have come from Iraq about mass killings, car bombs and other atrocities committed by the random groups of terrorists who have taken over the country.  After years of lying to the American people about the conditions in Iraq, western politicians are now seeking to call attention to the region’s violence, and using that as a pretense for another invasion.   Continue reading “John McCain Photographed With ISIS Terrorists Last Year”

Testosterone Pit – by Don Quijones

Quietly, subtly, almost imperceptibly, the rules governing global trade and financial markets are changing. It is not happening by accident, but by wilful design. Despite the enormous impact it will have on all our lives, the public is not being consulted on any aspects of the process. Most people are not even aware it is happening.

The main driver of this change are the bilateral and multilateral trade and investment treaties being negotiated in complete secrecy and behind closed doors between corporate lobbyists, free trade activists and our own elected “representatives” (a term I use in the loosest possible sense, especially given the context). The ultimate goal of these treaties is to reconfigure the legal apparatus and superstructures that govern national, regional and global trade and business – for the primary, if not exclusive, benefit of the world’s largest multinational corporations.   Continue reading “The Global Corporatocracy Is Nearing Completion”

chocolate dripping 263x164 Yet More Evidence Chocolate Could Help with Weight LossNatural Society – by Elizabeth Renter

It seems to be one of the first foods someone swears off when they embark on a weight loss program, but mounting evidence points to chocolate as an ally rather than a villain in the journey for healthy weight loss. The latest study comes from the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, where researcher indicate not only could dark chocolate aid in stopping weight gain, but it can prevent type 2 diabetes as well.

This isn’t the heavily sweetened and diluted-down milk chocolate found in most candies, but rather dark chocolate, rich in flavanols and all of the benefits which is connected to these powerful antioxidants.   Continue reading “Yet More Evidence Chocolate Could Help with Weight Loss”

Nunez Report

Britain’s Ministry of Defence said this week it had scrambled Typhoon fighter jets after four separate groups of aircraft were detected in international airspace near the Baltics by NATO air defenses. The British jets intercepted seven Russian military aircraft that, as Reuters reportsdid not file a flight plan and did not use their transponders, making them invisible to civilian air traffic control and a safety hazard to commercial air traffic. “The Russian aircraft were monitored by the RAF Typhoons and escorted on their way,” noted the ministry. This follows an event last Thursday when Latvia said NATO fighters had scrambled a record four times after a total of 16 Russian military planes were spotted close to the country’s air space.   Continue reading “The British jets intercepted seven Russian military aircraft”

rt_migrants_bestia_630x420_121205Pat Dollard

Excerpted from WEEKLY STANDARD: The White House is now using the phrase “unlawful migration” instead of the more commonly heard phrase “illegal immigration.” The new term is used in a readout of a phone call President Obama had yesterday with President Peña Nieto of Mexico.

“This afternoon President Obama spoke by phone with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto to discuss a regional strategy to address the influx of unaccompanied children coming from Central America, through Mexico, to the U.S.-Mexico border. The President noted that Vice President Biden will attend a regional meeting in Guatemala on Friday, June 20, to discuss the urgent humanitarian issue, and welcomed the opportunity to work in close cooperation with Mexico to develop concrete proposals to address the root causes of unlawful migration from Central America. He also discussed the United States and Mexico’s shared responsibility for promoting security in both countries and in the region,” the readout states.   Continue reading “INSANITY: Obama Regime No Longer Using The Phrase ‘Illegal Immigration, Replaces It With ‘Unlawful Migration’”