Chinese World CurrencyEconomic Collapse – by Michael Snyder

The Chinese do not plan to live in a world dominated by the U.S. dollar for much longer.  Chinese leaders have been calling for the U.S. dollar to be replaced as the primary global reserve currency for a long time, but up until now they have never been very specific about what they would put in place of it.  Many have assumed that the Chinese simply wanted some new international currency to be created.  But what if that is not what the Chinese had in mind?  What if they have always wanted their own currency to become the single most dominant currency on the entire planet?  What you are about to see is rather startling, but it shouldn’t be a surprise.  When it comes to economics and finance, the Chinese have always been playing chess while the western world has been playing checkers.  Sadly, we have gotten to the point where checkmate is on the horizon.   Continue reading “China Has Announced Plans For A ‘World Currency’”

U.S. army instructorsSputnik

The US previously announced that they were planning on sending at least 300 military personnel to train Ukrainian soldiers. The American personnel will be stationed at the Yavoriv International Peacekeeping and Security Center (IPSC).

The 300 US Army military personnel deployed to Ukraine to conduct a joint training mission with the Ukrainian army at a peacekeeping center near Lviv from March 5 until October 21 have already arrived, Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs representative Aleksandr Lukashevich announced on Thursday.   Continue reading “Boots on the Ground: US Military Instructors Arrive in Ukraine”

Screen Shot 2015-03-04 at 2.20.04 PMLiberty Blitzkrieg – by Michael Krieger

In 2002, Benjamin Netanyahu already harbored some extremely strong convictions on how to deal with both Iran and Iraq. Back then, his opinions on how to handle the particular challenges each presented were quite divergent. On the one hand, he suggested beaming “reruns of Melrose Place” into Tehran, as a way of inspiring a popular uprising. In contrast, he suggested such an approach could never work in Iraq, and instead advocated for his preferred solution: violence.   Continue reading “Benjamin Netanyahu in 2002 – “If You Take Out Saddam, I Guarantee, It Will Have Enormous Positive Reverberations on the Region””

Charlesten Voice – By Ray McGovern

While lesser Americans face years in jail for leaking secrets – even to inform fellow citizens of government abuses – retired Gen. David Petraeus gets a misdemeanor wrist-slap for exposing covert officers and lying about it, says ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern, who was jailed just for trying to ask Petraeus a question.

The leniency shown former CIA Director (and retired General) David Petraeus by the Justice Department in sparing him prison time for the serious crimes that he has committed puts him in the same preferential, immune-from-incarceration category as those running the financial institutions of Wall Street, where, incidentally, Petraeus now makes millions. By contrast, “lesser” folks – and particularly the brave men and women who disclose government crimes – get to serve time, even decades, in jail.   Continue reading “Being a CFR Member Makes Gen. Petraeus: Too Big to Jail”

Freedom Outpost

Last month, the American people who are fed up with the corruption in Washington, DC began a campaign to put DC politicians on notice of possible criminal indictment. As part of the process, which is a legal one, American citizens informed their representatives and senators of the AmericaAgain! Good Guys campaign and invited them to join with us and stop being involved in the corruption of Washington and do what they were sent to do: Represent the people. Last month, the people targeted five representatives. This month, six were targeted.   Continue reading “Round 2: Sen. Lindsey Graham and other DC Politicians Put on Notice of Possible Criminal Indictment”

The New Resister – by M. O. Warren

Black helicopters. Secret cabals of hidden influence. A massive “New World Order Conspiracy” whose tentacles reach into every facet of our lives–its minions just waiting for the hidden World Government’s orders to tattoo “666” bar codes onto our foreheads. It just doesn’t exist. No matter how much the NWO conspiracy believers want it to exist, it just doesn’t.   Continue reading “The Conspiracy of Philosophy”


Because since the first day after the moment of the crash of the Malaysian “Boeing” I adhere to the version where the airplane was shot down by the Ukrainian SU-25 attack jet, I simply cannot refrain from publishing a new investigation, which summarizes the arguments on this topic.
Continue reading “How the Malaysian “Boeing” was shot down”

-93c98f91e6626603Progressives Today

How can we get it through their thick skulls that they need to register their guns?” Asks Katie, from North Bend , Oregon, during a Brady Campaign conference call that focused on gun control legislation in the state. “I’m a thousand percent supporter of gun registry, but what I have a feeling is that the paranoid people who are against it, they always seem to have something to hide, and that perhaps that is why they don’t want to register their guns… How can we get it across to the paranoid group to please register their guns? How can we get it through their thick skulls that they need to register their guns?”   Continue reading “What They Say During A Brady Campaign Conference Call…”

10409559_829245750451950_5958321062493499226_nProgressives Today

The wackjobs were back at it again at PSU, where the Northwest Regional Animal Liberation Forum took place on Feb. 7th.

Among the sponsoring groups were Student Animal Liberation Coalition, Portland Vegans Of Color, Resistance Ecology, Portland Animal Liberation, No New Animal Lab, Cascadia Animal Rights Alliance, Civil Liberties Defense Center, Portland Animal Welfare Advocates, Vancouver Animal Defense League, Free The Oregon Zoo Elephants, and Wildlife Defense League.   Continue reading “Animal Liberation Forum Held At Portland State University”

APSent to us by GrayRider

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

On February 27 the West Virginia senate passed a bill to eliminate the need for obtaining a permit to to carry a concealed handgun, citing the 2nd Amendment as reason enough to exercise an “inherent right.”

Five other states–Alaska, Arizona, Montana, Vermont, and Wyoming–already recognize the 2nd Amendment as sufficient justification for carrying concealed. And on February 13, Breitbart News reported that the New Hampshire senate voted to rescind their requirement for a permit for concealed carry.   Continue reading “West Virginia Senate: The 2nd Amendment Is A Concealed Carry Permit”

A photo taken by a Helsingin Sanomat reader shows an aerial re-fuelling aircraft of the United States Air Force passing through Helsinki Airport on Monday.Helsinki Times

An aerial re-fuelling aircraft of the United States Air Force was sighted passing through Helsinki Airport on Monday. The aircraft has since continued its journey.

Previously, Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker aircraft have been sighted in Finland during aerial re-fuelling exercises. At present, however, no exercises in which Finnish pilots train alongside American military aircraft are under-way, a spokesperson at the Finnish Air Forces told Helsingin Sanomat.   Continue reading “Air Force: American aircraft sighted at Helsinki Airport was transporting people”

NBC Philadelphia – by David Chang

Philadelphia Police are in mourning after the loss of one of their own.

Philadelphia Police Officer Robert Wilson III, an 8-year veteran with the 22nd District, died from his injuries after he was shot during a robbery inside a North Philadelphia GameStop.

“Take a moment and say a prayer for this family,” said Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey. “And the boy who will now grow up without a father.”   Continue reading “Police Officer Shot, Killed During Robbery Inside North Philly GameStop”


Harrison Ford was piloting a private airplane that crash-landed today at Penmar golf course in Venice, California.

According to TMZ, the Star Wars and Indiana Jones icon was piloting what appears to be a vintage 2-seater fighter plane when it made an emergency landing. He was the only person aboard the plane.   Continue reading “Harrison Ford involved in plane crash”

Orange County, CA Craigslist

GTS (Glacier Technology Solutions LLC) – We are military contractors working directly with the US Marine Corps assisting them with their immersive simulation training program.

Currently, we are looking for role players of Ukrainian and/or Russian ethnicity and language skills. Need MEN ranging 18-65 years of age.

This is temporary, part time, on-call work based on need and availability.   Continue reading “Ukrainian/Russian Men Needed $19/Hr (Oceanside, CA)”