Commander of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), Gen. John Campbell, right, and ISAF Gen. Hans-Lothar Domrose attend a ceremony at the ISAF headquarters in Kabul, Afghanistan, Sunday, Dec. 28, 2014. (AP Photo/Massoud Hossaini)Common Dreams – by Deirdre Fulton

With little fanfare, the United States and NATO formally ended the longest war in U.S. history with a ceremony in Kabul, Afghanistan on Sunday, leaving observers to wonder what—if anything—was achieved.

Over 13 years, U.S.-led war in Afghanistan claimed the lives of about 3,500 foreign troops (at least 2,224 of them American soldiers) and an estimated 21,000 Afghan civilians; most experts agree that the country is as violent as ever and that the death toll will continue to rise. Many say the war is over in name only.   Continue reading “After 13 Years, US-Led Afghanistan War is Officially Over but Nightmare Goes On”

Number 8 –  Death is the number 1 killer in the world.

Number 7 –  Life is sexually transmitted.

Number 6 –  Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

Number 5 –  Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day.  Teach a person to use the Internet and they won’t bother you for weeks, months, maybe years.   Continue reading “Facts to remember as we grow older”

John Campbell, Delbert

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — The war in Afghanistan, fought for 13 bloody years and still raging, came to a formal end Sunday with a quiet flag-lowering ceremony in Kabul that marked the transition of the fighting from U.S.-led combat troops to the country’s own security forces.

In front of a small, hand-picked audience at the headquarters of the NATO mission, the green-and-white flag of the International Security Assistance Force was ceremonially rolled up and sheathed, and the flag of the new international mission called Resolute Support was hoisted.   Continue reading “US, NATO mark end of 13-year war in Afghanistan”

common coreThe Sleuth Journal – by Michael Snyder

The dumbing down of America is accelerating.  A massive federal takeover of education known as “Common Core” is attempting to impose nationwide academic standards on public schools throughout the entire country.  Thanks to the backing of billionaire Bill Gates, endless promotion by the U.S. Department of Education, and financial bribes to state governments by the Obama administration, 45 states and Washington, D.C. have already agreed to implement the full Common Core standards in their schools.  Unfortunately, these “standards” are doing to public education what Obamacare is doing to our health care system – absolutely ruining it.  Just look at how basic math instruction has changed.  Posted below is a comparison between the “old method” of subtraction and the “new method” of subtraction being taught in many of our schools.  When I first came across this on Facebook, I thought that it was a joke…   Continue reading “You Won’t Believe The Method That Common Core Is Using To Teach Our Kids Subtraction”

sheneque proctorNaturally Moi – by Tamala Perkins

A new petition has been circulating in response to a young woman who is now being called the “female Eric Garner.” The petition is demanding that the federal and state governments investigate the death of Sheneque Proctor. The 18 year old young woman died in police custody at Bessemer City Jail after she was arrested on November 1st.

According to Proctor’s relatives, she was at a hotel attending a party with friends when police arrested her for disorderly conduct.   Continue reading ““Female Eric Garner”: She Suffocated and Died In Police Custody”

messed upFellowship of the Minds – by DCG

Campus Reform: Student activists at California colleges are demanding children as young as kindergarten-age be taught consent education in order to curtail campus sexual assault.

According to a list of three demands from students at University of California, Berkeley; University of California, Santa Barbara; and San Diego State University, the state of California should teach sexual consent to K-12 students.   Continue reading “Student activists demand California teach sexual consent to kindergartners”

The car ferry Norman Atlantic burns in waters off Greece in this still image from video December 28, 2014. REUTERS-Skai TV via Reuters TVReuters – by RENEE MALTEZOU

Italian and Greek helicopter crews worked into the night to airlift passengers off a burning ferry adrift in the Adriatic Sea, battling darkness and bad weather that hampered rescue efforts by other ships throughout Sunday.

Helicopters were plucking passengers off the Italian-flagged Norman Atlantic and transferring them to a nearby vessel, after a dramatic day that began when a fire broke out on its lower deck in the early hours.   Continue reading “Ferry being towed to Italy with hundreds still awaiting airlift”

best-survival-gear-for-core-temperature-controlSurvival Sherpa – by Todd Walker

Mother Nature is always true to her nature. You can’t change her. She’s beautifully rugged, awe-inspiring, and occasionally deadly. Best be prepared when she tries to make your life miserable.

Like duct tape and WD-40 in my tool box, there aren’t many Core Temperature Control dilemmas my reusable emergency space blanket can’t fix. This may be the best 12 ounces you can add to your hunting, hiking, camping, fishing, and/or 72 hour emergency kit.   Continue reading “The Single Best Piece of Survival Gear for Emergency Core Temperature Control”

Washington Post – by Loveday Morris

The Iraqi army has been paying salaries to at least 50,000 soldiers who don’t exist, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said Sunday, an indication of the level of corruption that permeates an institution that the United States has spent billions equipping and arming.

A preliminary investigation into “ghost soldiers” — whose salaries are being drawn but who are not in military service — revealed the tens of thousands of false names on Defense Ministry rolls, Abadi told parliament Sunday. Follow-up investigations are expected to uncover “more and more,” he added.   Continue reading “Investigation finds 50,000 ‘ghost’ soldiers in Iraqi army, prime minister says”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

During a state-TV “interview” which many are dubbing pure fear-mongering propaganda ahead of Monday’s final ‘vote of confidence’, Greek Prime Minister Samaras unleashes his most assanine M.A.D. comments yet.   Continue reading “Greek Prime Minister: “It’s Best For The Country” To Do Away With Democracy”

South China Sea MilitaryBreitbart – by JOHN J. XENAKIS

This morning’s key headlines from

  • China debates banning Christmas celebrations
  • China’s missile tests may signal end of nuclear no-first-use policy

Continue reading “World View: China’s Missile Tests May Signal End Of Nuclear No-First-Use Policy”

Live today like there is no tomorrowExaminer – by Ken LaRive

Last month I went for my yearly exam at the Veteran’s Administration. Most men my age are carrying a full zip-lock bag of drugs to show the doctor. I carried my iPhone and a book to read while waiting. I’d say I’m pretty lucky at sixty-five.

We are hearing a lot these days about the lack of viable health service administered to our Veterans, from long waits for very needed operations, administering a wrong or unneeded drug, to being grossly underfunded. The following is my first hand experience…   Continue reading “Out-of-date health advice from the Veterans Administration”

harmNatural News – by L J Devon

In what’s being called the “biggest criminal case ever brought in the U.S. over contaminated medicine,” U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz is flabbergasted at the negligence of a Massachusetts-based pharmacy, whose employees are now being held responsible for the deaths of a large number of people since 2012.

According to Assistant U.S. Attorney Stuart Delery, the pharmacy’s employees showed ”not only a reckless disregard for federal health and safety regulations, but also an extreme and appalling disregard for human life.”   Continue reading “Pharmaceutical employees arrested after causing 64 deaths with drug tainted with fungal meningitis”

An unidentified man runs past a billboard with the picture of a mosquito biting a human face in Lagos, Nigeria, Sept. 12, 2003. (AP Photo/George Osodi, File)Epoch Times

GUECKEDOU, Guinea—West Africa’s fight to contain Ebola has hampered the campaign against malaria, a preventable and treatable disease that is claiming many thousands more lives than the dreaded virus.

In Gueckedou, near the village where Ebola first started killing people in Guinea’s tropical southern forests a year ago, doctors say they have had to stop pricking fingers to do blood tests for malaria.   Continue reading “Malaria Kills Thousands More Than Ebola in West Africa”

vegetableOnce you get started, listen to “Grow Your Own” for continuing info.

Natural News – by Jennifer Lilley

Creating a vegetable garden is not only about enjoying tasty foods in a convenient manner but about having access to foods that are safe for consumption. Considering all of the pesticides that are typically used in growing the many vegetables that are sold in markets, taking control by growing them from the safety of one’s own yard is the best bet for keeping health intact.   Continue reading “Want to cultivate a vegetable garden? Here are some tips to get started!”