NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Thirty-two teens “overwhelmed” their minders and escaped from a juvenile detention center by crawling under a weak spot in a fence, a state government spokesman said. Hours later Tuesday, eight were still on the run.

Police caught up with some walking along roads or coming out of the woods. Some turned themselves in. And some were swiftly delivered back to the detention center by their own families, concerned about what other trouble they might face on the outside.   Continue reading “32 teens escape from Nashville detention center”

CNBC – by Javier E. David

Home Depot may be the latest retailer to have suffered a massive credit card breach, the company confirmed on Tuesday, after a website reported that a large cache of stolen data had appeared on black market sites.

According to information first reported by Krebs on Security, the breach may have extended as far back as the spring of this year. If so, the fallout may end up being far larger than Target‘s incident late last year, when information pertaining to tens of millions of customers was compromised. Continue reading “Hackers may have stolen credit data from Home Depot”

Guatemala Gang NightmareCNS News – by Melanie Hunter, June 6, 2014

The State Department’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs has announced a $2.5 million grant for juvenile justice reform and pre-trial detention in Guatemala, El Salvador and Panama.

“Corrections systems in these countries suffer from acute overcrowding and inefficiencies which contribute to poor conditions and, at worst, active criminal recruiting and leadership of criminal activities from within prisons,” the grant announcement said.   Continue reading “Flashback: Feds to Spend $2.5M for Juvenile Justice Reform — in Central America”

Immigration Protest White HouseCNS News – by JOSH LEDERMAN AND ERICA WERNER

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama’s possible delay in taking action on immigration has thrown advocates and lawmakers from both parties a curveball, barely two months before the midterm elections.

Democrats who were bracing for the impact that Obama’s long-awaited announcement would have on their campaigns are now rethinking aspects of their strategy for the fall. Republicans who were considering legislative attempts to block Obama must reconsider whether that’s the best use of the few remaining work weeks before Election Day.   Continue reading “Obama’s delay on immigration creates uncertainty”

Vice President Joe Biden and Chinese Vice President Li YuanchaoCNS News – by Terence P. Jeffrey

For the first time in the nation’s history, foreign interests now own more than $6 trillion in U.S. government debt, according to the most recent Treasury Department report on major foreign holders of the debt, which includes the numbers through the end of June.

As of the end of June, foreign owners held $6,013,200,000,000 in U.S. Treasury securities, up from $5,976,500,000,000 as of the end of May.   Continue reading “Foreign Ownership of U.S. Government Debt Passes $6 Trillion”

PHOTO: Steven Sotloff, shown here in his profile picture for The Daily Caller.USA Today

The terror group Islamic State has released a video apparently depicting the beheading of American journalist Steven Sotloff.

Sotloff, kneeling, says he is “paying the price” for the U.S. intervention in Iraq with his life.

“You’ve spent billions of U.S. tax payers dollars and we’ve lost thousands of our troops in our previous fighting against the Islamic State,” Sotfloff says. “So where is the people’s interest in reigniting this war?”   Continue reading “Islamic State releases video depicting another beheading”

dead-sea-lions.jpgAll News Pipeline – by Susan Duclos

The mainstream media is great at pointing readers in the direction they want them to go, reporting what they want people to focus on and downplaying, hiding, burying the information they don’t want you to know, or to rephrase, information they are being told to bury….. so many might not know that along the U.S. West Coast, thousands upon thousands of mammals, including whales, dolphins, sea lions, birds are washing up along the shore, many dead, suffering from “violent seizures.”     Continue reading “West Coast Disaster, What The MSM Isn’t Telling You”

Guns Save Lives – by Dan Cannon

Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis of Maryland didn’t mince words when describing his support of the Second Amendment and what gun rights mean to him.

Here are some of the sheriff’s comments,

“I made a vow and a commitment,” Lewis said. “As long as I am sheriff of this county, I will not allow the federal government to come in here and strip my citizens of the right to bear arms.” Continue reading “Maryland Sheriff Says If Feds Tried to Take Citizens Guns It Would be All Out Civil War”

Huffington Post – by Jack Sommers

Police and immigration officials swooped on London’s homeless hotspots this morning in a clamp down on rough sleepers and beggars.

Officers descended on popular sleeping points, including Marble Arch, at around 4am this morning in a joint operation with the UK Border Agency to target those in the country illegally.   Continue reading “Mass Eviction Of London Homeless As Police Swoop In Anti-Begging Operation”

NC Renegade – by David

August has been a very busy month for illegal alien child rapers in NC.

78 confirmed and probable illegal aliens representing 418 charges of rape against NC children, in one month! All of these individuals have a court date scheduled for, or were arrested for, child rape in August.

Continue reading “418 child rapes in North Carolina by illegal aliens in August”

Washington’s Blog – by Eric Zuesse

America’s Aristocrats Declare Victory Against the Public; They War Now Mainly Against One-Another

On August 31st, the Republican political site Politico bannered “Wall Street Republicans’ Dark Secret: Hillary Clinton 2016,” and Ben White and Maggie Haberman delivered a blockbuster report about the big-money Republican donors they had talked to, who confided (not for specific attribution, though) that they might finance Hillary Clinton to become President, if Jeb Bush announces after November’s mid-terms that he won’t run for the Republican Presidential nomination. Ms. Clinton is so appealing to Republican aristocrats, many of them will back her if Republicans won’t nominate Bush.   Continue reading “Republican Bigs Consider Donating to Hillary Clinton”

SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

As the potential for a globally destabilizing event becomes ever more probable, many concerned Americans are starting to wonder where they’d go if the worst were to happen.

To help answer that question, we can start by identifying the areas of the country to avoid.

The following map of the United States takes into account all of the gun related deaths since the Sandy Hook school shooting. You’ll likely notice that there is one common denominator. The majority of the violence has occurred in major metropolitan areas, with some incidents spreading into outlying ex-urban and rural areas. As of this writing 2,244 people have been killed since December of 2012.   Continue reading “America’s Death Zones: Where NOT To Be When It Hits the Fan”

ak47The Real Revo – by R.D. Walker

Barack Obama is, by far, the greatest gun salesman in human history. It is hard to believe he doesn’t work on commission.

Thirty-six hours after the Obama administration banned importation of the classic brand of AK-47 assault rifles as part of sanctions against Russia, a Maryland dealer specializing in the weapon took stock of its inventory. Continue reading “The world’s greatest gun salesman spikes sales again…”

big_electronicsSurvivopedia – by CARMELA TYRELL

Even though we’ve all seen the effects of solar flares and their ability to knock out electricity and communications, some do not believe that an EMP attack will lead to social collapse. But it will…

As someone that loves to tinker with electronic devices, I am a firm believer in the potential for both natural (odds have increased substantially in the last few months because Earth’s magnetic field is weakening faster than expected) and human-made EMP attacks.   Continue reading “The Old-School Forgotten Art To EMP-Proof Electronics”

DeSmog Blog

On the Friday before Labor Day — in the form of an age-old “Friday News Dump“ — the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) handed a permitto Enbridge, the tar sands-carrying corporate pipeline giant, to open a tar sands-by-rail facility in Flanagan, early-2016.

With the capacity to accept 140,000 barrels of tar sands product per day, the company’s rail facility serves as another step in the direction towards Enbridge’s quiet creation of a “Keystone XL Clone.” That is, like TransCanada’s Keystone Pipeline System sets out to do, sending Alberta’s tar sands all the way down to the Gulf of Mexico’s refinery row — and perhaps to the global export market.   Continue reading “FERC Hands Enbridge Permit for Tar Sands by Rail Facility”

Tod Robert Edwards Obituary

PennLive – by John Luciew

A 51-year-old Camp Hill man, described as a summer resident of the upstate island region of New York, has been identified as the victim of a weekend DUI accident that took his life, according to New York media reports.

Stations 7News and Fox28 are reporting that Tod Edwards of Camp Hill, was operating a utility task vehicle (UTV) on Grindstone Island over the weekend when it was struck by a pickup truck driven by Shannon McEwen, 38, of Kingston, Ontario.   Continue reading “Another banker pushing up daisies”

Indian Country

Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside is known as one of the poorest areas of one of British Columbia’s best-known cities, its reputation one of forgotten souls. But a pile of sockeye salmon changed all that on Saturday August 23, when a First Nations fisherman donated 500 of the fish to organizations and a homeless encampment in the downtrodden neighborhood.

“It’s been a long time for a lot of those people to have salmon in East Vancouver and a lot of those people are First Nations,” said Joshua Duncan, a commercial fisherman with R.A. Roberts Fishing Ltd. in Campbell River, to The Province. “I was doing this as a gesture to people who really would like and appreciate the fish, and are trying to make a stand for themselves in their small part of the world.”   Continue reading “First Nations Fisherman Donates 500 Sockeye to Vancouver Homeless”

Indian Country – by Simon Moya-Smith

On Monday, a 5-year-old Native American boy was sent home on his first day of school and ordered to cut his hair short because it allegedly violated district policy, the boy’s mother said.

The child, Malachi Wilson, an enrolled citizen of the Navajo Nation, had been looking forward to his first day of kindergarten at F.J. Young Elementary in Seminole, Texas.

“After we had enrolled him he was excited. He was ready to go. Everyday it was—the question, ‘Mom, [am I] going to school?’” his mother, April Wilson, told CBS-affiliate Channel 7.   Continue reading “Navajo Kindergartner Sent Home from School, Ordered to Cut His Hair”